# 3. ...The HUNT for the HARLEY
By terratoonie
“Got a Harley Sportster in case we get any dry weather” –
that’s what Andrewr wrote on Pollyannaever’s recent blog.
This started me on my mission – THE HUNT FOR THE HARLEY.
Somewhere on GoY there must be a photo of this magnificent motorbike.
I began with SEARCH. In the past, Peter had given me advice on using SEARCH. But I’d not had a lot of luck. One time I keyed in the capital letters of GoY member JESS. And what did I get ?
A photo of a dog.
~ Yes, I’ll admit it, canines are inclined to follow me everywhere. :o)
So I was none too hopeful as I typed in … H – A – R – L – E – Y
Plants (0) Photos(0) Members(0) Questions (0) Products(0)
Oh, bother. I had really hoped I might be onto a winner with finding Harley in Questions or even in Products.
Next leg of the tour was Andrewr’s photos. I decided to start at the end and work backwards. Shouldn’t take long, I thought.
However 800 photos – I’d better not get side-tracked.
But that’s exactly what happened. A photo of a pretty blue climber.
I had to take a look. Aconitum episcapale. Time for a quick comment and a ‘like’ and I was resuming my travels.
No motorbikes yet, but I found a bear with its arm raised. Maybe some kind of policeman halting the Harley ? I took a quick look.
No – not a traffic warden, but Barney the bear – a garden helper.
Very cute, so I keyed in a comment and a ‘like’.
I continued through the photographs, onwards and upwards.
Or was it backwards and downwards ?
What’s this? I found another bear. Also with his left paw up.
Had I found myself in Jellystone ? I don’t think so. This wasn’t Yogi, but Bruno, a cuddly colleague of ursine helper, Barney.
I made my comment and a ‘like’ and I was off again.
Trying to speed up, I found myself getting distracted.
Too many lovely flowers. A beautiful blue one. Must take a look.
Iris unguicularis. Another comment. Another ‘like’.
I was getting good at this.
But more than 700 photos still to check. Time was running short.
I was whizzing through now, but I just had to pause at page 25. Anemone flaccida. Had to comment that this was my grandmother’s favourite flower. Had to add a ‘like’.
I tried to keep focussed. Hunt for the HARLEY. Then, at last.
A photo of a motorbike ! Wow, that took some finding !
A really smart machine. No wonder Andrewr is so proud of this.
But why the side-car ? Why a photo labelled Grimace and Wallet ?
Not the Harley at all, more like Mrs Tiggywinkle and her co-driver…. sort of hedgehogs in helmets. I couldn’t resist a remark about Nick Park and plasticine. Another ‘like’ and my mission was back on track.
Or so I thought. Too many temptations. A photo of stake supports.
I had check this out. Didn’t realise they are available in such a variety of sizes. A comment and a ‘like’.
Then a picture of another stunning white flower. Iberis Sempervirens Snowflake. I wondered if Andrewr had noticed these seem even whiter in the evening, than they do during the day. I made the comment and, you’ve guessed it, the ‘like’.
As I scanned the pages, there were so many photos of amazing plants.
But not so surprising. After all, here was I in a Yellow Book garden.
Or possibly, judging by all the bears, Yellow Book Jellystone , but what the heck.
One more pause… an unusual pinky leaf – Actinidia Kolomikta.
One last comment and one last ‘Like’.
Fascinating plant, but no Harley.
I had a secret ace card to play. I looked for the Harley in Andrewr’s blogs. I was short of time now, but scrolled my way down the blog headings. And finally the words I’d waited for : PLANTS ON WHEELS. This just had to be the Harley, adorned with hanging baskets. Would I be right…….. er….. sadly not. Interesting blog, but no bike.
So, please let me know.
Somewhere on GoY, have I overlooked a pic of the Sportster ?
Don’t get me wrong ~
I wouldn’t have missed my HUNT FOR THE HARLEY ~ So many interesting stops along the way. Thanks Andrewr.As you see below, Andrewr did eventually show the GoY members his wonderful Harley Sportster ~
All photos in the blog by kind permission of Andrewr and GoY.
Many thanks.
10 Sep, 2008
Previous post: # 2. BEG, STEAL or BORROW !
Next post: # 4. UP-TO-DATE NEWS of GARDEN shows on TV !!!
Thanks, Spritzhenry ~
Yes, if we are lucky enough to see the Sportster on GoY, it will only be after Andrewr has bedecked the bike with an assortment of garden-theme adornments....
The excitement is just too much...
10 Sep, 2008
I enjoyed reading that blog, very interesting.
