Slug and Snail control
By stevewelch
This is my first ever blog. With regard to the slug problem i have become quite experienced in ways of dealing with them.
I have a Lobelia Queen Victoria which i grew in the margin of the pond in 2007 and in 08 I planted it close to the pond which is a nice moist boggy area frequented by lots of slugs and snails. Dangerous you may think but no.
Before planting, I bought a roll of self adhesive copper tape. I then cut the top 2" off of an old plastic plant pot, around 7" diameter and applied the copper tape around the top. After, i buried this around the plant sticking up about 3/4" or 20mm above soil level. This kept the buggers off and it was beautiful all summer. See picture below, if you look carefully at the bottom of the Lobelia you can see the brown edging of the copper tape. Incidently, it doesn’t need to be shiny to work, it’s just as good when it goes dull too!
Another useful tip is to use organic pellets: Advanced Slug Killer Pellets by “Growing Success” certified for organic use. Blue pellets contain a naturally occurring ingredient – ferric phosphate. it works.
My wife and I will not tolerate any chemicals or man made poisons in the garden at all. This is the only one. I have included a picture of the brand we use I found online – it’s very easy to get.
But the main tip is to use it early in the season. As soon as there are a few warmer days and the molluscs start moving, that is the time to put some down. This will prevent a whole series of generations of slugs taking hold.
I did it last year and the effect it had was incredible compared to previous years, especially as it was really wet all year (it seemed).
Before the last frosts, or in the next few weeks, get some pellets down and you WILL notice the difference as the season progresses. You will use less later on because there will be less around because you caught the great great great grandmother before it laid hundreds of eggs which then in turn bred like rabbits.
Also pictured is one of the beds in the front of the house (south facing) including Tetrapanax, Echium, Ricinus, Mirabilis, Ipomea, lots of delicious plants barely touched using this method of control. Only problem now is caterpillars on the Echium!!
13 Feb, 2009
Apparently so, this is what the makers say:
* Advanced Slug Killer Pellets 750g
* Certified for organic use.
* Blue pellets contain a naturally occurring ingredient - ferric phosphate.
* Slugs consume the pellets, causing them to stop feeding and die.
* The pellets can be used around edible and non- edible plants.
* Apply 5g of pellets per square metre.
* Maximum of 4 treatments, per square metre, per crop.
* 750g will treat approx 155m2
* Children & pets need not be excluded from treated areas.
"Our Advanced Slug Killer only affects snails & slugs and will not get into the food chain, so birds are prefectly safe if they eat the pellets or any slugs that have eaten it."
Growing Success
13 Feb, 2009
Very informative blog Steve. Welcome to GoY
13 Feb, 2009
Thanks for the information. I'll have to get some. Last year was especially bad with slugs and snails.
13 Feb, 2009
I had heard of these copper bands or copper tape. I shall have to invest in some.............
13 Feb, 2009
Thank you for this blog.
I shall try to start early this year with slug/snail control.
13 Feb, 2009
Fab Blog Stevewelch its great 2 see care has been taken when controling Slugs/Snails as so many people use the Horrid Slug Pellets which cause so much damage to Birds /Wildlife :( Iv never used Pellets so lost many a Plant to this Problem so il have a go@this Idea 2 :)
13 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Steve. That's a good idea and I shall watch out for it. I really suffer with snails (or should I say that my plants do?)
13 Feb, 2009
Good idea with the lobelia - I'm using the same principle this year with some vulnerable things except you can now buy copper rings to put round the plants
13 Feb, 2009
Very useful blog, Steve. Anything that cuts down the lace curtain effect will be tried.
13 Feb, 2009
Your border says it all really. I bought a roll of thin copper gas piping for this season hoping for longer use. My Lobelia Queen Victoria was planted last summer but the slugs and snails left it alone for some reason. The blighters have a harsher fete if I catch them - middle of the road and wild hedge rows.
13 Feb, 2009
Hello gardeners :-) i am new on here and have been reading with interest on your diffarent methods of slug patrol.
I have spoken to a few gardeners and they think the copper banding doesnt work but i have a method.....
I read a few years ago about using oats and believe it or not i find it works to a certain degree.
The idea is they eat the oats it bloats them, they go back to bed and never to be seen again as its meant to explode there stomachs.
The only prob is you need to put more down if it rains and i also find my cats are quite partial to eating it to.
Has anyone tried the plastic butter tubs or anything plastic that you serate the tops with dont know if it works but will be trying this method with my new jasmines i have just bought.
12 Apr, 2009
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great informative blog steve, just like yourselves we don't use chemicals , so never looked at any form of slug pellets , may try this , is it really bird friendly?...........steve
13 Feb, 2009