I asked for rain....
By seaburngirl
Like most of the country I have been asking for rain to ease the burden of watering everything every day.
Well today I got my wish. Lovely rain, cool, clean and refreshing rain.
When I got home after a thunderstorm my girls were laughing as I walked in. They ushered me into the back garden.
This is run off from the side drive from the old peoples home. Luckily non of the plants got washed away but the hailstones are 2" deep.
Poor busy lizzie!
Yet some areas of the garden are just wet.
Like the front bed next to the drive.
Moral : be careful what you wish for.
26 May, 2011
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Next post: Border 10 weeks on.
Wow, hailstones. What will we get next. Lovely photos at the end Sbg
26 May, 2011
Wouldn`t have liked being caught in that lot Sbg.The poor plants don`t know whats hit them here, scortching hot, lashing rain and now really high winds all in a month.
26 May, 2011
I hear that they had hail at Chelsea today! We have just got heavy rain and we have had quite enough, thank you.
26 May, 2011
We haven't really had any rain - but if it brings hailstones with it, you can keep it, Sbg! Dear me. :-O
26 May, 2011
lots of rain here today,and heavy,but no Hailstones,thank goodness..
26 May, 2011
it is still raining but at least the winds have dropped. for now!
the garden is looking so much perkier though.
26 May, 2011
OMG seaburngirl, we had hailstone mixed in with the rain yesterday but nothing like you have had.. hope your plants have shrugged it off..
26 May, 2011
In 1976 (many many moons ago) lol we had SNOW in June, (it put cricket matches off) can anyone remember that one, it didn't rain until St.Swithins day, Prince Charles did a rain dance and then it poured down and our river flooded and we had miles of detouring to do to get to anywhere because we could not get over the bridge in Gainsborough for water everywhere. Hope it doesn't do that this year.
27 May, 2011
Olive yes I remember 1976 as being the hottest, driest ever summer, but I dont remember the snow in June, have forgotten that part. I remember them saying that year 'save water, bath with a friend' !!! LOL, that saying has stuck with me and often makes us laugh. Great pictures there Sbg. crazy season eh?
27 May, 2011
yes i remember snow on the first of june. i was 17 at the time.
27 May, 2011
Young whipper snapper then Seaburngirl. lol. I was a good deal older than that, ah well, those were the days lol. wouldn't want to go back now.
27 May, 2011
I remember the snow in june--( I was 24 and married) I was just joking on Shirley tulips blog thats about all we didn't have this morning so 'too true Sbg.... becareful what you wish for....'
27 May, 2011
we need the rain... but dont like the look of your hailstones....lol... seems we are having April weather now, and had mays weather in April..... : O ))
27 May, 2011
Amazing to see these pics of hailstones at the end of May! I met my husband in 1976 and well remember the long, hot Summer when heathland was 'self-combusting' as one weatherman put it! Loved the heat then, not sure I could cope with it now though . . . .
28 May, 2011
We have had some rain here today for the first time in over two months!
I was talking to my brother & his wife in N.Ireland about 8pm & he told me they had had a heavy hailstorm over there which lasted about 15mins. while our wives were chatting over the phone!
30 May, 2011
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Gosh!!! that would hurt if one was out in it, the rain very welcome tho........
26 May, 2011