A few changes
By stickitoffee
My garden has a back drop of a small wood [that belongs to the council], this is on a hill and makes the garden interesting but shady.
The centre border at the back is approximately 8 or 9 feet deep and on a slope ~ perhaps a 30 or 40 degree angle?
This was taken in July.
It looked quite pretty when everything was out but it was incredibly difficult to walk across, to weed or to water ~ without falling down the slope!! In fact there were some areas I just couldnt get to.
Having seen some lovely gardens and several of you making paths ~ including Karensusan; I thought maybe I could do the same.
Armed with a spade and fork ~ to move the plants; I started to mark out where the paths could go ~ using spare bricks to suggest the path line. I already had a few stepping stones and some pieces of rock, stone and larger pebbles.
Having collected the spare rocks together, along with 2 bags of bark chippings I set off with my trowel; digging the pathway, moving plants that were in the way and putting rocks at the side.
Perhaps it doesnt look quite as pretty but I’m hoping it will be much more manageable and I will be able to get to the plants much easier. Hopefully it means I can take care of them better and will be able to see them better as well. I have spaced them out a lot more as I had put a lot in too closely.
This was taken in September:
These two were taken in September last year, although this year the mombretias have mostly finished!!
20 Sep, 2011
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just so long as i can still walk along it!!! thanks sam(?) jp!
20 Sep, 2011
Gosh, now that you've put in the path, we can see how steep the slope is Sticki! Good job, I think it looks even prettier, more interesting!
20 Sep, 2011
Lol hmm that would be interesting, create a path and then loose it in the plants. We have a similar issue here, only its not plants its weeds (mostly mares tail) 5 alloys (don't ask) an old water heater, a couple of empty gas bottles, one of the blue shell sand pits and what I think may have been a door at one point. Thankfully thats all hidden behind the shed. Luckily the path only leads to the back gate which is very rarely used since we have a back door on the garage.
20 Sep, 2011
I can see why you've done it Sticki, it'll make your life a little easier. Well done.
20 Sep, 2011
it would be a fairer comparison to have photos at the same time ~ i didnt realise quite how different it was in two months, although I have taken quite a few things out.
thanks karen, sam and sheila
20 Sep, 2011
That's a good job Sticki! Karen's right, I never realised it was that steep! How you gardened in that bed at all really amazes me! It's still looking beautiful, Stick, and with it being so much easier to handle, you're going to be able to have much more fun in your garden!! I love your garden Stick, it's so pretty!
20 Sep, 2011
thank you libet. it is nice to be able to see the plants individually i must say!!
20 Sep, 2011
I liked it before Sticki but it didn`t really show how steep it was to work on, I think you`ve made a grand job of it and it will certainly be safer for you especially when its wet.
I do love the woods at the back, looks so much nicer than plain old fencing or buildings...
20 Sep, 2011
Well done, Sticki, hard work but worth it! ... Does it receive much rainfall ... or do the trees behind give some shelter from the rain? . . . . .
20 Sep, 2011
i think the trees take a lot of the rain shirley so it is dry shade.
thank you lincslass and shirley
20 Sep, 2011
You have done a grand job Sticki....it's good to see you have made the area much more accessible for yourself.
That back drop of the trees is lovely.
It all looks good :)
20 Sep, 2011
thanks scottish, i still have my doubts about it but it is definitely doing the job of being more accessible ~ more space for the plants has to be better?
20 Sep, 2011
That should fill in nicely Sticki and gives it a bit more form. If plants start drifting over the path, invest in half rings to hold the taller plants back and there's a short wire edging in green sold by Wilco's, I use this to give my geraniums and helianthemums a lift off the path..you wont notice them when in place, but stops your feet getting snagged in low growing stuff and stops you breaking bits off taller stuff as you pass.
20 Sep, 2011
oh thanks tet ~ that sounds a very good idea ~ i can look for those tomorrow.
not sure what it is about the garden that makes it not look so attractive ~ is it because there is a path in the middle?
20 Sep, 2011
I would say so..am I right in thinking you have two side paths joined to a semi-circular in the middle? If so, the middle path is redundant.
20 Sep, 2011
not quite ~ the middle one lets me reach the stuff in the middle. cant get there otherwise.
20 Sep, 2011
Think of the straps of a dress joined with a scooped neckline..
20 Sep, 2011
Goodness, that IS steep, Sticki . . . is it hard to keep the stones in place? It's a great idea though, and I think you're on the right track, lol.
