One Strike - and you're OUT!!
By spritzhenry
Have you missed me?? I’ve missed you!
On Thursday evening, we had a horrendous thunderstorm right overhead – and our phone line and broadband connection just WENT!!
We weren’t the only ones in the village to be hit – so BT have been busy!
Anyway, they’ve just left and I’m back – but with a LOT of catching up to do – sorry if I haven’t replied to your messages and comments – now you know why!
Talk to you all later!
28 Jun, 2009
Previous post: The Secret's Out!
Next post: I'd rather play!
Aha, i thought i'd not 'seen' you !
It's nice to hear your 'voice' again now :)
28 Jun, 2009
Welcome Back Spritz, I thought you must of been too buzy with your garden to come onto GOY.. :))
28 Jun, 2009
and back with such happy bright flowers most favorite of all Daisies!..Welcome back Spritz!
28 Jun, 2009
Welcome back Spritz. Glad the problems are all fixed. Beautiful, cheerful daisies. I especially like the top one. What is this please?
28 Jun, 2009
Welcome back. Can you send some rain up to Bracknell please - we're getting DESPERATE!!! Just had to top up the pond yet again and now an established daphne is threatening to die on me :-(
28 Jun, 2009
Can I order a good soaking aswell please? It's 30 degrees here today and not a cloud in the sky. Now I'm not complaining about the weather but all my carrots are sending out seed heads, Aaaarrr.
By the way It's not good enough spritzy your gona have to do something about that intermitant conection, we can't be doing without you here at least two or three times a day.....HeHe.
Glad you got back so quick !
H & K's...........Ian
28 Jun, 2009
Thanks - It didn't feel very quick, Ian - it was AWFUL!!!!
Gilli, the flowers are both Anthemis tinctoria, the top one is called 'E.C. Buxton' and the paler one is 'Sauce Hollandaise'. I'm glad you like them - so do I!! :-)
Andrew and Ian, we had 24 mm of rain...whatever that is...I can't understand metric measures! LOL.
28 Jun, 2009
Wondered where you were - thought maybe you'd gone away for a few days following all your recent hard work. What's your broadband speed like normally being as you live in a quaint village - ours is awful as the nearest telephone exchange is 3 miles away :-( Pleased you are back up and running.
28 Jun, 2009
Does anyone know what 24mm means in English so Barbara and I can both understand how hard it rained?.....LOL.
I hope you don't have any more faults with your thingy.
H & K's............Ian
28 Jun, 2009
Dawn - SLOW. Same problem!
Ian - I can do without any more storms, as you might guess! I don't like being struck by lightning! :-(
28 Jun, 2009
Love the title to this blog ! Lol.Seriously though....glad to see you back.The site is not the same without you !
28 Jun, 2009
~I had a new water butt installed on Tuesday and it was 100 litres completely empty~it filled in a few hours on Thurs evening~that sounds quite a lot to me!We had lightning overhead for hours as if it was going away for a few minutes and than circling round again from about 9pm to 5 am~I have never heard such loud thunder and the lightning was quite scary!practically simultaneous so right overhead!
28 Jun, 2009
Wow Arlene....thats some volume of rain.Storms can be quite daunting at times !
28 Jun, 2009
You are only across the Bristol Channel from us, so it was the same storm, I suppose! Scary, wasn't it! Our bit started at about 6.30 p.m. and went on until around 9 -ish. The TV went off and then we had lots of mini-powercuts as well as the 'strike' down the phone line. Several of the cottages in the village were struck.
28 Jun, 2009
We had heavy down pour this afternoon, but no thunder, could do with a bit more my water butts nearly empty, and my fish could do with their pond topping up. Pleased your back Barbara.
28 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Clarice! Not a nice reason for being off the site!
28 Jun, 2009
Arlene, I hope you weren't too frightened by that awful sounding storm, I should imagine that to fill a 100 ltr. butt in a few hours takes a lot of rain.
Barbara, I hope you never have to experience anything like that again, sounds terrifying.
H & K's and gentle rain every night to you............Ian
28 Jun, 2009
It was poor Henry who suffered most. He was so scared, he ran round and round barking his head off. I couldn't get him settled. :-(
28 Jun, 2009
~we have lightning storms every year or so ~ we have had the modem fried one year and some cabling needed to be replaced the next year but we now have surge protectors which were brilliant.I thought we were hit but it was the phone line
Thanks Ian~I am glad to say we are all okay!
28 Jun, 2009
Beautiful daisies Spritz, welcome back.
I'll second that request for rain in DESPERATE Bracknell
28 Jun, 2009
Poor Henry, My 'duke' used to hide under the table and shiver like jelly at the first rumble and not come out until it was well, well over. Not a very good advert for a huge German Sheppard? LOL.
More H & K's.......Ian
28 Jun, 2009
Our dogs used to sense the storms coming Spritz....their behaviour was so nervy just before one hit !
28 Jun, 2009
H. heard the thunder well before we did! We didn't know why he was barking...but we soon found out!
28 Jun, 2009
Yes...they know ! Its that sense we humans do not have !
28 Jun, 2009
24 mm is just short of 1 inch. so that is one heck of a rain for.
we had thunder rumbling for 2 hours this afternoon and only 7 spots of rain landed on me. i had been so hopeful it was going to rain for my plants. hosepipe will have to be used tomorrow if no rain tonight.
28 Jun, 2009
It rained for a few hours last night - 7mm.
Husband bought me a rain gauge, so I know! Sorry you didn't get any, Sbg.
29 Jun, 2009
What a thing to happen !
I'm glad it's all sorted out now.
29 Jun, 2009
we had some too~everything looking really fresh this morning!
We seem to get your weather a few hours later Barbara.
29 Jun, 2009
Hot, Hot, Hot today. I really couldn't face doing much outside before about 6 p.m. and Henry stayed indoors for most of the day.
29 Jun, 2009
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~Same here Barbara! We had an overhead storm from about 10pm to 5 am and our phone line went out too.Thank goodness for surge protectors!
28 Jun, 2009