Sorry I've not been around for so long !
By simbad
Hi everyone hope you’re all ok , sorry I haven’t been around for so long a few things been going on here but getting back to normal now.
Here are a few pictures of new additions to my garden and of plants sent to me by lovely friends on here :-)
Siris’s iriis
So excited when this opened grown from seed by Siris such a lovely colour!
‘Prince Charming’ the first flower opened ion this on the day of the royal wedding and it perfectly matches rose ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ which it’s growing in front of :-)
’Proud Tradition ’ I think ?
Gnarleygnomes daylilies that are gorgeous this year !
‘Planet Max’
’All I Want For Christmas ’
The lovely rose New Dawn sent to me by Dawn :-)
And a few new additions to the garden :-)
Rosa ’Lets Celebrate ’
And another rose had to have two pictures of this as every flower is different it’s called ‘Rock and Roll’
A couple of new Clematis
We’ve also chopped a tree at the bottom of the garden which has made it quite a suntrap so we’ve replaced the seat with a little summerhouse it still needs painting we’ve got the paint so when the weather cools a bit….
Ooops forgot this one ‘Role Model’ the birds pulled this one out and till it flowered didn’t know where it had come from so totally the wrong place it will be moved very soon !
19 Jul, 2018
More blog posts by simbad
Previous post: Hellebores and new greenhouse! :-)
What a grand collection! Makes me a bit envious because neither day lilies nor irises like our garden at all. I have to content myself with Iris reticulata in the spring... the first iris is a real beauty!
That's a lovely little summerhouse - hope it gives you lots of pleasure and that you both agreed on what colour its going to be!
We have chopped a tree down too - our non productive damson that had been spared over and over but it got canker eventually. The immediate problem is where to plant the cyclamen that were growing under it
19 Jul, 2018
Welcome back, Simbad. Hope to see more of you on here now. Great to see your Iris are flowering well for you. I think the one I thought was called proud tradition is actually called Best Bet. The pseudocorus is the colour of one called Krill. Love the Daylilies you've grown from seed, the edges really make them so attractive.
Hope you enjoy resting in "the far pavilion"
Lovely photos.
19 Jul, 2018
Hiiii Kathy
So good to see you back, you've been missed. I'm so pleased New Dawn does well for you, I moved mine so needs to get going again.
Aren't the iris beautiful, such out of the ordinary colours.
Love rose Rock and Roll and the day lilies are special too.
You've had some great structural additions, love the summer house!
20 Jul, 2018
Thankyou Bathgate :-), yes I'm fine thanks just a few family problems.
Thanks Stera, the reticulata don't do well for me not in the ground anyway being on heavy clay they disappear after a year .
The summerhouse is going to be a lovely pale blue/grey which we both spotted at the same time !
Sounds like exactly the same reason we chopped our tree, think it was a plum but barely ever had fruit, it developed sooty mould every year which dropped on the seat and plants underneath it awful tree but like you there are a lot of shade lovers underneath it which weirdly are'nt doing to bad in this heat so I'll leave them another year and see how they do .
Thanks Siris the iris are doing brilliantly I need to split a couple but the grounds so hard at the moment it'll be a case of water the ground before digging up if the expected rain doesn't come today!, I found out the name of the really tall yellow and white iris I sent you had it id'd on a Facebook group it's not a Siberian at all but called Orientalis . I'll rename the iris later thanks :-)
I have actually sat in the summerhouse mainly because it's nice and cool inside so been nipping in and out in between trying to do a bit of cutting back of dead crispy brown things !
Aaaw thanks Dawn :-). I love that rose too, Robs made me a little seating area on the end of the new greenhouse too and just put a bit of fencing round it too , Seth likes to run round and round through the doors, and there's quite a drop off the end , he never walks anywhere think if he had a speedometer strapped to him he'd do 20 miles a day lol .
20 Jul, 2018
Hello again, it is good to have you back.
What beautiful irises and day lilies you have had, they come in such lovely colour combinations.
Your summer house looks so pretty and you will really enjoy having it.
Our old summer house needs a coat of paint but we will wait until it is a bit cooler - any excuse!!!
20 Jul, 2018
well hello you, glad all is coming back to normal. your garden is looking stunning.
new dawn is my avatar rose :o)
20 Jul, 2018
Re the irises, I agree they can be difficult in the ground. Mine stay in pots all year round, kept quite dry in the summer (no problem with that this year!)
That pale blue-grey I think is the nicest colour of the whole range - looking forward to a photo!
20 Jul, 2018
what a great update ...all looking fab
Wylies seedlings look impressive
POP in when you can
just to tease I have 4 new varieties of daylily :
Crabtree Falls, Heavenly oh La La , Scandinavia, and last but not least "Crackling fire".
20 Jul, 2018
Kathy, it doesn't seem five mins since Seth was a baby now he's bombing around, hecmust love your garden.
