Sorry people,not much to report.
By stan510
I’ve been under the weather. Getting older creates pains you never felt before and takes away the energy you used to have to garden.
Its also been a really cool April. Much cooler then March was. It seems we are on a every other month is record warm,followed by a regular mild bay area month.
Hows the spring in the east and UK and other lands?
29 Apr, 2015
Previous post: Rainy season over.
Next post: May cooler then March too.
Very chilly here in Lincs as well, sorry you're a bit under the weather Stan and hope you bounce back soon...
29 Apr, 2015
Yes, we've had some lovely days recently but generally quite cold for end APRIL.
I had a whole day in our garden on Tuesday, mixing sand /cement, then lay slabs on top for a base for a greenhouse.I was out there 6 hours so, I can sympathise with your aches and pains.....but, it'll be worth it when I get a greenhouse!
29 Apr, 2015
It is cool on Vancouver Island as well Stan. It is not freezing though. Hope it will warm up soon.
29 Apr, 2015
I'm in my 80's and life for me at the present time is like sitting in the passenger seat of a car watching the view instead of driving. After taking a couple of Motrin, it's now sit down gardening for me Stan and I can still use a short handled pick axe and a long handled garden trowel. Right now I'm doing it one handed since I broke an arm in a fall and am mending in a cast. Just focus on what you can do and not what you could do and enjoy watching nature take over more and more of the tending to your garden.
1 May, 2015
I can agree with you Stan, creeping old age is not fun when you cringe every time you move! Just when we at last moved to a permanent home a check with the doctor told me all my aches and pains were rheumatism and weren't going to disappear. Where there's a will as they say, lots of gardening done sitting down now, preferably on something damp proof! So I get dirty, so what, I might be creeping up there, but if the neighbours (we don't have many) think I am weird for sitting on the ground - I'm enjoying myself and that's what it's all about.
1 May, 2015
The Spring here is very erratic. I've lost a few seedlings when overnight temps dipped below freezing. Generally very cool.
1 May, 2015
I must look like a toddler pulling weeds-,lol. Sitting,or on all fours,rolling from one to the other. And reaching for anything that will ease standing up!
Anything but stand,bend over and pull..the back's discs wont take that.
It does seem all over the northern hemisphere..this is a cool spring. Arizona has not hit 100f.
South Florida only, seems immune to chill..
4 May, 2015
Well Stan, looks like spring made a sharp turn from where I live in the middle eastern part of the USA. For the next two weeks daytime highs in the upper 70's with no rain in the forecast at all.
4 May, 2015
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Hi Stan Its chilly here too in the south east of England remains too cold to really do much gardening but the grass is growing fast! I agree about aches and pains as you get older, I certainly dont get down on my knees to garden like I used to.
29 Apr, 2015