My newly planted Sorbus Is something amiss???????
By stroller
I`m hoping Karensusan will read this blog as I know she likes this particular Tree.
I purchased it on the 13th of this month and things seem to be happening which dont seem right.
Here are a couple of pics of the tree and one close up of the leaves.
As it was planted.
As it looks today
I`m really concerned and think perhaps it would be best to ring the Nursery.
29 Jul, 2010
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Assuming that you've given it copious amounts of water (as if it were still in it's pot) then yes take it back. If I were you I'd get a bare root and plant inOct/ Nov.
29 Jul, 2010
Yes Drc - definately a Sorbus `Pink Pegoda` and I watered it in its pot and left it while I was digging the hole 18" wide and about 14/18" deep incorporated some very well rotted horse manure mixed with general compost filled the hole with water and waited for it to drain, put a layer of mult compost in the hole planted the tree and filled with the soil taken from the hole. Then gave it another soaking with rain water from the barrel.
I have watered it every evening even when we have had a little rain during the day.
Heron - I shall ring the Nursery tomorrow to see what they say. The Magnolia tree of the same size I had from them the same day is doing fine.
29 Jul, 2010
Sorbus 'Pink Pagoda' is Mountain Ash Tree -Rowan. The reason I asked is I have a Rowan and they can suffer in draught if short of water. But this looks as if it may have had a problem before you bought it? Fire blight comes to mind I will be very interested to hear what they say.
29 Jul, 2010
sorbus acuparia is the normal rowan tree I think, I agree that it looks more than drought, we planted new trees early this year-- rowan amongst them-- and although some leaves drooped and a few of the others lost a few leaves nothing like this has occured
30 Jul, 2010
Good luck with the nursery Stroller.
30 Jul, 2010
Oh no Phyl! This looks like a diseased tree for sure. I have never seen anything like it. Sorry I can't add anything to the advice above. I would be calling the nursery for looks like more than drought to me too. Oh dear...that's really a shame, such a lovely tree. Never mind though, as long as there is nothing wrong with your soil, it can just be replaced. At least it has happened before it got established. ....mmmm.....looks like it brought something with it from the nursery to me! :(( Looking at it again.... I don't know what others think....but I think it looks a bit droopy in the first pic actually. I think they've sold you a dying tree Phyl.....:(
30 Jul, 2010
I have spoken to the lady at the nursery today and have sent her an e-mail with pictures attached and she is going to get back to me. I dont think its my soil as other plants and shrubs round it are all fine. Will fill you all in with the outcome and many thanks for your concern.
30 Jul, 2010
Hope it all works out in the end Phyll. I didn't really think it would be the soil.
30 Jul, 2010
They'll lose a lot of good will if they don't replace it. On a side note I'm a fan of 'root-grow' a mycrorrhizal fungi you put it under the roots. It's very good indeed.
31 Jul, 2010
i got rowan this year and watered it every day, lots to, it was a bit droopy to start but soon picked up, seems like its drying out to me, good luck with it ;o)
31 Jul, 2010
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Hi Stroller first are you sure its a Sorbus? I thought it looked like a Rowan? Secondly how have you been watering it? When you planted it was it very dry in its pot? I think you should ring the nursery I thinki this was happening before you bought it?
29 Jul, 2010