late colour today
By surreylad
First apologies to every one i’ve been so busy that i havn’t had time on here over the last few weeks plus a dentist visit which wasn’t fun. i will get round to everyones pics soon.
This is my late flowering centaurea amethyst dream, i love this coloured one.
eccremocarpus scaber seed kindly from Meanie.
scabious ace of spades, although it’s a darker red than it is here…
Schizostylis coccinea now i know it’s Autumn…
One of my Amaryllis lily’s this one should be ‘clown’ but it’s clearly not, i still like it though
this was 7pm tonight….
hopefully i’ll get some more time to be on here more often, thanks for looking, :-)
13 Sep, 2012
Previous post: Stonehenge
Next post: More colour this month.
lovely pictures, i especially like the Schizostylis coccinea.
hope the dentist visit is all over!!
13 Sep, 2012
Nice to see you again. Don't worry about catching up. It's almost impossible.
I like your plants, esp the one from Meanie. He grows such unusual ones.
13 Sep, 2012
really looks like Autumn is coming. Don't worry - I am the same - no time to catch up or be active. Two jobs - hardly any time for fun in life, lol.
13 Sep, 2012
Thanks Motinot :-)
Thanks Sticki, almost over i broke a molar tooth.. i have one more half hour session left thank god :-)
Thanks Hywel, yes he does some really nice unusual ones :-)
13 Sep, 2012
Lol thanks Kasy :-)
13 Sep, 2012
ouch SL ~ all the best!
13 Sep, 2012
Cheers :-))
13 Sep, 2012
Lovely stuff, hope you treatment goes well SL : )
13 Sep, 2012
Hi SL! Haven't had much time to be on GoY either, lately...don't know where the summer went this year...
I hope your dentist thing is over and done with! I've got an appointment tomorrow...problem that's been simmering for more years than I care to remember...I'm scared of dentists (or it would have been fixed a long time ago!!)
Your garden looks a lot better than my patch of scorched earth, btw! :)))
13 Sep, 2012
Oh, SL, I cannot see any of your pictures, only the bottom one, do not know why, probably have bad signal here (?).
Will have a look on them next day. However, fingers crossed, I hate dentistry. I was last week at the dentist and now I am waiting for another visit. But still, there are much worse things in life, then to have dentist´s fingers in mouth, lol.
13 Sep, 2012
Wow, that Centaurea.....absolutely lovely! Don't apologise Slad, it gets difficult for us all at times to keep up on here. My OH is my dentist, and that's the way I want to keep it. I can't stand the thought of going to someone else when he retires in a few years! I've always hated them. My mum thought it was the most hilarious thing when I met Scott and ended up marrying him! She had to 'drug' me to get me there when I was a child and once I even hit one during a particularly traumatic extraction!
13 Sep, 2012
Lol, Karen, if you had my dentist, he would certainly hit you back.
13 Sep, 2012
LOL! You need to change your dentist so one a little less 'assertive' Katarina :) I mean, if your dentist can't take a little beating, he's in the wrong job! lol ;)
13 Sep, 2012
Well, he was perfect dentist. He made teeth to opera singers. But was, let say, typical man with no understanding for human rights breaking his human rights :)
But now I am attending woman, who is dentist surgeon by specialisation. So bleeding in the chair is quite normal situation there. But she asks me every five seconds "Do you want injection?" I do not know, what is better, :))
13 Sep, 2012
LOL! Karen! I fear it's too late for me to meet and marry a dentist!
...does yours still practice in or around Dundee??? \O/
13 Sep, 2012
What is Dundee, Karen? I know only Crocodile
13 Sep, 2012
Cheers Stevie :-)
Thanks Karen, i've got a lovely dentist now, i used to be scared now i'm not to bad :-)
Lol thanks Kat, hope you can see the pics tomorrow :-)
Thanks Karen i really like the Centaurea, nice to have your other half as a dentist :-)
13 Sep, 2012
I do not know, SL, if it is good to have one´s other half a dentist. I would be afraid to fall asleep beside him. Snoring would be risky then...:)
13 Sep, 2012
Dundee is a city in Scotland, Katarina...and both Karensusan and I used to live there...
