Vegetable Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs
We have found 765 vegetable seeds & bulbs from 5 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.29 to the most expensive at £21.50.
You can narrow your choice by - Alfalfa, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beet, Beetroot, Borage, Borecole, Broad Bean, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Calabrese, Cardoon, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chamomile, Chard, Chervil, Chicory, Chilli, Coriander, Corn Salad, Courgette, Cress, Cucumber, Dill, Endive, Fennel, Fenugreek, French Bean, Gherkin, Green Manure, Kale, Kohl, Leek, Lemon Grass, Lentil, Lettuce, Lovage, Marjoram, Marrow, Mint, Mixed, Mushroom, Mustard, Okra, Onion, Oregano, Pak Choi, Parsnip, Pea, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Radish, Rhubarb, Rocket, Rosemary, Runner Bean, Salad, Salsify, Scorzonera, Shallot, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring Onion, Squash, Swede, Sweetcorn, Swiss Chard, Tomato, Turnip, Watercress.
Showing 541 to 560 of 765 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
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Chilli Pepper F1 15 SeedsA great variety of chilli peppersChilli Pepper Apache F1: a medium hot, red Chilli. Great for the... |
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Carrot Flyaway F1 500 Seedsnatural sweet & British bredThis variety is a popular, naturally sweet, British bred carrot. |
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Dwarf French Bean Borlotto Suprema 50 SeedsReliable & traditional variety of beanA reliable, traditional variety of French Bean which is... |
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Leek Tornado 500 SeedsHigh yielding variety with long shanksIt is a very high yielding variety with long shanks with mi... |
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Mixed Salad Baby Leaf 500 Seedsgreat tasty mix salad leavesA great salad with a mix of different tasty salad leaves. |
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Peas Kelvedon Wonder 500 SeedsEver popular traditional variety of peasAn ever popular traditional variety of peas. It is a dwar... |
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Parsnip Gladiator F1 500 SeedsGreat all round performerThis is an outstanding, all round performer which has smooth quality ski... |
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Runner Beans Streamline 50 Seedsreliably heavy and vigorousRunner Bean Streamline is a reliably heavy and vigorous cropper, also ... |
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Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor 50 SeedsExcellent for freezingRunner Bean Scarlet Emperor is excellent for freezing and a heavy cropper, ... |
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Sweet Pepper F1 15 SeedsThree variety of Tasty sweet peppersSweet Pepper Mohawk F1: Naturally dwarf in habit, ideal for t... |
Onion Sets Early Crop RadarOur most popular over-wintered onion, producing superb pale-to-mid brown skinned onions from mid-... |
Onion Sets Senshyu YellowAn extremely popular Japanese over-wintering onion, reliably producing a heavy crop of semi-globe... |
Onion Sets TroyAn extremely productive, early-maturing hybrid onion with excellent tolerance to bolting, which w... |
Onion Sets Sturon (400g)A well known, flavoursome variety which produces round, straw-coloured, medium-sized onions just ... |
Courgette F1 One Ball SeedsA unique courgette, producing round-shaped, yellow-coloured fruits. Tennis ball-sized, with scrum... |
Courgette Midnight SeedsA compact courgette which is ideal for containers, bearing a prolific crop of tasty, glossy, dark... |
Cucumber F1 Byblos SeedsA first-class, early cropping cucumber which, because it self pollinates, will reliably produce a... |
Tomato Hundreds And Thousands SeedsThis vigorous, easy-to-grow heirloom variety is like no tomato you've ever seen before! Perfect f... |
Broccoli F1 Green Magic SeedsCut the smooth, tightly packed rich-green heads and the plants will then produce a good crop of l... |
Brussels Sprouts F1 Silverline SeedsHas gained consistent results for taste in independent commercial assessments. For picking from m... |
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