I'm sad!!
By sue_sullivan
Hello freinds, I haven’t been on line for a week or so due to an eye infection. I’ve had a nasty thing called Iritis. Basically it’s artheritis in the eye. Really hurts too. I’ve gone from perfect vision to having to wear a contact lens in one eye. the hospital said it was so servere that the iris stuck to the lens.
I also have the sad duty to announce that my lovely cat Harry died of old age. His heart just gave out. He was 17 years old and he had a nice life. We burried him in the garden and have a nice statue of a cat placed on his grave. I don’t expect Jade to last too long either. She has had a large tumour on her paw for the last two years, and the vet only gave her about 6 months two years ago, but just recently she’s been struggling with it. But she is coming up to 16 and i’d be very surprised if she lasts another year. So were all pretty sad at the moment with Harry gone. The bottom of our beds feel empty. He used to follow the sun around from room to room. And he always seemed to know what day i changed the duvet, so that he could leave nice wet paw prints on it for me when it was raining…. ahhh blesss. Well things to do, garden to dig in this nice sunny weather, fish pond to clear out (yuk).
Take care and enjoy the weather (as we all know too well it’s not gonna last here in britain).
16 Mar, 2009
Previous post: BRAINSTORM.
Next post: Goodbye to Jade.
I hope things quickly improve for you Sue.
16 Mar, 2009
Hello Sue,pleased you are able to read and write again now it does sound a very painful condition.It is very sad to lose a pet no matter what age they reach but you will have some good memories.Enjoy your gardening even pond clearance, I know from experience how dirty a job that is,lol...
16 Mar, 2009
So sorry to hear the sad news about Harry, it's so hard losing a beloved pet. I do hope Jade is with you for quite some time. The cat statue sounds lovely.
16 Mar, 2009
I feel for you losing Harry at that age our cat Sox died at the ripe old age of 18 4 years ago, i still miss him he was such a character! We have a new cat now (he's not new really he's 4 this year!!) called Toffee but he's not as human loving as Sox, quite a character though.
The eye infection sounds awful hope its soon better. Summer is coming that always makes me feel better.
16 Mar, 2009
So sorry to hear of your sad loss,and that you are not well.Your Harry had such a good life with you,and hope you can take comfort from that................
16 Mar, 2009
What a horrible time you've been having, Sue. I send you a hug. XX
16 Mar, 2009
Hi Sue. I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. It's a horrible experience when a pet dies. I hope your get over your infection soon aswell.
17 Mar, 2009
Aww, what a rough time you've been having! I do hope your eye problem gets sorted out soon, sounds nasty! Ouch!
Wow! 17 years, that's amazing! You must have loads of happy memories! Keep those in your mind, he wouldn't want you grieving and as someone else said, you'll smile when you change your duvet covers.....
17 Mar, 2009
Recent posts by sue_sullivan
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- In the dark.
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- Been Fishin' again.....
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- So much for my relaxing week off!!!
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- Been Fishin'
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- I think i'm living in the twillight zone.
20 Jun, 2009
Hello Sue :o)
You've been going through some difficult times ! The eye condition sounds painful. What is the long term forecast for that ? Did the condition come on quickly, and can the eye doctors help to cure it ?
And wonderful Harry. You obviously had a very special relationship with him, and you'll think of him every time you change the duvet :o)
Harry's grave is exactly how it should be, with the cat statue on top.
I lost a precious Welsh Terrier last autumn. You can see him on my photos. Seventeen is a good age for Harry to have reached. Your other cat, Jade, has also done well at coming up sixteen. You look after your cats very well !
I hope the coming weeks bring happier times for you. I'm just starting to get over the tough months I experienced at the end of last year. My pets are helping me, including the new puppy, Truffle. My two dogs have been out in the garden with me the past two days. Great fun !
Days are getting longer, and time spent in the garden is good therapy.
Wishing you all the best. xxx
16 Mar, 2009