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wont be sorry to see the back of January!


Feeling sorry for myself. 2nd of Jan I went down with the flu and it was only really last weekend that I started to feel bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then this Monday I was putting plants in the car to take to a plant talk when I heard and felt a twang in my calf. Result I am now limping with a torn calf muscle. 2-4 weeks recovery apparently.

I am desperate to tidy the borders. The one directly under the front windows is in a very sorry state. We are having the flat roofs re-felted and scaffolding was needed. Now there is lots of bare soil intermingling with bulbs and day lilies in that bed. But guess where all the weight-bearing flat boards for the scaffolding are? Yep mainly on clumps of plants.
That went up on the 6th Jan but with the rain and storms we have had, the roofers still haven’t finished and they didn’t come yesterday when it was dry and sunny. I had hoped to get the scaffolding down by now but they may be another 2/3 weeks. The daffs that are under the boards will be really struggling now.

So I am one fed up bunny. Too cold and wet to go out on the motorbike too.

sorry for the whinge but if you cant moan to your friends who can you moan too? :o)

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I am so sorry about what has happened to you this month!
And of course you can have a moan, that's part of what we are here for.
And those builders!! I can't believe they put everything on top of your plants. I would have been out there insisting they move them.
I hope you recover soon. Things can only get better! x

31 Jan, 2025


One always feels better after getting something off one's chest.
I'm glad you're over the flu now and hope your torn muscle will mend soon too.
Shame about your plants, I wonder if they'd have given it some thought, they might have placed the weight bearing boards in between the plants, but I know builders etc are not plant people.
Personally I always tell handymen etc to be careful of the plants. They usually listen (but give me strange looks which I totally ignore )
With some luck, if they take the scaffolding away soon, your plants and bulbs will recover.

The lengthening days may give you a boost :)

31 Jan, 2025


Oh dear Eileen what bad luck ,the flu and a torn tendon..and on top of that the builders !!
Like Hywel I always ask them to respect the plants if they can but sometimes they are in a rush catching up.I do get odd looks though!
What a horrid start to 2025...I do hope your tendon heals fairly quickly so you can get back to the garden.

31 Jan, 2025


Oh Eileen, that's a rotten start to the year for you. As the song goes: 'Things can only get better!'

I hope things get sorted, sooner rather than later, for you.

31 Jan, 2025


I did point out the plants to avoid. they actually took out the wire plant supports so they didnt get damaged!
they have to have scaffolding poles at set distances which I get but.......
no roofers today either grrr.
but i did get taken out to lunch which was lovely.

your support means such a lot thank you so much.

31 Jan, 2025


So sorry to hear about your troubles, SBG! :( I hope you get over the torn muscle quickly!

We can all appreciate a moan from time to time &, as Hywel says, it helps a little to get it off your chest. Hoping February & the lengthening days will buck you up. The warmer weather is on its way, even if it doesn't much feel that way yet. Just try to keep your leg in a comfortable position to aid the healing.

31 Jan, 2025


Oh Eileen…I am the same. Feeling so sorry for myself. I’ve been ill for 6 of the last 8 weeks and here I am yet again…the Third virus of this winter, going into the second week of this one. Laid up and fully medicated yet again. How I wish Little Niamh didn’t go to Nursery sometimes! She brings a new bug home every month! Sometimes more! I hope your leg heals up well. Honestly! If it’s not one thing, it’s another! Spring will soon be here…….x

1 Feb, 2025


Well it’s Feb now & I hope things get better for you, especially your tendon. These things take time. As for the scaffolding, it always stays up far longer than you want. I hope the Daffs etc recover too, when they eventually see the light

1 Feb, 2025


Sorry to hear about about your injury and the frustration you feel about the scaffolding. It helps to share all these woes rather than keeping them all to yourself.

2 Feb, 2025


I am sending you a big hug and "get well soon wishes" SBG.
Life is not always good to us and its very frustrating and painful to go through those times. I am glad you are sharing this with us as it makes me feel better that I am not alone.

2 Feb, 2025


What a generous,kind comment Klahanie. x

2 Feb, 2025


Thank you for all your kind comments and support. It means a lot. I am pleased that my 'state' has helped others too.
The roofers have turned up today and think they will have it all finished by Wednesday. lets hope so. We have a beautiful crisp sunny day today.

3 Feb, 2025


Eileen, thank goodness they've turned up. Don't ply them with tea/coffee/biscuits or they'll never get done ... :o))

I was surprised to see a ground frost this morning, no sunshine yet but it's not raining which is a positive.

3 Feb, 2025


we've found that a cuppa and a biscuit pays off, the way they tidy up is spectacular. Its not their fault, the boss has several jobs on the go and moves the workforce around.
they hope they will finish today if not then tomorrow.

4 Feb, 2025


They sound like a good bunch of workmen.

4 Feb, 2025


and they finished yesterday, washed all my windows and facia as a thanks for the drinks etc.
just waiting for the scaffolders to take it all down.

5 Feb, 2025


That was good of them! :)

6 Feb, 2025


That was very efficient ... not sure workmen down here would be so good!

7 Feb, 2025

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