I know you're not asking for ideas, but do you like heathers? We're just back from Brittany where we walked down a steep, rocky cliff-top path with lovely heathers either side. Must find the photo . . .
21 Sep, 2011
I think it looks really good Sticki. It's not easy gardening on a slope and your paths look attractive as well as being a practical solution. I have a few large rocks that were cemented in as stepping stones and the steps at the sides. Weeding is hard work! On the plus side it is nice to have flowers at eye level. Do you grow many Hardy Geraniums on your slope?
21 Sep, 2011
I agree with Annella looks really good:)
21 Sep, 2011
thank you annella and nana ~ i am beginning to collect a few hardy geraniums ~ thanks to GoY!!!
all ideas welcome sheila!! i have one or two heathers but the first one i put in died so i didnt get any more for a while ~ i think i put it in when it was too dry. Yes, you are right ~ keeping the stones in place is a problem ~ some are held in place by bricks underneath ~ its very fine and soft soil so they tend to slip down easily.
thanks tet ~ i know what you mean now.
21 Sep, 2011
it looks great..how big is the wood..very well organised and the slope not causing too much problems by the looks..thanks for sharing
21 Sep, 2011
thanks skip
um not quite sure ~ maybe 6 - 8 acres?? i tried to imagine how many football pitches would fit on but its difficult with the hill in the middle and very tall trees!!
21 Sep, 2011
I have always looked for something different in a garden every time I have moved Sticki, The first one had an upwards slope and this one has a downwards slope. Yours has that magical forest look to it....go with it and plant hardy Geraniums for colour and Ferns for effect.Your garden is lovely ;O))
21 Sep, 2011
You are very kind, thank you annella, I don't think you can see but the back right is a host a area.
It's at it's best in spring with camellia, azalea, bulbs and primroses out.
21 Sep, 2011
You are lucky to have acid soil, I can't grow Azalea and Camellia here only in pots. They look beautiful in shady areas but my slope is solid dry neutral clay so no chance.
21 Sep, 2011
Almost the opposite of here then. You have done a remarkably good job on yours.
21 Sep, 2011
I think you have too :o)
21 Sep, 2011
You'll be glad you did it. I did a similar thing, and am very pleased with the results. It's annoying when you can't get to your plants to tend them.
22 Sep, 2011
I agree hywel
22 Sep, 2011
Great work, Sticki, and makes everything more accessible.. You have worked hard on this.. Love your backdrop too..
23 Sep, 2011
thanks flori ~ still not quite sure.
23 Sep, 2011
Not an easy task, but I think you have sorted it out very well, just give it time to mature and I am sure you will be pleased with the outcome.
25 Sep, 2011
Thanks DD
26 Sep, 2011
Its going to be fine when the plants have grown again, don't worry. But I agree with Tet, it might be better to find another solution to access in the middle - not convinced about that central set of steps. Cold you make some sort of feature with a much larger stone half way up that you could stand on? You could even stand a pot or little ornament on it and move it when you want access?
26 Sep, 2011
i have done that at the moment stera, im no good just looking at it myself ~ just have to try things out and look again the next day.
the original idea was the centre path would take your eye up to the back
its easy to take the path out tho!
26 Sep, 2011
I love the new look Sticki, I love to see stone in and around a garden and these steps and paths look great and of course will make your life a little easier. Do you ever go over into the woods for a stroll? Maybe a few logs would make a nice addition too. Great pics I love your garden.
26 Sep, 2011
yes grandmage, its not a huge wood but i can go out of the back gate and walk round ~ i love it there ~ when we bought the house ~ i only liked the garden and the woods.
26 Sep, 2011
27 Sep, 2011
thank you dreaming.
27 Sep, 2011
You`ve done a splendid job Sticki, it looks so much more interesting as well as practical. Good job Terry doesn`t live there he would be in those woods collecting interesting pieces for his wood enhancing hobby.
27 Sep, 2011
tell me more stroller ~ you are welcome to come over ~ woods are open to all walkers!!!
27 Sep, 2011
This looks great! It must be fun having your own mini forest area. Have you thought about adding lighting? I think it'd look pretty and would enhance visibility on the paths.
27 Sep, 2011
im sure it would marie but i doubt it will happen ~ i love little lights in the garden but OH doesnt like the solar powered ones ~ no idea why! and i dont know how to do the electrics for the other sort.
welcome to GoY!!
27 Sep, 2011
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Looks great already Sticki. I bet it'll look fantastic in a year or so when the plants are a little bigger and fill the spaces a bit more.
20 Sep, 2011