Harlow Carr in August
By simbad
I’m a bit late writing this blog but now things are less busy in the garden I have a bit more time.
We usually visit Harlow Carr a couple of times a year and these are from a trip we made in August, photos might not be that good as I forgot the camera! so all taken on my iPod, we were burgled the night before and were in two minds whether to even go but so glad we did wandering round these lovely gardens and all the stress melted away, hope you enjoy :-)
There was an Alice in Wonderland theme around the gardens.
This was a new area being developed a fernery by the looks of it , look forward to seeing how its come on next year :-)
This wildflower meadow was new and so relaxing we could have sat there all day watching the insects and butterflies, there was even a little frog hopping around!
Thanks for looking and hope you don’t get neck ache looks like all my pictures are on their side oh dear!
8 Nov, 2015
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Same here Siris, we did get a long walk in today though before it rained :-)
Did you notice the agastache in the 7th picture from the end they're the white and blue you grew from the seed I sent, they were from the RHS seed scheme so maybe from here !
Glad the pictures are the right way up must just be my hudl.
8 Nov, 2015
Lovely August photos Simbad. Just to let you know that they are all sideways on my PC. The same issue between Ipads and PCs. Most people now days use Ipads, so it is only a problem for all of us who are not "with it" :-)
8 Nov, 2015
Sorry Kathy, but they are all on their side on my pc lol very colourful, and makes me wish the winter wet here in the south was over and done with!!
8 Nov, 2015
Gorgeous colourful pics Kathy, photos on their side for me too but didnt matter, just turned the laptop :-) Im pleased you went as it was bad timing due to your burglary, pleased you got it sorted. We've installed a burglar alarm on our garage following your misfortune. Doesnt en masse planting look effective :) The meadow with the mown path is stunning, we tried but didnt like the cutting down in the autumn and raking up. Sigh, so much colour back in Aug, wet here too but mild, we have a long winter ahead, bah humbug. I enjoyed your blog, adore the gazebo :-)
8 Nov, 2015
Pics on one side on the laptop, but its easy to see how beautiful it was - must have taken you ages to upload all those!
Is it true that most people use Ipods or similar these days?
I've only just changed from a PC to a laptop...and even then bought a separate keyboard as I couldn't get on with the fiddly laptop one.
8 Nov, 2015
Gorgeous photo's Simbad, those beds and borders are so colourful and the meadow looks absolutely lovely, definitely a place for taking it slowly and lingering here and there..
9 Nov, 2015
What a lovely day out Kathy it was worth a stiff neck to see such gorgeous summer flowers I love the wild flower fields my little patch will look lost compared to that ,I'm sorry to hear you were burgled its happening far to often these days , I would chop one finger off each time a burglar was caught they would soon stop when they hadn't many fingers left !!
9 Nov, 2015
I love the wild flower meadow what a wonderfull blog sorry to hear you were burgled.
10 Nov, 2015
Lovely pictures....sorry to hear you were burgled but, a good thing you didn't let it stop you enjoying your day out!
Harlow Carr is the RHS garden I will probably never get to so its nice to see the pictures......although I still haven't been to Rosemoor, but hope to one day!
The area with grasses, Verbena Bonariensis etc and the slate chips is very attractive. Our local RHS garden....Hyde Hall has a smashing dry garden that's been developed over the past few years.
I also think the wild flower area is smashing!
Ps....all your pictures are the right way up for me on my iPad!
10 Nov, 2015
Thanks Simbad for sharing this. I try to go every month if I can but haven't been since July with one thing and another. But I can see how the garden progressed through the summer. Sorry you had 'visitors', hope they didn't leave too much mess behind and that you didn't loose anything that cant be replaced.
Glad the garden helped you forget your woes.
11 Nov, 2015
Thankyou for all the lovely comments everyone glad you enjoyed the pictures :-)
Stera it is much quicker to upload from my iPod and hudl as you don't have to download the pictures to the computer first :-)
Amy the police seemed confident they knew who it was but wouldn't tell Rob, he only wanted to return the iron bar they left behind ;-)
That's what we thought Paul can't let these things spoil your life, Harlow Carr is the only RHS garden we've been to the others are all a long way for us one day maybe:-)
Sbg all sorted now and no nothing that couldn't be replaced just a very expensive burglary for us as the insurance would only replace one garage door and as they were discontinued we had to pay for the other, double garage it would annoy us every time we looked at them if they didn't match!
11 Nov, 2015
Aint it typical, if the robber had damaged both doors you would not have been out of pocket, typical.
11 Nov, 2015
The handle did fall off the other one Dawn but not till after the insurance accessor had been so they wouldn't have believed us would they.
We've had visitors again! this time looking in the outside sheds doors wide open and bins moved , nothing missing but we aren't stupid enough to leave anything of any value in there, think we need a big dog !!
17 Nov, 2015
That's horrible. Are you going to get a security camera?
17 Nov, 2015
Hi Stera no I don't think so our friend, who had a very nice car, had security cameras and purposely parked his car on his gravel drive outside the bedroom window thinking he'd hear if anyone tried to steal it, didn't stop the thieves he had them on video balacalavas on in a pick up truck with a crane just picked it up off the drive and then cheekily waved at the camera, he never heard a thing!!
When we were burgled the police couldn't even take fingerprints even though the door frame was covered in them, said they aren't allowed forensics for garage burglaries !, how stupid is that!!
18 Nov, 2015
Oh dear Kathy, its unsettlingly, isn't it. I think Bonnie sleeps well and would be away with the fairies if anyone visited, she dreams alot lol, kind of runs in her sleep whilst flat on her bed. Funny how this has happened since you lost Fudge :( fancy your friends car being craned away, scarey. A few years ago, Charlotte and her boyfriend had been to a party and were outside our house when they got back as it was summer chillin and a fella came through the gate at 3.30am, he was startled to see them, said he was looking for his dog!! He turned, went and left the gate open.
19 Nov, 2015
Fudge used to do that as well Dawn, made noises too lol. I was talking to a man from further down our street the other day who'd also been burgled earlier in the year they actually came in the bedroom while him and his wife were asleep!! so think we were lucky it was just the garage, we still have a beware of the dog sign up near the door, not that Fudge would have hurt anyone, wonder if that puts them off.
3.30 in the morning looking for his dog!! lucky Charlotte was there, makes you wonder how many people are wandering around at that time doesn't it.
22 Nov, 2015
Well, apparently 3.30am is the time to do the crime - before the shift workers start work and after the revellers get home. You were lucky then they didnt come into the house. I suspect they suss things out in the day, and see if a dog is around, that's only my theory. Bonnie wouldnt hurt a fly either but she would bark if alarmed. Have you thought about having another dog? Though, no dog will replace Fudge :-(
22 Nov, 2015
We have thought about it Dawn but since Rob retired we're always nipping off somewhere so not the right time at the moment, one day maybe :-)
I'm sure your right about them sussing things out in the day, Rob used to leave the garage door open when cutting the grass and his bikes were on the wall in full view from the road they knew what they were coming for.
24 Nov, 2015
I know exactly how you feel Kathy. I dont think I would rush into another dog after Bonnie. Damn thieves, make you sick. So no doubt you keep the garage doors down now then.
25 Nov, 2015
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Oh, for those sunny August days. Looking at those lovely photos, am really missing the summer, raining again here in the South. When is it going to stop.
Photos are correctly orientated when viewed on my Ipad. Thank you for sharing.
8 Nov, 2015