An odd day.
By surreylad
Yesterday the weather was really quite odd here, cloudy and muggy to start, then thunder without lightning for about and hour followed by 5 mins down pour, then to finish it off sunny and pleasant till morning today..
Which is lovely here with a light breeze cooling things down a bit.
Just a few more pics to show…
The last of my dianthus plugs, pics not as good as real life, it’s lovely scent to go with it..
I am so impressed with this Silybum, it’s lovely marbled leaves and thistle flower..
A gift to my other half from the kids she works with at the school, lovely white chrysanthemum.
My orange hibiscus finally flowering now..
Normal lily stargazer, scents amazing…
The first flower forming on my Datura wrightii over wintered from seed from last year from Meanie..
And so to finish, pic taken now, Millie with her favourite ball sun bathing by my chair in the garden..
Thanks for looking.
24 Jul, 2013
Previous post: A July summer.
Next post: summer..
We were woken at 4.30 am tuesday morning with flash and crash right overhead, it had been a horrible hot muggy airless day with thunder rumbling all evening, then half of tuesday too torrents of rain in the night not stopping till about midday, no need to water then!
Your flowers are looking lovely.......espcially Millie xxx
24 Jul, 2013
We still have not had any rain yet.
24 Jul, 2013
Thanks digginfit hope yours are out soon :-)
Thanks Pamg, yes been strange weather, we didn't have much rain but thundered for an hour...
Blimey Drc your lucky then, has it been nice where you are?
24 Jul, 2013
Surreylad its been in the 30's here and everything is parched, as we have been asked to use water carefully I dont feel I can use the hose. My water butts have been empty for weeks. I am hoping for one of those storms to fill them and my very low pond.
24 Jul, 2013
Tuesday was a day when you could watch the lawn grow and green up, its amazing the speed it happened, it had to be mowed today, good rain does more good than any amount of watering doesn't it.
Hope yoy get some soon D as long as it knows when to stop!
24 Jul, 2013
Thanks Pam
24 Jul, 2013
Interesting plants :o) Esp the thistle. I've never heard of that one before.
Nice to see someone sunbathing lol :o)
24 Jul, 2013
not much of rain in my part of the world... but at least it's cooler. Even if I keep saying I loved the heat and that's something I am used to - it was hard to work longer than 3 p.m.
Nice collection of plants. My lilies are still in buds... I think they probably need some food, lol.
24 Jul, 2013
Lovely plants Surreylad. You did well to get flowers on a this year's plug of dianthus - hope it was a strongly scented one.
24 Jul, 2013
Had a bit of a mixed bag weather wise here the last 2 days. Much needed rain, the whole garden looked as if it really enjoyed a good soak.
Good to see Millie enjoying the sun too. Lovely plants too BTW :)
24 Jul, 2013
We had our storms Tues, its been hot again today but we had enough to get my waterbutts replenished and the ponds topped up, green grass again now as well, hopefully you'll get your share as I do agree it doesn't matter how much one waters its just not the same as a good steady downpour, its nice to have some warm evenings as well, our dogs don't like the heat and soon retreat into the shade..
Lovely photo's S'lad, my Hibiscus are not flowering yet, never seen one in that colour before, its a beaut and I've just realised looking at your pics that my stargazer lily hasn't made an appearance this year..BTW hope Millie has had her suncream put on, lol....
24 Jul, 2013
Still no rain here and looks as if no hope of any today!
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks for all your comments, is does seem quite a mixed bag weather we're all having, we had a inch of rain last night and now blazing hot sun.. Hope you get some rain soon Drc.
25 Jul, 2013
We finally had some rain last night, garden looking a lot better now.
Love the colour of your Hibiscus S'lad and I like the Silybum, that's one I'll have to look up. You have some very nice plants.
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks Jaykaty, glad you had some rain. If you want some seed of the Silybum it's starting to develop some seed, just let me know.
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks S'lad, I'll send you a pm. I looked it up, its an interesting plant and evidently most of it can be eaten! Roots can be boiled, flowerheads like artichokes and leaves in salads, but I think I'd rather just grow it.
26 Jul, 2013
Your welcome Jaykay, sent you a P.M. I grow it as its such a lovely thing to look at.. :-)
27 Jul, 2013
9 Aug, 2013
Cheers Mouldy :-)
9 Aug, 2013
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Wow. What a gorgeous coloured hibiscus. Love it! Still waiting with baited breath for my stargazer lilies to flower; Any day now...
24 Jul, 2013