Just around the corner from each other, although, we did not ever meet at that time!
I have a good dentist too, now, SL...but I'm still scared!!! :/
13 Sep, 2012
Lol Kat :-))
i used to be very scared until i changed dentist, this one she is so good and patient :-)
13 Sep, 2012
The one I've got now shows everything he's doing in X-ray on a screen!! It really takes your mind off what's going on inside...when you watch it from the outside! :D
13 Sep, 2012
14 Sep, 2012
Karenfrance@oh, yes, the same does my dentist. If she is not sure if I have there caries or not, she takes X-ray. It is fashion of recent 15 years. You know, I am not a big fan of that. Dentists in my teens NEVER used X-rays just to see where is caries and always knew what to do. Everywhere where you get X-ray they say to you - it is just small dose. Yes, but those innocent doses of X-rays you get here and there and its cummulative dose what counts in this detective story:)
14 Sep, 2012
Surreylad@I finally see your photos this morning. They are so beautiful, especially Amaryllis. I grow them too, but yours I like more. Ace of spades - what a beautiful name. It is name like the name of one of Tarot cards :)))
14 Sep, 2012
Thank you Junna :-)
Lol Karen i bet that does take your mind off it :-)
Thanks Kat glad you can see them now, :-)
14 Sep, 2012
lol...Crocodile Dundee! Have you seen any photos of him lately? Anyway, I digress....yes he does Karen. I shan't say any more on here since it is public! One of my friends is married to a painter and decorator. She says he is so fastidious she wakes up some days and finds he's fixed something in the house while she was sleeping. I replied that I wish I could wake up and find that my teeth were three shades lighter, but it never happens! ;) x
14 Sep, 2012
Lovely pics S`lad, I`ve had a chuckle at the comments as regards the dentist visits, its the hygenist that scares me, it seems the dentist makes the pain go away but oh boy the hygenist hurts, I dread visiting her, she`s a lovely lady but oh wow I sometimes feel like asking for an injection, lol...
14 Sep, 2012
Lovely plants SL.....personally I'm not too bothered about autumn coming - summer never did, therefore I've decided to give up being disappointed this year!!!!!!!!! So the sooner autumn and winter comes and goes the better.
Enjoying reading all the dental comments. There must be something wrong with me. I don't mind going to the dentist at all. I'd rather sit in the dentist/hygenist chair than suffer toothache any day of the week.
14 Sep, 2012
looks amazing still SL!!!
14 Sep, 2012
Those are lovely plants, SL - not easy to pick a favourite but maybe Meanie's because it's a new one to me. As for dentists, I sympathise. I've been terrified since childhood but am a little better now. Two years ago I had to have an impacted wisdom tooth removed under general anaesthetic - it was the recovery which was dreadful. I agree with Lincs. that the hygienist is often worse than the dentist for me and the thing I find worst of all is not being able to swallow; it feels like being slowly aspyxiated by water. Horrible!! Good luck with the rest of the treatment. Also, agree with Hywel; trying to catch up on here will 'do your head in' - so don't!
14 Sep, 2012
Lol Karen :-)
Thanks Lincslass, i don't mind the hygenist it's the first cold drink after i've been that i hate :-))
Thanks Scottish yes Summers been a washout this year still there's always the hope for next year. :-)
Cheers Paul :-))
14 Sep, 2012
Thanks Tuesdaybear :-)
14 Sep, 2012
Scottish@there is nothing wrong with you. You are a proper person - for dentist. Lol. :)
14 Sep, 2012
Lol! Been...had crown removed, hole bored in what's left and filled with antibiotic paste...
...and I was scolded, heavily for flinching...
...and making the dentist's heart jump! (not in a good way, you understand...) lol!
Painter and decorator would be quite welcome round here too, my OH's idea of cutting in is letting the brush get drier and drier towards the a sort of "fade out" kind of way... :D
15 Sep, 2012
Beautiful pics, Surreylad :o)
18 Sep, 2012
Thanks Terra :-)
19 Sep, 2012
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Nice blog S/l....Love that Scabious...:>)
13 Sep, 2012