True Blues!
By spritzhenry
Off we go around my garden again – this time, it’s plants with blue flowers I’ve been looking for. I found quite a lot, too!
Well – this gorgeous rose is called ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, so I think I can count it, even though it’s really purple. I don’t think there will ever be a truly blue rose, do you?
This Malva sylvestris ‘Primley Blue ’ has been in bloom for weeks! I hoped it might set seed for me, but it hasn’t.
Little blue faces – a real joy in containers. I love violas.
One final Centaura montana for the year – they are such reliable plants. Good do-ers as they say. I find they spread, but aren’t thuggish.
Ceratostigma willmottiana is one of the bluest plants I grow. I love it – and it looks great next to my Stipa gigantea, which is gold at this time of year. The purple under it is Salvia nemorosa ‘Plumosa’.
This pretty flower is Cichorium intybus. It’s a tall plant, and a bit leggy, but at the back of a border it fits in well.
Geraniums – I found some still blooming. This is Geranium pratense, and it’s been in flower since June.
What this one’s doing in flower now I don’t know! It’s Geranium x magnificum, which normally flowers once in June/July. It’s obviously confused…
But ‘Rozanne’ just keeps on going once she starts – she’s enjoying her mingle with Aster x frikartii ‘Monch’. That is also a great plant – it flowers from July until November.
‘Blueberry Ice’ has been in flower for months, too. I think it’s one of the best Geraniums I have in the garden.
Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’
Aconites are in flower – this one is very tall and tends to flop if I don’t stake it. You can see why the common name is ‘Monkshood’.
One of these pretty little shrubs was in the garden when we came here. I didn’t know what it was at that time. Since then I’ve planted more of them as their colour really brightens up the borders at this time of year. This one is Caryopteris clandonensis ‘Heavenly Blue’.
I think this is the last flower on Diascia ‘Denim Blue’ for this year. I hope it comes through the winter!
Campanula poscharskyana always flowers late, which makes it another useful plant for autumn. It does spread, but I wouldn’t call it a thug – it’s easily controlled.
There are a few flowers just finishing for the year.
Eryngium planum
The last of the Catananches.
There are a few Nigella flowers around, too. They’re the seedlings from earlier flowers. Once you’ve got this plant in your garden, you’ve always got it.
Lavandula ‘Hidcote’ is still producing flowers!
I was surprised and delighted to get this shrub through last winter, as it’s not reliably hardy. I mulched its roots and fleeced it too. It faces south-west in a sheltered corner. Its name is Vitex agnus-castus.
Lobelia siphilitica still in flower.
Liriope ‘Big Blue’.
And although there are more ‘truly blue’ flowers in my garden that I could show you, this blog is long enough.
I told you I love pretty little violas!
10 Oct, 2011
Previous post: A very pink blog!
Next post: I am a wimp!
All fabulous.... I too love the violas.
10 Oct, 2011
That Blueberry Ice is lovely - have never seen it before. Will look out for Rozanne too.
10 Oct, 2011
Quite a few here that I have not seen before. I particularly like the Aster x frickartii Munch and who could resist the Nigella.
10 Oct, 2011
I must see if there are any flax flowers still blooming up in our orchard tomorrow and try to get a photograph - it's the bluest flower I can think of except some of the morning glories, and very similar to your Ceratostigma. Has anyone got a rose "Blue Moon"? My mother had one many, many years ago, and I haven't come across it since.
Wonderful gallery of the blues, Spritz. Love 'em.
10 Oct, 2011
Lovely ! Blue is my favourite colour of all.
You've got flowers on your Lirope ! I haven't had any on mine for 7 years - it's disgusting !
Nice to see your Ceratostigma - it's one of my favourite shrubs :o))
10 Oct, 2011
what beautiful flowers, especially that Cichorium intybus, and the Eryngium, love in the mist and Catananche
10 Oct, 2011
Wow .... that was better than looking through a little book I have which is entirely devoted to blue flowers in the garden! I love those blues in the garden too. They go so well with many other colours & always make a statement. Thanks for putting up all those great photos.
10 Oct, 2011
Loved them all, I too am very partial to blue in the garden.
10 Oct, 2011
Beautiful Spritz! Lovely blog for jogging my memory! What I mean, is that as I was reading down through it, I kept thinking, 'yes, I have that one too... oh! I'd love that one!... now, where did that one go?' Lol! I'll have to go on a hunt to see what happened to ones that have gone MIA!
10 Oct, 2011
i shall look forward to your treasure hunt photos tomorrow libet!!!
10 Oct, 2011
I'm glad you all enjoyed my 'blues'. It was amazing to go round with my camera and find so many flowers still hanging on in, considering the time of year!
