By stan510
My 2+ year old PC was broken into and the meanys deleted all my photos and my passwords.
At first I thought my political posts locally set somebody off.
But,one plant board that I posted a lot on over the last decade? It was the ONLY board that wont let me back in because “your email is not on file”. Just maybe..somebody there was angry at my many posts of sunny Cali?
Anyways..PC’s are really useless for forever storage. Machines can break…paper photos last forever.
I did though manage to recover off the net the last few months of my best photos. And all my best are posted somewhere here and there..but wont be HD except for one website I can go over to recoup more pics.
Never trust in your PC or the internet.
The good news is the pc itself wasnt ruined and I have the same easy internet access.
How do you find who did something like that?
17 Apr, 2018
Previous post: More pics blog.
Next post: More Flea Market Orchid..
It's heart-breaking when that happens. I use Picasa a lot but found when it compacted files my photos disappeared. Then by chance I discovered Picasa had given up the ghost. I still use it for odd photos but anything "good" I try to download on to a CD or a DVD.
Best thing to do is to have photos printed professionally. I wait for special offers as it can all add up though when I printed my own photos the cost of the ink was astronomical. Nothing like a book to look through!
As 3pbit said, photos can be retrieved. Search for all jpg's on your hard disk otherwise. I have found some of mine this way.
17 Apr, 2018
Good idea Eiryls he could put them on a memory stick too.
17 Apr, 2018
Yes- see how Picassa was another that was "to keep your photos" gone. Photobucket was $20 a year.. paid,then stopped. Now? They want $200 a year to store AND allow you to post on boards.
I might try Flicker.
I hate PC's and the false security. 95% of the photos on this pc were plants. So just a few of the family were lost.
Like that great photo of Cupcake!
17 Apr, 2018
Such a shame if you ve lost some of your family photos as well Stan.
17 Apr, 2018
Ok- I found the pics on my PC. I cant access them easily- but they are there. Somebody moved them all out of "photos" to some obscure spot I'm still trying to figure out how to move back. I see them,they aren't encrypted. Somebody who doesn't like me,moved them and then deleted all my passwords..some of those are hard to recover too. One board says it doesn't have my email. 10 years will do that I guess.
Your guess as good as mine why all the spy stuff.
17 Apr, 2018
I'm so sorry Stan that you have had this done to you. There is some horrible people out there that troll the internet and do this sort of thing from the safety of their armchair for What they think is a laugh. Hope you manage to recover your photos
18 Apr, 2018
That's great you have found your photos Stan perhaps some one on garden questions could help you on how retrieve them.
I don't see my grandson until Sunday to ask him what to do.
18 Apr, 2018
During my cycle camping years I had a small Minolta film camera which fitted into my bar bag. I always had card
prints 'for the future' and I am loving them now in their
I have Arthritis, am partly disabled, have given up driving, and left with my memory. I go on my tours again in my armchair, remember it all. Lovely.
18 Apr, 2018
MY PC IS NORMAL again! I wake up and as I had my coffee and toast put on the PC with a cringe wondering whats next. A SHOCK! was totally back to what it was. Photos back in the right place,screenshots,all my bookmarks..all perfect!
I did nothing!!
I don't know what happened yesterday.
THANKS everybody..its nice to have a ear when you are floored by a wonky PC.
18 Apr, 2018
Your very welcome Stan .
Thats fantastic Stan its all back to normal another local site I go on the owner had trouble too it was an anti virus update he could nt use the mouse nor keyboard so could nt get on his own site he chats to America I think he is a moderator for the American tv shows site .
18 Apr, 2018
It might have been that Penny. It sounds very possible a update caused it.
I notice too? My photos? Microsoft looks at them or the Windows 10 can recognize things. Some of my photos are labeled and NOT by me. For example I see "Cat on roof" under a photo of the cat on my garage roof. I didn't do that.
Another of the granddaughter is labeled "Smiles". What do you make of that?
18 Apr, 2018
Now a days all our photo s they have access to even if you take a photo on your phone and don't upload it to any site they have them too. I think its very strange Stan some one has been into your files then.
19 Apr, 2018
2 things since. I think the problem with the PC is I added Malwarebytes 24/7 protection,then two weeks later cancelled it. I think that did things to my PC that the free version had never done. I removed ALL of malwarebytes and my PC has been perfect.
Labeled photos? I did see an article that said Windows ten can recognize files by sight. Maybe photos too and then label things like "Cat of roof". Not sure. It could still be a hacker.
20 Apr, 2018
Yes Stan that could be it or as you say a hacker using your photo s on another site .
20 Apr, 2018
MalwareBytes used to be a great programme. The newer version has given problems I have read.
It may be that you needed to shut down your PC and then switch it on again to see any "adjustments". This often has to be done after removing a programme for instance.
Anyway I am glad all is well though I can't understand why some photos should be labelled when you didn't do so.
20 Apr, 2018
It was Malwarebytes now Im sure of it Eirlys. Windows 10 had been perfect,I until now had avoided adding any programs that needed registry changes.
Whats I just said "no" to the full time when it came to sign up after using it on trial. I never removed all the other "pro" additions. So,It was Malwarebytes I guess in shutting down its offer that really put a scare in me.
Since I removed ALL Malwarebytes- even the free version that hadn't caught a thing on Windows 10 in three years anyways,the PC has been perfect again.
21 Apr, 2018
Recent posts by stan510
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- Hunkering down from the Virus.
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- Removing is such sweet sorrow.
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26 Apr, 2019
If you know some one who knows about pc Stan you can retrieve all those photos but you have to be quick. Some times another file can take over and place your photos else where on your hard drive.
I did have a giggle at you Stan and your political words it cant be worse than what I ve said on other forums knowing these mps and councilors sit on them and I tell them they are not fit to run this city and they are snobs that pretend to be educated and how currupt they are in fact some of my ideas and knowlege have been in the local news a few days after. ?
Shame you did nt live here my grandson is a wiz kid he has taught the top wiz kids things they thought was nt possiblev he could of got your pictures back and blocked it so no one could get into your files.
17 Apr, 2018