A very pink blog!
By spritzhenry
I seem to have a lot of pink flowers in bloom in my garden at the moment, so here are some of them.
This is my absolute favourite – I shall pot it up in the greenhouse for the winter, if it does turn cold.
Senecio pulcher
It’s growing right next to a smaller version, which I believe should be hardier.
Senecio polyodon
I have several Asters in flower, pale pink, but anonymous -
And a very bright pink one with a very long name!
Aster novae-angliae ‘Andenken an Alma Potschke’
The shrubby Salvias are in full bloom at this time of year. This is a new one, called S. greggii ‘Stampede’
And this one is called Salvia ‘Trenance Lilac Pink’
I have three Phlox paniculata still blooming. The first one was bought with my birthday vouchers. The other two I bought as babies and grew on until they were big enough to plant out.
Phlox paniculata ‘Sweet Summer Compact Lilac’
Phlox paniculata ‘Nora Leigh’
Phlox paniculata ‘Sherbet Cocktail’
Several of the Godetias I grew this year are pink, too.
When I replanted the area where the poorly Hebe had to be removed, I planted several pink plants – Astrantia ‘Buckland, Astrantia ’Roma’ and Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Rosea’.
Astrantia ‘Buckland’
Astrantia ‘Roma’
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Rosea’
A new Japanese Anemone to replace a bright orange plant I really didn’t like -
Anemone x hybridus ‘Pretty Miss Julia’
And she is pretty, isn’t she!
The pinkness goes on – pink Cyclamen for a container.
And a pink Dahlia called ‘Roxy’.
Deep pink -
Agastache ‘Raspberry Summer’
And pale pink -
Abelia grandiflora
A sugar pink Astilbe -
And a pretty pink Gaura ‘Rosy-Jane’
By now, you must be thinking that I only grow pink flowers in my garden. Well – not true at all! I do admit that I like pink flowers, but I do grow plenty of other different coloured plants.
However, I hope you enjoyed my very pink blog!
Salvia ‘Amistad’
Echinacea ‘Hot Papaya’
25 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Six weeks later...
Next post: True Blues!
Pretty in pink Spritz, I always enjoy seeing what you have on show your garden , lovely photo`s..
25 Sep, 2011
I just love pink in the garden. That is an interesting Echinacea 'Hot Papaya".
25 Sep, 2011
Goodness me your garden must look a picture right now B, worth opening again just to see all these beauties.....
25 Sep, 2011
I have just had a look at your photographs to see if you had a picture of the Echinacea.......your flowers are just wonderful.....you seem to have every plant anyone would ever want.
25 Sep, 2011
Well, not really, Linda. There are so many I'd love to grow, but if I get any others, it's a case of removing something else, maybe something I don't really like, or that's coming to the end of its days.
Thank you all for your kind comments. :-))
26 Sep, 2011
I love your pink flowers. I wish I had your skill in planting things together so that the garden is always colourful.
26 Sep, 2011
I like pink too. Why should it only be for girls.
The Salvia Amistad is wonderful, and I love all your different Phloxes. Your garden must look very restful with all those pink flowers.
26 Sep, 2011
its not Hywel, my brother has a pink bed and it is fantastic. Dont think there is a colour bias in gardening :o)
lovely pictures too
26 Sep, 2011
what a great selection you have Spritz. I especially like agastache raspberry summer. I really like pink flowers when mingled with dark purple foliage which I see you have done. I still like the salvia amistad, must get some. How have you managed to have astilbe in flower?
26 Sep, 2011
I really enjoyed all the pink flowers B, but it was that fantastic Echinacea that really made me gasp! :))...I have been having a bit of an 'orange' year though haven't I!
26 Sep, 2011
I wasn't going to look, but so glad I did - cheered me up. thanks.