Hywel, the Liriope you sent me ages ago hasn't flowered either - that's odd, isn't it!
11 Oct, 2011
Thank you for this,Spritz..added to my favourites,so I can remember them..and because I love blue as have some stunning the Aster with 'Rozanne',and the Eryngium..just all so lovely.:o)
11 Oct, 2011
all very pretty barbara as usual, love the monks hood, but all are lovely :o))
11 Oct, 2011
As blue is my favourite colour it was nice to see all your lovely blue flower's my favourites being the Geranium's of course:-)
11 Oct, 2011
Absolutely lovely blues. I too love violas. Ialso love the veiny geraniums and aconited.
I just think the visible veins look great.
11 Oct, 2011
Absolutely lovely Spritz, added to my favs as I`m never very good remembering all the names, your blogs are amongst the best when I`m looking for something, not often it can`t be found in your garden, lol.
I too love Violas...
11 Oct, 2011
I love them all especially the Geraniums and the Violas;0)
11 Oct, 2011
Wow they all look lovely:)
11 Oct, 2011
As well as admiring your beautiful blue flowers I shall put this on my favs as future reference.
11 Oct, 2011
That's a good idea . . . put this lovely blog on favourites: I do love "blues" too. Not sure I'd want a blue rose - doesn't seem right somehow. I'd not seen a blue Malva before, but love my white and pink ones - hope it does set seed for you Spritz, and it's lovely to see so much still in flower. :))
11 Oct, 2011
beautiful blog spritz; some lovely plants still in bloom.
11 Oct, 2011
Did I send you a Lirope ? I can't remember lol. Strange it hasn't flowered for you either.
Well they flowered with no trouble in my previous garden. I wonder if it's something to do with the soil. I've decided - I'm going to move them to another spot next year ...
11 Oct, 2011
I just love blue flowers in the garden. My garden is closing down now for the winter so there is very little colour. Most flowering plants have moved into the green house.
11 Oct, 2011
Thank you all for your lovely comments - I'm so pleased the blog has been helpful to some of you, and enjoyable to others. I do like to know the names of my plants, as you'll have realised by now! LOL.
Hywel, I think we'll both have to speak severely to 'our' Liriope, don't you? :-/
12 Oct, 2011
I love chicory is a different blue...
13 Oct, 2011
Yes, it is. I've got the pink version too, but I prefer the blue one.
13 Oct, 2011
I shall certainly do that - lol ;o) But I am also going to move them.
At the moment they are in a shady spot, which is what I thought they'd like. However, when I lived in the old cottage, they grew under a tree on a dry sunny slope, and always flowered. I think they will get put in a similar place for next year.
Do you think you'll try moving yours to a different place aswell Barbara ?
14 Oct, 2011
I could do, I think. I have several plants in semi-shade, and one in a sunny place, that all produce flowers. Yours is in shade, so it might do better with more light. We can but try, Hywel!
14 Oct, 2011
All my chicory flowers, which grow wild here, grow up in our little wild meadow orchard, in full, hot sunshine, and do rather too well, for my liking. They're taking over!
14 Oct, 2011
Ooops! There is a native form in parts of the UK, too - but I don't know how vigorous it is. Hywel has kindly sent me some seeds to try to grow it!
14 Oct, 2011
Good luck with them ! Would you let us know how they do please :o)
I've got some for myself aswell ....
14 Oct, 2011
Yes, I will. :-))
14 Oct, 2011
Thank you :o)
14 Oct, 2011
As always love looking round your garden, lots of lovely blue flowers
16 Oct, 2011
Thanks, Carol. I was really surprised at how many still had flowers on them!
16 Oct, 2011
Nigella is so easy - get a packet of 'Miss Jekyll' because she seeds herself really well. :-))
25 Oct, 2011
Just a little TOO easily, Spritz - the lady who sold us her house 6 years ago, grew it, and we still have to pull great bunches of it out of all the flowerbeds each year!
25 Oct, 2011
True - but it's colourful and pretty, so I like it! :-)
25 Oct, 2011
I love it - I had an unplanned 'mingle' one year when some appeared amongst my pink Dianthus - they did look good together! :-))
26 Oct, 2011
I got a packet of Miss Jekyll today and will scatter it in amongst my kniphofia. It should be a nice contrast sprinkled between the red hot pokers.
26 Oct, 2011
That sounds lovely. Good for you! :-))
26 Oct, 2011
Thank you and Youngdaisydee for the idea.
26 Oct, 2011
You're welcome. :-)
27 Oct, 2011
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Love 'em all Spritz - some lovely shades of blue there.
10 Oct, 2011