By stroller
Took this photo on Tuesday 23rd of this month I was so excited at seeing the first little truss of fruits on my Arbutus Unedo `Rubra`. I can remember Amy posting a picture of a large specimen of this and Janey asked “is it easy to grow”?. Well Janey this was planted this year and seems to be doing very well so far, just as a precaution I am going to mulch it well round its roots as we seem to be having heavy frosts.
You can just see its fruit right at the bottom.
We have had bright sunshine this afternoon and I am going out to do that mulching, before its to late.
29 Nov, 2010
Previous post: ROSES ARE RED even in November!
Next post: To all Goyers out there,
Superb! What a lovely plant this is! I'm so glad I got a new one....let's hope it doesn't go the way of the last one in this weather...but I don't think it will, it's in a much warmer spot.
29 Nov, 2010
It's a lovely shrub with such glossy leaves. I hope the frost doesn't damage it for you.
29 Nov, 2010
Paul I gave it a top dressing of very well rotted manure when I planted it.
Karen - Lets keep fingers crossed like you mine is in a sheltered spot, so should be ok,
Hywel because of the very low temp forcasts I`ve been out this afternoon and put a mulch round the roots.
29 Nov, 2010
Fingers crossed it does ok this winter.
30 Nov, 2010
Definitely Clarice.
30 Nov, 2010
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Brilliant news for you - it obviously is very healthy - do you often add rotted matter to it ??
29 Nov, 2010