Plant for bees scheme
By scottish
I came across a web site running a scheme to plant for bees. They are offering free plants and seeds to encourage bees into our garden.
Here is a link to the website if anyone is interested.
The form is easy to complete and you give them details on the growing conditions in your garden and they select plants that are suitable.
Here is the list of the plants/seeds I am to receive in due course. (Copied from the email I received).
Achillea X 2
Phlox X 2
Asters X 2
Rudbeckia X 2
Salvia X 2
Echinops X 2
Echium X 2
Seeds one pack per plant sending out about Mid February for sowing in March
Liatris Spicata,
Verbena Bonariensis
Sedum spectabile
7 Jan, 2014
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Oooh! Thanks Angie! :)
7 Jan, 2014
Have some of these already. Will put a label by them
with B on, so I remember to watch them.
8 Jan, 2014
I filled in the form. Free plants and seeds are going to be very helpful in the coming months! Thanks again Angie!
8 Jan, 2014
Just filled it in - thanks again.
8 Jan, 2014
thank you :-)
8 Jan, 2014
Watch out its a (free !) money making scheme.
I joined, then deleted it. Dont want a lot of Facebook
contacts. Prefer Goy people I already know.
8 Jan, 2014
How does it work then, what's the catch?
8 Jan, 2014
Please expand Dianebulley?
All you are asked to do is fill in the form and they tell you you will get an email in return. Which is what I received.
Yes, the scheme is being run by another gardening site but you are under no obligation to join or sign up for anything.
Since I signed up just over a week ago - I have received no soliciting emails, have not parted with any money and nor have I been bombarded with spam emails.
If you bothered to take the time to read about the scheme - you will have read that they are attempting to grow bee friendly plants in 10,000 gardens across Europe - which 4,800 have already taken up the offer.
It's way too expensive to carry out research over such a wide area and offering food for the bees in order to strengthen the population as a compromise.
8 Jan, 2014
I also want to say that throw away comments like that do nobody any favours - you have made me feel rather awkward now, thank you!
8 Jan, 2014
Thanks so much for sharing this offer, Scottish - I filled out the form and have received an e-mail listing many seeds and some perennial bare rooted plants which will be dispatched.
Regarding the comment from Diane saying it's a money-making scheme, I hope she will read the following (from my email):
In addition to the assistance you will receive in connection to the Plants for Bees scheme we would like to offer you the chance to become a full MyGarden Team Member at a 50 per cent discount over the published price of £79 per year. This is not part of the Plants for Bees scheme but if you are a keen gardener or just starting out as a gardener its a great service which provides you with your own gardening expert on the GardenAdvice staff to provide you with advice on your garden and gardening projects by email, phone and garden visit. Plus loads of other benefits such as free lawn care, and plants through the MyGarden Team plant swap facility. For further details visit this link
If you wish to benefit from this offer sign up for the free MyGardenTeam trial at the link above using the code "plantsforbees" and we will contact you to explain how the service works.
As a member of the RHS, and, obviously a GoY member, I do not feel the need to enrol on another gardening forum! However, if this were not the case, I may have enrolled, but certainly do not feel under any pressure to do so.
One thing I do hope for, that's many more Bees in my garden this Summer!
End of sermon ... lol!
8 Jan, 2014
Your welcome Shirley. I received the same information in my email, which was why I said there was no obligation to sign up. You never know someone might find the benefits of the site useful.
My aim was not to highlight the site, merely of the scheme.
They are doing no different that most online shopping sites do.
8 Jan, 2014
Correct ... there will be a lot of seed sowing to be done ... but the anticipated Bees will make it worthwhile!
8 Jan, 2014
I think Diane's comment was kindly meant though, even if she was evidently mistaken. I'm looking forward to seeing what I'm offered!
8 Jan, 2014
That's good ! We should do more to encourage the bees. I'll have a look at the link :o)
10 Jan, 2014
Yes Scottish, please don't feel's a good offer!
10 Jan, 2014
I've received my list - lots of things I haven't got and want, which is great. I couldn't believe how much they were offering, and they don't appear even to be asking for carriage.
10 Jan, 2014
11 Jan, 2014
Thanks everyone - I was quite surprised not to have to pay P&P too Stera. Obviously which ever organisation is organising the scheme has that covered.
