My favourite part of the garden right now :-)
By simbad
Thought I’d share with you my favourite part of the garden in February, please forgive the cow parsley the bane of my life in here, I will win the battle eventually, last year I went round with a round up gel stick to no avail then cut off all the heads as soon as they’d flowered those roots go so deep!!, digging up is not an option especially with all the snow drops, anyway here are a few pictures taken today :-)
The hellebores are lovely this year quite a few seedlings from my first ever plant are flowering :-)
Thought this one looked pretty with its pink and white backs to the flowers.
I love this one which I found at The Range last year.
First primroses flowering too :-)
Trouble is not much gardening’s getting done I have to keep going on a detour lol, 20 bags of manure to put on the borders and roses too, really must get a move on as soon I’ll have to split some of those snowdrops eeeek.
27 Feb, 2015
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Is this your wood ?Simbad, now I am really jealous. The Range can have some interesting plants, just bought Eranthis cilicia ( in the green) there today.
27 Feb, 2015
It looks fab Kathy, love it, youve done so well. Have you kept dividing the snowdrops or have they spread themselves too. I must move hellebore into my woodland too, good idea. Darn i was in the range last weekend and forgot to go ino the gardening section? You have daffs in flower too!
27 Feb, 2015
How wonderful to have a bit of woodland! I know what you mean about cow parsley, it gets everywhere but it doesn't show on your photos. What fantastic hellebores too, especially that delicate pink fringed white one.
27 Feb, 2015
You have a wonderful garden. I love how the snowdrops have naturalized.
28 Feb, 2015
Love that, Did you start the planting in the past or did you inherit it
28 Feb, 2015
Your garden is lovely - like an enchanted wood :o)
28 Feb, 2015
It looks wonderful love your Hellebours from range.
28 Feb, 2015
That is very lovely. I'm jealous in a way because my woods is all deep shade all the time. Real nice collection of hellebores.
28 Feb, 2015
Hi Daylily thank you :-) I'd wait till the end of March or early April to dig up your daylily, scrape off as much soil as you can I find a small garden fork is good then wash the roots in a bucket of water you should be able to see to get the grass out then, if the clumps really huge a good time to divide you can see where the fans are joined once the soils washed off and just cut with a knife between them, hope this helps :-)
It is Siris its only small honest lol , yes I've had some lovely plants too and their 5 for £10'clematis are great, hope your aconites multiply quickly, mine (from Amy) have started self seeding see picture 9 .
They do increase quickly Dawn I bought 500 in the green 3 or 4 years running now they 're multiplying I try to split a few clumps each year, most of the ones in the pictures were planted in 3's and 5's till I got bored lol.
Thanks Stera I didn't show the worst areas;-), I'm hoping that by buying a few different hellebores the bees will give me lots of interesting seedlings :-)
Thank you bathgate glad you like it :-)
I will try that Snoop let you know how it goes, sure your right as I did keep cutting them down near newly planted hellebore seedlings last year and that areas still clear.
Thankyou Home bird :-)
Its all my planting Bjs there were a few trees when we moved here, 14 years ago in May,but all the trees in the first five pictures were just little twigs, lots still to come in here hosta, ferns, epimediums,pulmonaria etc, one day I'll get round to doing a blog of when we built the house, we mislaid the photos but have just found them and been scanning them into the computer, a project for a rainy day:-)
28 Feb, 2015
Aaaawv thank you Hywel that's a lovely thing to say makes all the work worthwhile:-))
Thankyou 3d yes that was a good find a bargain too at £5!! :-)
Thank you Wylie, not much in here in summer once the leaves appear but then we have the daylilies :-))
28 Feb, 2015
Such a lovely area Simbad ... moi jealous? Yes, I am! :o)
28 Feb, 2015
I love your woodland garden in February Simbad. It looks very cheerful.
28 Feb, 2015
Many thanks Simbad I will do that :))
28 Feb, 2015
Thanks Kathy, I need to be patient for the snowdrops to seed then, I know what you mean, laborious job planting snowdrops in 3s. Good lick with the cow parsley, I can live with it for a while but hate the stuff when it goes over. So much to do here sigh, if you get a minute, can you come over and give me a hand. ;-) love seeing your garden :)
28 Feb, 2015
Thank you Shirley and Klahanie :-)
Your welcome Daylily :-)
I know the feeling Dawn and your garden is much bigger than mine!! I really don't know how you keep on top of it it always looks lovely. I go out thinking right it's this border today and always get distracted by something else that needs doing more,yesterday it was rose pruning till I put my secateurs down somewhere and spent half the afternoon trying to find them lol.
1 Mar, 2015
Simbad, OH put some bright red insulation tape around the handles of all my little tools, helps a lot to find them unless by mistake they fall in the pond, that took a year to refind!!!
1 Mar, 2015
Lol they're bright yellow Siris,the tools I ve lost in the garden, penknives are the worst when I'm splitting plants and i've never refound any of them !!
I lost a water lily in the pond, OH thought he'd lower it onto a ledge on a plank but it shot off the end into the depths thought that's the end of that but it miraculously did find its way to the surface the following year lol.
Think I need them on a bit of elastic lol.
1 Mar, 2015
Oh dear, it's not fool proof! Luckily the waterlily didn't drown.
2 Mar, 2015
Lol Kathy, I remember the water lily dropping to the depths of your pond and the railway sleeper sliding down the bank, lols. I go off on tangents too, get bored doing one job for too long. I've been gardening since Jan, in all weather but still not on top of everything, lawn edges tomorrow, first job and keeping on top of weeds before they go mad. The pond edges has been a pain, dead grass which I've had to rake.
4 Mar, 2015
That railway sleepers still in the same place Dawn so flipping heavy Rob can't shift it lol.
Me too, my green bins have been full since January and they're not starting to empty again till April!!! what goods that!, I've been shredding any thing that'll shred , then putting it on paths in the wood, not quite wood chippings but recycling lol.
The jobs are never ending aren't they I need to cut all the pond plant back.
5 Mar, 2015
Oh dear, I think the railway sleeper will be there forever now. That's bad about your green bins, our council only misses one collection per year around new year although I've heard they are going to start charging for the bins in future and if you dont pay, they will take them back. I have a shredder but its not that great, keeps clogging up and only takes thinnish branches, its quite laborious and takes ages. Glad yours is a hit. I agree, the jobs are never ending.
8 Mar, 2015
Oh lucky you, they stopped here think it was early November, I have two bins one free and we pay £25 a year for the other,well worth it well it would be if they collected at the busiest time now !!,then I have three of the black ones too.
Yes my shredder clogs up too I mainly use it for all the huge perennials hollyhock etc have to have my hoody on though bits fly everywhere and itch like mad lol.
8 Mar, 2015
Sounds like you need goggles on too. I never thought about shredding perennials, good idea. Damn council, they are obviously not gardeners.
8 Mar, 2015
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Hi Simbad lovely photos and woodland, was thinking of messaging you because my 'bela' is a big clump of couch grass at the moment, do you think it will survive digging up and trying to split the grass from it, any tips? :/ hope you don't mind me asking :)
27 Feb, 2015