Now we need a blog showing us the rest of your garden :-)
20 Jul, 2018
I've just changed the species name on your Not Sugar &Cream to orientalis. Orientalis, that's why it doesn't mind dry conditions. Would the variety be Shelford Giant? I gave a piece to Dawn, earlier this year.
All the Daylilies you gave me have flowered each year, except Free Wheelin, cause I've knocked off the head two years running. Oh, and Dragon Dreams, which seems shy.
As Dawn say you must give us an update on your garden.
20 Jul, 2018
Welcome back Simbad Lovely selection and beautiful Iris 's.
20 Jul, 2018
What a nice surprise to see you back - there was hope when you added the plants the other day. I like that second daylily, and there are some really nice photos of your roses.
21 Jul, 2018
Wonderful selection Simbad, it is too dry to do much in the garden and a very good idea to sit inside the summerhouse and ponder rather than be on the outside painting it, lol....Lovely photo's....
21 Jul, 2018
Well I hope your return is a sign of brighter days for you.
21 Jul, 2018
Hello there! Good to see you back again, S. Love that New Dawn..and Bullwinkle! I'm tempted to try again with the ND. I had it in my town garden but it didn't like the place we've moved to and turned toes up. I come on to read the blogs...nice to see there'll be another one!
21 Jul, 2018
Thankyou Wildrose yes quite excited about the summer house I'm going to make curtains and cushions Robs going to insulate it too I think,hope he's not thinking of moving me out there lol
Thankyou Sbg :-),oh yes your picture is the same as mine ! I seem to have a thing about pink roses we have Albertine too growing over another arch.
Stera I might try some of the reticulata in pots in the greenhouse brighten it up a bit in spring !
Ooooooh Gnarley I haven't heard of any of those !, I'm off to Google ;-)
Dawn Seths 2 in a couple of weeks he's growing up far to quickly.
When the garden looks less brown and crispy I'll do a blog , still no rain here !
Siris I'll have to Google Shelford Giant!
Glad the daylilies are doing well Freewheelin flowered here for the first time in two years don't know why it's been so shy to flower the first few years I had it it was fabulous just seems to be since I split it only 1 scape this year and it's a big clump
Thankyou 3d :-)
Thanks Wylie it is lovely that one isn't it I'm hoping it keeps that pattern ,picture 2, 3 and 4 are all from the same cross of yours (Amber Rhum x Kazoo(NT8) ) x Life is a Highway.
Lincs if it doesn't rain soon and these cracks in the ground get any bigger I'll be falling in !
Aaaaw thankyou Bathgate :-)
Thanks Lori, yes you must try New Dawn again I had to move mine a couple of years ago but luckily it recovered
21 Jul, 2018
Hi Sinbad, nice to see you, flowers are looking amazing as ever :-))
22 Jul, 2018
Aaaaw thankyou Daylily hope your ok :-)
22 Jul, 2018
Your Irises are just wonderful, Simbad. I painted my shed the same colour. It looks much nicer than brown.
22 Jul, 2018
I can't really add anything that hasn't been said before ... good to have you back on GoY ... love the summerhouse ... :o)
22 Jul, 2018
Thankyou Linda, thanks to a lot of swaps with Siris I have quite a collection of iris now :-), can't wait to get the summerhouse painted but it's far to hot out there at the moment and it's at the bottom of the garden where all the bitey insects hang out !
Thanks Shirley , its nice to be back and to see all the old gang are still here ! :-)
22 Jul, 2018
Good thanks hope you are too :-))
23 Jul, 2018
Nice to see you back again, Simbad! Your Irises & Day Lilies are fabulous!
25 Jul, 2018
I'm fine thanks Daylily :-)
Aaaaw thankyou Balcony :-)
26 Jul, 2018
Some gorgeous Iris there Kathy. Im interested in the red and white rose being called Rock and Roll. I have Alstroemeria Rock ‘n Roll, which is also red and white. I like the rose! :) rose Dawn is beautiful too! Welcome back.
27 Jul, 2018
Thankyou Karen :-)
Oooh I had that Alsttomeria too till this year ,wondered why it didn't look well so I tipped it out the pot to look and it was full of ants !!, Barely any root because they'd tunneled all around them, flipping hate ants they seem to be everywhere I dig in the garden
29 Jul, 2018
Ants Kathy,! Drive me mad, my greenhouse beds are a playground for them, can kill my cucumbers and tomatoes if I don't noticed them initially.
1 Aug, 2018
The only place I see ants is under my patio. Not so many this year though...weird.
2 Aug, 2018
They are a pain aren't they Dawn they've tunneled into our sunroom went in other day and there were loads , not for long I got the hoover out lol.
They've even excavated sand from between the block paving all over our drive Karen a real pain, they give a nasty bite too !
6 Aug, 2018
Oh yes, they excavated all the cement out from between our patio slabs! They are very destructive on paving.
6 Aug, 2018
Recent posts by simbad
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- Harlow Carr in August
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- Brodsworth Hall Gardens
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Nice to see you back online. Nice pics. Hope everything is OK for you.
19 Jul, 2018