The Secret's Out!
By spritzhenry
What have I been up to – my secret project? Read on and you’ll find out!
Well before the garden open days, I’d been thinking about creating a new flower bed, but of course it had to wait as I was too busy preparing for June 4th and 11th. I had, however, talked to my husband about my thoughts and where in the garden I wanted to make the flowerbed.
We had laid out pieces of wood in the shape I wanted, and measured the area, taken photos, and decided whether an obelisk to match the one in the wide border would look OK – my husband made a wooden ‘mock-up’ to find out! I had decided on my colour scheme, and which plants I would like in the bed, so I began to make a collection whenever I came across one on my list. The plants were tucked away by the greenhouse waiting for their debut!
The week after the second open day we began work. I needed help removing the turf – now you know why I asked the question about stacking turf! Once a section had been removed, I started digging.
Of course the ground under the turf was compacted, and I found myself struggling with my fork. My husband decided that he’d loosen the ground with a pickaxe, and this made digging quite a bit easier.
As I’ve mentioned before, every time I dig in the garden I hit blocks of the blue lias stone that our house is built of – and there they were again! As well as this stone, there were lumps of brick, large stones, pieces of metal, glass, oh – all sorts of things! I think we disposed of about 9 barrow-loads of rubble in all. I didn’t find any treasure, unfortunately!
Here are some of the objects I did find…
As the bed is near the three poplar trees, we were expecting to find roots across it, and sure enough – there were small ones, and one large one which had to be dug out and then cut.
This was the biggest one.
Well the digging went on for some days, followed by a rake-over, and a second dig.
Then I filled the wheelbarrow over and over again with the contents of the compost bin, which I dug into the bed.
It was time to put the obelisk together (the real one!) and place it.
Now to plant my rose and two Clematis around it! The rose is ‘Lady Hillingdon ’ and I had chosen C. ’Guernsey Cream’ and C. viticella ‘Alba Luxurians’.
I lined all my plants up ready to place them on the flowerbed. It looked like a lot -
- until I placed them! I hadn’t got even half of the number I’d need to fill the bed!
I planted what I had – and the following day, I went shopping…great fun, of course!
I went armed with a list – and ticked off quite a lot of them!
So today has been another planting day!
The bed is not full, of course, as the plants have been spaced carefully to allow for them to spread – especially the ones I grew from seed. I’m also going to grow some plants from seed for next year.
My colour scheme? White, cream. burgundy and lime green.
The whole ‘secret project’ took 9 days – not bad going, don’t you agree?
24 Jun, 2009
Previous post: It's not only babies that need cotton buds!
Next post: One Strike - and you're OUT!!
Gosh Spritz it looks a treat and I like the shape and your colour scheme,when they fill out it will be smashing,you will have to keep us posted with more photo,s.I know its nice to go shopping but I always have a special feeling for the plants I,ve grown and nurtured myself,by the way did you give yourself a rest at all.Lol.
24 Jun, 2009
Wow Spritz....what a great job you've done. It looks great and will be fabulous once it matures. Well done.
25 Jun, 2009
I like the colours and the shape of the bed.
And what is that last flower ? :)
25 Jun, 2009
Lovely! Love the colour scheme. Well done.
25 Jun, 2009
OMG Spritz I love it :) What a Gorgeous New Flower Bed :) Id of been Bursting 2 tell GOY all about it :)
25 Jun, 2009
well done, it looks brilliant already, i can just imagine how good its going to look when they all start spreading
25 Jun, 2009
~Looking really good now and will be spectacular by next year!
25 Jun, 2009
Well done, it's looking fantastic already. I am full of admiration for your organisation and forethought and I can see it really pays off. I tend to get an idea and make it up as I go along. That's why your garden looks fabulous and mine just looks ordinary and why I'm always having to move plants around!
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks, all - yes, I had to have frequent 'sit-downs' on that wooden chair I brought out - and lots and lots of drinks as it was during that hot period we had.
Lincslass, I agree - there are several lttle plants in there that I've grown, and I shall be watching over them anxiously!
Louise - that's Scabiosa 'Barocca' and if you go to that Sewing Machine place, they should still have some - the BIG 'Leisure and Gardening' place just up the road from there had them at three times the price!
25 Jun, 2009
You certainly have an artist's eye - it's looking grand now, can't wait for next year's photos.
25 Jun, 2009
Aha !
I have it already Spritz, bought it a few months ago and am waiting for the buds to open up, they've been forming for about a week or so now.
They had them for sale at SW.
Infact, they still had some there last weekend when i went in (presumably NOT the same batch as mine a few months ago ? !!!!).
25 Jun, 2009
Its looking good .........yuor garden must be Beautiful with all the things you have in it..............
25 Jun, 2009
really good work, it will look extra good after it fills in, would you like to help me with my garden
25 Jun, 2009
That is superb, well done. i,m sure it will motivate a few people to try to do there own.
I,m looking at my small garden and wondering......mmmm.
25 Jun, 2009
Fantastic work and great blog. Hard work but making new borders is a great job isn't it. When I dug my front garden borders, I, like you found lots of buried(rusty) treasures but one has proved invaluable. It is a steel post(pointed at end and about one inch diameter. I use it a lot when prising oot roots for my customers. Someone told me it was actually a pin that was used when laying the footings/foundations for the houses. They evidently, hold the shuttering in place which the cement is poured into!