26 Sep, 2011
Wonderful Barbara , Pinks and mauves together have always been my favourites , I really don't like looking at your photos because my wish list always grows ever longer . LOL... I have the Agastache 'Black Adder' but that A. 'Raspberry Summer ' is gorgeous also I love the Echinacea 'Hot Papaya ' .. PS your blogs should come with a warning >>> If you don't want to buy ,DONT LOOK >>>> :o))
26 Sep, 2011
I'm glad you didn't ignore me, Steragram! ;-)
I do still have flowers in the garden, as you've seen, and there are more, too. However, some areas are really dull now. I'm not all that sure about the Echinacea - it needs to be in a clump, I think, but I couldn't afford a whole lot of them at once :-(((
That's the last flower on the Astilbe.
Sorry, Amy. :-/
26 Sep, 2011
Beautiful collection love pink:)
26 Sep, 2011
WOW! That really makes me want to have another walk round your garden, Spritz . . . I LOVE pink flowers, and you have some absolute beauties there . . . particularly love the Phloxes and Godetia. Just amazing that you still have kept all these in flower. THANKS SO MUCH. x
26 Sep, 2011
They are all beautiful Spritz but as Amy says it does make our wish list grow longer and longer, but lovely to see.
26 Sep, 2011
Now added to favourites, Spritz, to remind me of all those names!
26 Sep, 2011
Thank you, Sheila, and Stroller - not forgetting Nana d of course! :-))
26 Sep, 2011
That's a lot of pink. Such lovely flowers.
26 Sep, 2011
Thanks, Alex - it is indeed a lot of pink! Maybe another time I'll show you another colour. :-))
26 Sep, 2011
I look forward to it.
I am surprsied when going through my photos on my laptop how many of the same colour or same flower in different colours I actually have or had.
26 Sep, 2011
You have a brilliant collection of pink,
27 Sep, 2011
I am rejuvenating a pink,blue and purple themed border for a client at the moment, so some of these plants will be some great additions for this time of year. Lovely blooms as usual
27 Sep, 2011
I'm always drawn to pink flowers so I've really enjoyed seeing your "pink collection" Barbara. You have so many lovely plants to choose from but I especially like the Phlox "sweet Summer". Thanks for sharing them all with us :o))
27 Sep, 2011
You're very welcome. I enjoyed looking at all the pink flowers in the garden, so I'm glad you liked looking at them. Today I looked at blue ones! Watch this space! lol.
27 Sep, 2011
I'm going pink on my front garden Spritz, love the agastache and godetias, I've bought some seeds for next year. My gaura Rosy Jane which did well last year returned with all green leaves this year and very spindly...gone now:-(
2 Oct, 2011
I hope you took cuttings first, Ba!
4 Oct, 2011
No, it was rubbish this year, when I say gone now....I goned it, probably more suited to your more balmy climes:-)
4 Oct, 2011
I got three plugs from 'you-know-where' three years ago.
They took ages to perk up and grow to a decent size, of course, and I think two succumbed last winter. One, however, is a real picture. I must take a photo. I can't post any until my poorly laptop comes back from being disinfected, though. :-(((((
Who gave me an infection? That's what I'd like to know! Grrrrrr.....
4 Oct, 2011
At least your problem wasn't dust on the fan which clogged it up so much it stopped working! Ba the slattern:-)
4 Oct, 2011
Oooh have you helped out on my latest blog asking for rose advice for newly madeover front?? No?? Why not??:-)
4 Oct, 2011
Oh, Ba - when I took it in to the repair shop last week, my face was as red as...well, very red, anyway. The first thing the boss-man did was get two screen wipes because the screen was so mucky - and the keys were just as bad! :-((
4 Oct, 2011
I'll pop over and see - but I'm only allowed on the PC when OH isn't on it. Boo-hoo....
4 Oct, 2011
Lol Spritz, not only is my computer a mess, but my office (tiny bedroom really box room) is also a dreadful mess. Hard to vacuum as the floor etc is more or less invisible and I can't find a thing:-(
5 Oct, 2011
Oooh - why haven't I got an 'office'? We have to use a tiny alcove in the dining room, and yes, lots of OH's papers get spread on the floor or the dining table.