12 Jan, 2014
Thanks for sharing this Scottish :)
14 Jan, 2014
You're welcome Gg :)
14 Jan, 2014
Really enjoyed your blog Scottish ....and many thanks for the link its a great idea gets a BIG thumbs up from me! Ive GOY nominated it and added to me favorites :)
26 Jan, 2014
Very popular blog, Scottish!
Well done you.
Went to MY faves for future plant references even though I didn't join the scheme.
Seems like everyone's happy...well almost. Lol.
26 Jan, 2014
Hope I am not too late for this, just the job, thanks Scottish.
26 Jan, 2014
Glad you enjoyed Beehappy :)
Mouldy - I've quite a few of the plants listed anyway - I'm sure some of these can find their way westward ;)
DD2 - I'm sure your not too late. I know that Tim (the coordinator) hasn't yet sorted out the bare root plants as it's too wet yet!
26 Jan, 2014
Have just set it up (using my Facebook page) just waiting for the email, so fingers crossed.......will be so chuffed, and a big thanks for this Scottish....
26 Jan, 2014
Hi all im also going to sign up and like Scottish have quite a few of these plants too so would be very happy to share if needed. I had a plethora of Verbena Bonariensis seedlings last year so if the same happens im happy to send on to anyone whos in need friends tease me and say my mission in life is to "spread Gods Garden" Its just anything to help the bees and butterflys to dine :)
26 Jan, 2014
Which reminds you still want a 'Fire & Ice' dahlia?
Now, lets see...I 've got phlox, aster, rudbeckia, cornflower, lavender, geranium, plus the plants you sent me last year and a mountain of sweetpea and nasturtium seeds I collected (See, I did listen. Lol).
I reckon I've got enough for now to utilise across all three backcourts, although I'm grateful for the kind offer.
At the moment I can barely move in the flat with all the seeds I've been chucking into modules and this is only January! Lol.
I'll have to do a blog soon.
Who shouted "BOO!"?
At least this year I have a head start.
I just hope my spring bulbs decide to grace the garden with their presence. Lol.
26 Jan, 2014
Dont we all Mouldy.....
28 Jan, 2014
My first spring flowers, as a gardener.
I can't wait.
Success or failure, I ll learn something new.
29 Jan, 2014
Nothing like it Mouldy - any signs of anything yet? We have a few snowdrops and a hellebore so far.
How are you coping with all your seed modules in your flat - have you got big windows?
29 Jan, 2014
Scottish I have signed up, just waiting for an email to tell me what plants/seeds to expect, did you have to wait long, I had the confirmation email quite quickly...
29 Jan, 2014
Just one 'Queen of the Night', so far, Stera, but I live in hope. Lol.
The windows are, in fact, quite large and the ledges are huge, luckily.
30 Jan, 2014
:)) Great to have big windowsills. We're a bit short of them here, windows rather small and sitting room faces North, so no seed raising in the house. (And the cat would probably sit on the trays if we had any...)Thank goodness for the conservatory anyway.
30 Jan, 2014
This year, as I run out of room in my flat, I intend utilising the neighbours' sills.
They just don't know it yet! ;-)
31 Jan, 2014
Bravo that man!!
31 Jan, 2014
I'm not sure they'll agree, Stera...about the 'bravo', I mean. Lol.
1 Feb, 2014
Tough cooky.
1 Feb, 2014
My sentiments, too.
They can put up with a few seedlings, as the result is a garden they're happy to sit in all day, all summer long, weather permitting. ;-)
3 Feb, 2014
All we need now is that sitting out summer...
3 Feb, 2014
I put an order in for one about mid December, so dust off your lounger about mid-March.
That's if you can find any time, during the planting! Lol.
4 Feb, 2014
Wondering what was happening about this I emailed them today as having heard nothing. I was wondering if it was a scam after all. But they were unable to lift their plants in time because of the wet weather and are planning to send them in the autumn instead. They are sending the seeds very soon (if they have your address!)
28 Mar, 2014
Was going to do an email this weekend Stera, I had a feeling that the weather had been the reason for the delay. Thanks you've saved me the bother.
28 Mar, 2014
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Interesting - might give it a try! thank you.
7 Jan, 2014