Moles and How I Get Rid of Them !!!
By sprog
This is such a delicate thing to write – please accept my apologies well in advance.
I have a problem with moles in the garden. The householders each side of me spend loads of money on smoke bombs but they don’t work. I read through some natural remedies and came up with my own version – AND IT WORKS!!! I read an article which said "First catch a Weasel and keep it in a box, well fed, for a week. When it vacates the box carefully scoop out the Weasel droppings and drop them down the mole holes. Well, being short of a Weasel I considered the next best thing to be my cat. Now my Cat, Sprog, doesn’t do ‘out the garden’ because the wind might blow on her. She’s a housecat by choice. Hence, we have a litter tray to empty every day. Now this next bit maybe a bit much for you to read (Yuk sorry). I use a spare garden trowel, scrape the ‘No.2’s out onto the trowel and drop them down the moleholes. Yes, (Yuk) I do put them in an old plant plot ready for the next hole to appear. This honestly works – if you can bear to do it. We haven’t seen any moles for months although they have appeared in neighbouring gardens.
For all those sensible and sensitve souls, sorry if I’ve been a bit Yuk.
14 Sep, 2009
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Good idea and thanks for sharing, I have a book saying it works if one uses badger droppings but didn`t know it would work with cats and lets face it,how many folk have access to a badgers you know what ?
14 Sep, 2009
This is a useful tip Sprog.
15 Sep, 2009
Great way 2 shift unwanted Moles Sprog much kinder than Bombs/Poision :)
15 Sep, 2009
Any gardening tips are welcome! Far better than any other method, there have been a lot of moles about this year. Must be all the rain making the ground soft...
15 Sep, 2009
Brilliant - I think the moles have given up on my garden, they get headaches from all the flints they hit but if they come back Misty will have to become an 'indoor cat' for a few days, lol.
15 Sep, 2009
seems a great idea to try!
Hopefully the moles havent found us yet but we will be ready for them now. (havent told phoebe the cat yet!)
31 Oct, 2009
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Hi Sprog and welcome to GoY.
If it works for you then its a good remedy thats what I say.
Personally (touch wood) we have not had a mole problem but I will bear your remedy in mind if we ever do, thankyou.
14 Sep, 2009