Have you seen this?
By steragram
Suttons latest ad is for an amaryllis (sic) bulb coated in coloured wax and fixed to a flat base so it needs no water. If that isn’t the pits I don’t know what is. Try growing that one on for next year! I put this in the gardening category but it should probably have gone under “other”.
12 Nov, 2014
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Ugh!.......I haven't put 'like'......how can I?
its like sticking plastic flowers on a cactus?
12 Nov, 2014
Hi Sue, it's amazing the stupid things they come up with to make money, but someone will be daft enough to buy them, Derek.
12 Nov, 2014
It's abuse !
12 Nov, 2014
They should be reported to the NSPCP (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Plants)
12 Nov, 2014
Don't know how to do emoticons, so I'm making a face that says eeeuughh!
12 Nov, 2014
I agree what a waste of a good plant. but just think if someone gets one of these for the first time and it growa and flowers that might just be the strat of a whole new life experience of plants. They could then come on here asking for help and they would get it.
I agree it is so wrong but so many people just throw their amaryllis away any way what is the difference. Same with hyacinths and paper whites ;o(
13 Nov, 2014
One to avoid then, I have enough problems getting repeat flowering already without trying another new idea....
13 Nov, 2014
Alex, yes, I was surprised at Suttons. They're supposed to care about plants as well as profits?
Thaks everyone - you made me laugh which can't be bad...
Seaburngirl, thank you for the power of positive thinking!
But even when people do throw them away after flowering, doesn't it pain you to see them there withoug even a drink? Living off their body fat until they starve to death like Belson...
13 Nov, 2014
? this one sheila.......? or frighen them ?
such fun, they turned up on my tablet when it did its last update. ...?
13 Nov, 2014
Thanks Pam - maybe my tablet has some too, but I'm still finding my way around!
14 Nov, 2014
Mines with the symbols.....I guess theres probably an app.......I like apps....if they're free.........
15 Nov, 2014
I don't like the sound of that either steragram...
Haha same here Pam I like the free apps too...
15 Nov, 2014
I think you are more tech savvy than me, Pam . .haven't found symbols on here. Oh look, here's one! ☺ thanks!??
16 Nov, 2014
i once bought a "proto-tree" - log about the length and size of my thumb, wax covered at both ends scrape the wax off and plant, and it'll become a real tree, the blub siad. yeah, right!
16 Nov, 2014
Well found Sheila ?
have fun ?
16 Nov, 2014
What sort of tree was it supposed to be Fran?
16 Nov, 2014
umm, christmas tree type, I think - lol this was about forty years ago! one of hte christas card and gift catalgoues had them. but of course if it don't work, it's alwyas your fault, not duff prodcut!
17 Nov, 2014
Ho hum!
17 Nov, 2014
Shouldn't that be, ho ho ho, or oh humbug,:-):-):-), Derek.
17 Nov, 2014
It pains me to see just what some companies get up to just to make a profit! :-((
Amaryllis will flower again year after year - just like Daffodils will! Mine multiply so fast I just can't find room for them any longer! I've already brought 40 pots home from the greenhouse on the allotment & there must be as many there still waiting for me to bring them home!
I say "pots" because lots of pots have several bulbs in them! Mostly small ones that were too small to put in their own individual pots last year. I also ran out of suitable pots as well as compost!
17 Nov, 2014
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I remember seeing them advertised in a 'Christmas Gift' catologue that came with the Suttons Catologue.
Won't buy one though.
12 Nov, 2014