25 Jun, 2009
Good blog spritz. Like the new 'feature' - and less mowing for hubby!!
25 Jun, 2009
Your hard work really has paid off Spritz...looking really good already.All that digging reminded me of the time I dug out the pond area.Also found lots of rusty old bits and pieces,but like treasure !
25 Jun, 2009
Spritz it looks brill, can just imagine it in a few years time, just thinking if i did something like that it would take most if not all my garden up.
25 Jun, 2009
Like everyone else I think your new flower bed is really great! :) I like the idea of your colour scheme - mine is just a "cottage garden" of a balcony! Some years I've planned on a colour scheme - one year it was to be mostly variegated plants, especially Geraniums - I did get in quite a few of them but ended up with many more green plants.
Talking about variegated Geraniums, the local council has gone "overboard" in planting them this year but they look so nice "en masse"!
25 Jun, 2009
Well, what can I say, a BIG WOW. The hard work has been well worth it. So neat and tidy as if the ground has never been disturbed. Great plants too and looks established already :-)
25 Jun, 2009
Well done a lot of hard work and will look pretty with all the colours when flourishing.
25 Jun, 2009
What fun that you and your husband got to do this together...that is the best part..and the garden is beautiful and will be beautiful for years to come...thanks for taking the time to share this with is already lovely and will be a joy to watch come along...
26 Jun, 2009
I'm all for breaking up expanses of gras. It looks much better with the flower bed now, and will be fsantastic when all the plants fill out.
26 Jun, 2009
Great blog. What a lovely shape and colour scheme.
26 Jun, 2009
I enjoyed reading about your big surprise - it looks lovely and I also learned that you can put more than one plant up an obelisk! I was going to do the same again this weekend but I know better now! Thanks for sharing this with us.
26 Jun, 2009
What a lot of work, but the new bed looks fantastic already. I do like the sound of your new colour scheme. :-)
27 Jun, 2009
Excellent work and planning, my veg garden was planned, but can't say the same for the flower garden at least not all of it, but it seems to work and well and we get quite a lot of colour, but for next year we are going to try and spread to the perrenial colour better over the year.
27 Jun, 2009
Well done, that's looks great. You've put a lot of hard work into that, but it'll be worth it. x
27 Jun, 2009
Really enjoyed seeing this taking shape and look forward to another photo when all the plants have spread out! It'll look gorgeous! Well done on all your hard work.
27 Jun, 2009
Fantastic new border must have worked very hard to get it all dug and planted in 9 days......But it was worth the effort.........It looks brilliant............
27 Jun, 2009
As everyone else, I think your new bed looks amazing Spritz, love the planting. You must have worked so hard on it
28 Jun, 2009
looks great spritz and will get even better as it fills out , a great step by step guide to show how to do it properly
28 Jun, 2009
Spritz that is superb, all the hard work you have put in has paid off WELL DONE.
28 Jun, 2009
fantastic design and i see a few of my favourites in there. which phygellius is it? I have spare 'candydrops cream and candydrops ivory' if you are interested.
28 Jun, 2009
Hallo everybody - I've just written a short blog on my enforced absence from GOY - and reading your lovely comments has been very enjoyable!
I am enjoying my new 'island bed' and it gives me a nice surprise whenever I walk outside! I haven't got used to it being there yet.
Sbg - that would be great if you can spare them!
The ones in the bed are called 'Candydrops peach'.
28 Jun, 2009
You have worked very hard and it looks excellent. Very well done and I like your blog too.
28 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Fractal, and welcome to GOY!
28 Jun, 2009
I wondered where you were Barbara, it looks really good, well done brilliant job.
28 Jun, 2009
and i thought it was going to be a pond!!!!!!!!!
woof woof to henry,
28 Jun, 2009
If it were, Dave, Henry would be in it all day! LOL.
28 Jun, 2009
Welcome were missed !
28 Jun, 2009
Thanks, BB!!!! It wasn't a lot of fun, being cut off from civilisation....and you, of course! LOL.
28 Jun, 2009
Love it ,thats given me a idea for the middle of my blank garden ,looks fantastic ,great job
1 Jul, 2009
I think it looks lovely already and i think that its going to be beautiful when it has filled out. well done you!!!
1 Jul, 2009 saying Im uncivilised ? Getting to know me too well ! Lol
1 Jul, 2009
I wondered when you'd pick up on that crack, Bb!!! lol.
Detectorist, I'm so glad it has given you some ideas! That's great!
1 Jul, 2009
Not long Spritz...or maybe I am just over sensitive ! Lol
2 Jul, 2009
Awww - I didn't mean it nastily! Sssooorrryyyyyy..... xx
2 Jul, 2009
Know you didnt ! xx
2 Jul, 2009
2 Jul, 2009
Recent posts by spritzhenry
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- OF = orange.
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- Some of my roses.
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- Trouble in my garden,
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- Oh dear!
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- My yellow garden.
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Wow Spritzhenry,
Thats a good job-well done, I always insist I haven't got the imagination to design things like this but I can appreciate how much thought and hard work goes into producing a piece of art like this. I can imagine it took longer than nine days to work out the design before you actually started digging.
H & K's........Ian
24 Jun, 2009