Hottest period followed by much fall like weather..
By stan510
For the first time in months I can go 3 days between water for even potted plants since I last soaked them.
Weather in the low 70’s,longer days..and even the ground is still wet- here and there- from my last walk around watering.
Now just clean up,and maybe make some trades of cuttings with the internet world.
This was a good gardening summer. Productive. I even for my first time grew nice red bellpeppers. Eggplant was a little light..but I got a few.
Pruning was what I did much of this summer and no regrets there..more light,less feeling closed in by my plants. Always a balance with that when you are a lifetime adder with a very finite amount of room. Although its kind of comical to see on the on the internet somebody’s exotic estate over a huge California lot..and there I am,Stan,with MANY of those exact same plants. Just planted in drifts of one. Or,scaled down because mine are potted,and those of the vast estate (California standards) are in ground. In those times I am grateful to just have a home here in the bay area.
So I have just one goldfish in a tiny pond instead of a Koi pond. I can live with that. He’s a happy one goldfish.
29 Sep, 2016
Previous post: Hottest day of the year 94F +
Next post: Delonix regia progress...
Drifts of one? Lol, sounds like mine. It must be such a relief that the heat is moderating somewhat -70 still feel lovely and warm to us...
30 Sep, 2016
Is it that cool already in the UK? Is it normal cool or an early autumn cool?.
Its cooled down a few more degrees. Still sunny though.
Jen- my yard isn't large enough for any tour. I could kill lots of time describing a certain plant since after these decades,some have a long history of surviving catastrophe's and also CATastrophe's. But then,that's bordering being a windbag!
I have decided though to make some major moves..big plants I have in back? I want to fit them into the gaps of the front yard.
Ever since a tenant moved..I noticed not a leaf has been bothered. With his adult son before,I had lots of problems.
So,I think I can get back to having a front yard that looks like its owner knows something about plants.
I always knew his son and his son's friends were the problem- so I hid my plants. Not now...
30 Sep, 2016
Stan, I know what it is like with front gardens being under attack so pleased for you that you have lost your offender. My last house had a 4ft stone wall with lawn and bed the same height my side. Went through a period when would find plants pulled out in the morning. Did buy some evil roses for there :-). As for weather, last night they said for my area the temp would be about 4c. Thinking of putting heating on soon.
1 Oct, 2016
70 degrees is fine for me in summer. don't like the heat, so I wouldn't cope with your temps.
creating your own 'heaven of one' is perfect and why shouldn't you. I use large gardens to give me planting ideas and I have to reduce the number of plants too. I call it shoehorn gardening . I should try not to cram things in but I cant !
1 Oct, 2016
I certainly couldn't cope with your heat but its what you are used to isn't it, its flipping cold here today, I have added a jumper but I think next time one of us goes upstairs the heating will go on for a while..
Over the years of being on here I have seen some marvellous small gardens, also yards where everything is all in pots, they always say "Where there's a will, there is always a way"...
1 Oct, 2016
My heating ended up going on yesterday. Felt like summer had well and truly ended :-(. Rained all day,
2 Oct, 2016
Its not hot in the bay area on average. I think our summer highs average about 75F or roughly 24C. If you went by the whole calendar year...about 68f or 20-21C.
Its a mild maritime influenced climate. There are no hot winds like in Delonix's southern california.
Plants that require hot summers here can be grown..just slow,much slower then the typical rest of the USA hot summers in the south or east.
So,when we do get really can feel very hot not acclimated to it. People in desert climates don't talk hot until its 40C+...
We have one more possible very warm day later in the week. Looking forward to that. Warm,I like!
btw- Jen,I know that one. I'm not looking forward to the cold morning to start with..
4 Oct, 2016
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Glad to hear the weather has cooled. Do you have anything like the national open garden scheme where people that are accepted by the scheme open their gardens to the public on set days for charities over there? Only wondered due to your collection of plants.
30 Sep, 2016