Can you get up at 5.30?
By seaburngirl
Wednesday night after tea this was the question asked by my OH. Yes of course why? was my response. OH proposed a trip to Norfolk to meet one of his mates, who up to now was a name of a ‘bloke I go riding with’. Well as I am not a cat what could curiosity do to me?
So yesterday we set off at 6am for a 3 3/4 hr journey, avoiding the major routes that the lorries use to enjoy the scenery of Lincolnshire across into Norfolk. I was amazed at the number of nurseries and gc we passed and I kept thinking ‘typical all these hidden treasures and I wont get to stop’. We got to his friend’s house at 9.30 but as we drove into Attleborough I noticed Peter Beales rose nursery. I commented on it to OH who just went mmmh.
Well I didn’t know where they were based though I have clearly heard of them as they won gold at Chelsea this year.
After a restorative cuppa OH and said friend suggested a drive out to the local antique centres. Imagine my joy when the first turn off the main road was into Beales.
We spent quite a while in there looking at fabulous roses and then I noticed they also had a perennial plants section. Well a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
I purchased a Brunnera ’Dawson’s White’ from the reduced plant section.
Then I noticed the bearded iris display. One in particular attracted my attention and OH said go for it then.
Walking around the roses OH spotted a beautifully stemmed one and in the slight sunshine it shone like rubies. Rosa omeiensis pteracantha to give it its full title.
He read the label and said yep that ‘ll do doesn’t mind woodland settings.
So back inside I asked about a rose my mum had back in the 70’s called Specks Yellow. Yes they still had it and I could order it for delivery as a bare root plant in November. They also gave me a free catalogue and said I could add another 4 plants for the one delivery charge.
Why do places do this? There are so many lovely roses and if you had asked me last week do you like roses? I’d have said not really, there are a few I like.
Let me tell you there are 100’s that I like.
I’d like a moss rose. Do any of you grow moss roses if so what would you recommend?
So I can get up at 5.30am and drive past wonderful looking gc and buy roses. Oh lordy where are they going to go?
30 May, 2014
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Oh wow that was a trip and a half, so pleased you got to pay Beales Roses a visit, lucky girl. :O)
30 May, 2014
Happy happy day.....and these mornings its light,
not sure I'd be so keen in december :0)
now how to choose....I remember dad having specs yellow with ena harkness and peace of course,......
30 May, 2014
First reaction to your question was NO WAY, but it was definitely worth - what a fantastic surprise!
Snoop I'm sure you didn't mean that...
30 May, 2014
I get up at 6 in the morning, but go to bed early.
30 May, 2014
Our favourite time to set out on trips south if not earlier Sbg. I like to drive south without having the sun in my eyes. You see so much more when the roads are not busy. We do tend to stick to motorways as most of our journeys are 400 + miles. The blackbirds around here start the dawn chorus at 4am, so get up all you lazy bones and enjoy the night life/early am life.
30 May, 2014
I'm usually up at 6 but with the youngest daughter being on half term I haven't been to work either, so a lie in til about 7am has been the norm this week.
I don't need to go back in Snoop I have their catalogue :o)
You are the only other person who remembers specks yellow Pamg. We got it from woolworths mid 70's along with a couple of others for my mums mother's day gift.
30 May, 2014
Getting up at 5.30am is enjoyable for me if the sun is shining but if dull and cold, I like to roll over for an hour.
I bought some lovely roses a couple of years ago online from Peter Beale's, great plants, it must have been so great to visit.
30 May, 2014
So glad to hear you got your just reward, Sbg!
Getting up at that time only happens when we are off on a trip. Son no.1 still teases us when he knows we're off somewhere - when the children were little, we left for our holidays in Scotland at 4am, which meant a 3am rise! It also meant sleeping child passengers, empty roads and an interesting visit/stop on the way. We still leave by six when we visit our daughter in Paisley (though I admit we have to have rather a long stop at Abington so as not to arrive unfashionably early!)
31 May, 2014
I wish I was like Dawn...I find it harder to get up earlier these days..must be my age! I had to laugh at Snoopdog again!! Steve, you never fail to give me a chuckle! I would love to visit Peter Beales. I have ordered from them online, and will do so again I'm sure, but to see all those roses ...wonderful. They always look so healthy in the GC! :))
31 May, 2014
It's staying up late I find hard, but they say you can't burn your candle at both ends.
31 May, 2014
Mine just doesn't burn any more! :)))
31 May, 2014
...not quite true as it turns blisters definitely burn! Up at 5am this morning!
1 Jun, 2014
What a wonderful day for you :) Worth travelling all that way for !
1 Jun, 2014
I had another early start yesterday as I went to London to see my daughter at Graduate Fashion Week as she was exhibiting her portfoilio as part of her final collection. results in 3 weeks time.
Then up again 6.30 today to sell plants at a local school's car boot sale. £50 for the local hospice so really pleased.
Need an early night as back at work tomorrow.
1 Jun, 2014
How exciting! Very best wishes for a good result :-)
You will be getting to be an expert on early rising! (and on selling plants...)
Sleep well!
2 Jun, 2014
slept well woke refreshed. went through my normal routine got to work to find everything locked up still. odd I thought. Checked my watch 6.45. building opens at 7!
3 Jun, 2014
How soon one can reset the body clock!!!
3 Jun, 2014
don't know but mybody clock has always been mucked around with. OH on shifts then young children to look after. then the kids get to late teens and you are awake listening for their safe return. had a sytem with the eldest; she'd text when in the taxi and again when outside the door. I'd go to bed and sleep and wake up 3am ish and if no text I'd start to worry and not sleep until I heard the key in the door.
4 Jun, 2014
I know the feeling. Those days are over now, but if Son no.1 is home I still listen if he's out. I have to remind myself that he's nearly 40 and I've no idea where he is most of the time!
4 Jun, 2014
Hi Sbg, sorry, I don't know how I managed to miss this, it is amazing what you see if you take the quieter roads, especially nurseries and garden centres :-) Derek.
11 Aug, 2014
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That was well worth getting up early for .See if OH has any more mates he wants to visit.
30 May, 2014