10 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Clarice.
I appreciate your telling me.
And I really enjoy having Smokey on the page !
10 Sep, 2008
hi Terratoonie
I know they have a real liveHarley in Thunder Road Cafe Dublin-not sure of the model!Check out the site?
Husband got a couple of Honda VFR and son in law a Suzuki Bandit!will they do?We used to have a BSA650....
10 Sep, 2008
Hello Arlene ~
I checked out the Cafe site. Definitely a very impressive motorbike there.
Andrewr will know what it is.
Show me a photo of a dog breed and I'll identify it.
Vehicles - not too efficient there.
The Honda and Suzuki sound really amazing.
Maybe they'll appear in your photos, decorated with flowers?
Nice of you to visit my blog.
Call again. Any time. LOL
10 Sep, 2008
Another great blog Terratoonie I just hope Andrew post a photo of his Harley for you
10 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Janette ~
Trouble is, I'll have to check with Arlene,
to verify it IS a Harley. LOL
10 Sep, 2008
Hi Terratoonie.
No happy ending then, but I enjoyed reading it anyway.
I'm sure you'll find your bike one day.
All the best. !
11 Sep, 2008
Hi.Hywel ~
Maybe the Sportster will suddenly appear!
I'm glad you enjoyed the read.
Something a bit different!
11 Sep, 2008
For those of you still looking, a picture of my Harley can be found in my blog 'The HUNT for the Harley - End of the Road'
12 Sep, 2008
Hi TT have you tried Harley Davidson motorcyles in your search?
12 Sep, 2008
Truth is, Bonkers, I did Google the Harley Davidson Motor Company at the start of my hunt.
But no bikes with plants in the photos, so totally unsuitable for GoY.
Pollyannaever came up with a good picture of a Sportster
which has a tree growing out of the saddle. Have you seen that?
Very appropriate for GoY.
12 Sep, 2008
Oh silly me didnt realise you looking for a motorcycle related plant. Perhaps a harley perennial.
12 Sep, 2008
Arlene's got a Honda and a Cactus over on one of my other blogs.
She's also got a Boxer - a Harvey perennial.
This is getting confusing ~ Interchangeable blogs?
Which blog is this? Quick, BB. The medication.
12 Sep, 2008
Dont know how you keeping up with all this - what with Olympic events etc, having a night off the medication as shouldnt drink with it. Earned a few beers this week.
12 Sep, 2008
Are you drinking a wellie-ful of beer BB?
12 Sep, 2008
Andrewr ~ BB isn't replying because he's on TV right now ~
Gardeners' World :
Toby Buckland said, 'Bonkers thing to grow grass in seed trays'.
Then I saw BB lurking behind a bush talking to Carol Klein.
Next thing, BB will appear on Who Do You Think You Are?
I think I know who he is and I think I know who I am.
But does he know who he is or think he knows who I am?
12 Sep, 2008
Errrr - No - or is it yes? Not sure! I saw him, too...... definitely lurking. Very suspicious. Not sure if he had a frog with him....
12 Sep, 2008
Or was it a toad ?
And now I'm wondering if Bonkers is actually Toby B. himself. Bonkers was awol during Gardener's World, and kept saying he is owed money by someone called Francis Barnett.
13 Sep, 2008
This all very confusing - dont like the thought of this Toby chap taking my name in vain obviously need to catch next weeks installment.
As for knowing who I am TT - used to think I knew till joining this site.So many great blogs , photos etc really lost sense of time place and person .
14 Sep, 2008
BB ~ from my TV book ~
summary of this week's G's World: Toby Buckland launches his passion for winter bedding plants and Joe Swift discovers that not everything is rosy on the veg patch at his allotment.
Sounds like a plot of a Miss Marple mystery.
14 Sep, 2008
WOT no Clematis wilt again?
14 Sep, 2008
It seems the "Clematis Wilt Mystery" will have to wait for a future episode.
Probably a difficult case to solve, needing the help of Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot, AND Toby Buckland (alias Bonkersbon). The mystery deepens.
15 Sep, 2008
This is totally unGOY related and can thus be deleted whenever by whoever (perhpas I should've stuck a plant pot on the saddle!) but for all you Harley fans, I've posted a photo of a Harley-Davidson model 1943 WLA that my chuffed brother in law rescued from the scrapyard and recently restored to its former glory -----
15 Sep, 2008
Excellent restoration job.
Andrewr will find it.
15 Sep, 2008
This blog also made me laugh, Terra - now I know the WHOLE story of the Harley - Harhar!