Oh, and STILL no news about my laptop! :-(((((((((((((
5 Oct, 2011
I think when my pc finally curls up its toes, I may get a laptop, but don't know anything about them really, just you can use them anywhere in the house...keep moving it so it can't get so mucky lol:-)
6 Oct, 2011
Oh no you can't, unless you get 'Wi-fi' too. In our house, that didn't work because of the thick walls, but the clever techie people sold us a gadget that plugs into a mains socket so I can have my laptop in the living room.
I really should clean it occasionally - WHEN I get it back, that is! :-((
6 Oct, 2011
I've got wi-fi, are laptops easy to use or do they go wrong often? :-)
8 Oct, 2011
When I did the first module in my European Computer Driving Licence we used Laptops. They were placed on worktops in an old bus specially converted for the purpose. I did not find them comfortable to use as I am taller than the average and got a sore back from sitting hunched over it for 2 hours at a time. They are easy to use as they are just miniature versions of your own computer and screen but squashed in to a much smaller space. All our young folk use them on a regular basis and find they are handy because they are portable and can be used in motorway stations and in hotels and keep them in touch with work and home. If you add a skype type facility (often built into laptops) then you can see and hear your correspondant in the same way as you would from a normal computer. They are built like battleships to withstand the rough treatment they get when on the move. Compared to a normal computer with the same facilities they are cheaper to buy. That is my experience of them if it helps.
8 Oct, 2011
Thanks Scotsgran, I was hoping to be able to share some interesting blogs and pics with my husband as I have to be upstairs for the computer. I forgot that the screen would be so much smaller:-(
8 Oct, 2011
Our PC screen is 17" and you can get laptops with that sized screen too - mine is 15" I think - by choice.
8 Oct, 2011
I agree with you Spritz and that is why it is important to see one and if possible sit at it to see if that is what you would be physically comfortable using. My problem was that while I prefer the screen to be at eye height I could not comfortably use the keyboard. If I was comfortable with the keyboard the screen was too low. BUT it can support all the facilities available with a normal computer in every way PLUS it has the advantage of being portable. I would think if you go in to the likes of **World they would be happy to let you try before you buy, in the shop. I'm also sure they would not object if you wanted to go home and consider it before making a purchase. We got a 21" flat wide screen which was distorting the pictures. Not too much but it niggled. My daughter sorted it when she was here so I can use all of the screen or have it in better focus and then it is a bit smaller.
8 Oct, 2011
in the pink, my fav colour, lovely blog barbara thanx :o)
8 Oct, 2011
Thanks, Sandra! Nice to hear from you. :-)))
8 Oct, 2011
havent seen you in ages barbara, hope you have had a lovely time in your garden this summer, hope henry is good to and of course yourself and hubby :o)) x
9 Oct, 2011
What summer? It's been a bit dismal down here, I'm afraid. Grey skies mostly! Henry's fine, thanks, and so is OH. :-)) xx
9 Oct, 2011
same here barbara, dull, rain and not hot :o(, glad your all good though. :o)) xx
9 Oct, 2011
What about you?
9 Oct, 2011
yes not bad thanx barbara, baz good to and casper, but not looking forward to winter months if we get s..w again.
mangaed to get my garden tidy last week when hot as i was off work on hols, so up to date with everything at the moment glad to say, just havent been able to sit out and enjoy it much. enjoying my art to so that will keep me going through winter :o))
9 Oct, 2011
That's good. You chose your holiday well! I'm dreading cold weather again, and you know I loathe s**w. :-((((
9 Oct, 2011
lol yes indeed you do barbara :o(
9 Oct, 2011
The forecast does sound bad, doesn't it. :-(( I'm going to hibernate I think! lol.
9 Oct, 2011
Hii...really great collection of pink flowers! I like also pink flowers. I'll bookmark your site for future reference. I hope, you will continue to post such interesting and wonderful posts in future too. Keep up such good work.
19 Jan, 2012
Hallo, and welcome to GoY. I hope you stay with us and enjoy the site. :-) I'm glad you like my pink flowers!
19 Jan, 2012
Nice to see this again, thanks Verybestsal:-) Love that anemone and the agastache:-)
19 Jan, 2012
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beautiful flowers, i love that astrantia and the phlox; and of course the purple salvia
25 Sep, 2011