20 Sep, 2008
David ~
On Gillian's blog, it seems that the Harley might again go missing ~
on Andrewr Day.
.... but maybe he'll find some clues to solve the mysterious disappearance of Cluelesskev.
And, David, if NONE of that makes sense, you have a definite case of WING ~
Without Internet ~ Need GoY.
23 Sep, 2008
I may be "winging" it, Terra, but can sneak on for short periods everyy other day or so, and try to keep up, so know what this is all about.
23 Sep, 2008
Oh, David ~
that's a relief.
The thought of having to explain about the lack of clues for Kev, blond Barnie Rubble, Sportsters, Sausage Trees, Lucy in her travel cage, Fleurdemai's buzzy bee, Gillian's broken trowel, Arlene's bump on the head, Clarice's tidy shed, Catfinch's furry friends, Islander, Helen60garden and Jacque in the Wellie Olympics........
......but you know all this.
No need to take you under my WING.
23 Sep, 2008
No, Terra, but Many Thanx anyway, Haha!!
25 Sep, 2008
On my favourite photos, I've just added a photo of Mickbmw with his Rose Arch Flower Pot Men.
Hmmmm bmw ~ could this be a hunt for another bike? :o)
6 Oct, 2008
Great Blog TT i loved it & felt i was searching with u :)
21 Oct, 2008
Jacque ~ thanks.
Mickbmw tells me he has a bmw car, not a bmw bike, so that's another hunt solved! :o)
21 Oct, 2008
great blog
15 Nov, 2008
I expect you've worked out that Andrewr wrote a follow-up.:o)
15 Nov, 2008
Another Harley on board.....see my pics.
29 Nov, 2008
I'm heading that way now..... :o)
29 Nov, 2008
I'll try to find that bike for you Terratoonie come to my blog tomorrow and I will see what I can do. You guys are very nice people. Was the funny lil van the Anglia named after your town? There was one two doors down from us back in the late sixties aka puddle jumper, very cute.
4 Dec, 2008
I'll try to find that bike for you Terratoonie come to my blog tomorrow and I will see what I can do. You guys are very nice people. Was the funny lil van the Anglia named after your town?
There was one two doors down from us back in the late sixties aka puddle jumper, very cute. I know the you said you found it but you could be mistaken trust me. I get the right photo.
4 Dec, 2008
Rob ~
have you seen Andrewr's follow-up blog ?
Very enlightening. :o)
Andrew could also answer you question better than I could about how the Anglia got its name.
Please post here to let everyone know if you find your bike photo. Thanks.
4 Dec, 2008
I found a photo of a motorcycle but some how i think it might be a wee bit out of your league. Come have a look see. It is in my one and only blog. Sorry about the double post. The first one got away when I was adding a foot note. Rob
5 Dec, 2008
I'll go take a look.
Past my bedtime so I won't be on line too much longer ~
but for you ~ I'll go over to your blog. :o)
5 Dec, 2008
I'm honored truly I am. You GOY's are the best! Rob
6 Dec, 2008
I found the bike photo. Great !
Difficult to hide that in a garden. Lol.
6 Dec, 2008
Andrewr has kindly allowed me to add his wonderful photos to this blog.
My thanks to Andrewr.
All the pictures in this blog can be found on Andrewr's home pages. :o)
16 Dec, 2008
Nice Iron Andrewr!
16 Dec, 2008
Wow ! That was a trip through space & time ! Plants and bikes ! Can it get any better ?
But surely, for BSA fans particularly, the Rose 'Gold Star' must give a clue to the true gardener's bike.
24 Oct, 2009
Hi Jbardet...
Gold Star.... that's a good one :o)
If you look on my home page photo favourites, there are a few more bike pics. :o)
24 Oct, 2009
Found your blog TT but not Andrews, .........Yet Lol
28 Nov, 2009
Well done....Looking forward to your bike blog..Lol.
Andrew's blog..
12th Sept. 08... The Hunt for the Harley..
...the End of the Road...:o)
28 Nov, 2009
I found it ages ago TT, but thanks anyway Lol ;~)
28 Nov, 2009
Yes, I realised...but thought the message might help others trying to find Andrew's blog..Lol. :o)
28 Nov, 2009
Lol, ;~))
28 Nov, 2009
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Great blog - I enjoyed reading it! I agree with you - I have been fascinated by that comment ever since I read it. So now Andrew has NO CHOICE! By public demand, he must post a photo of his Harley. If he thinks that it isn't relevant to the site, then he can pose a flower in a pot on its handlebars.
10 Sep, 2008