By terratoonie
This year for the first time I’ve been able to watch weekly TV programmes of The Beechgrove Garden on BBC2. … … 9.30 am. Sunday mornings.
I’m enjoying the shows very much.
I guess some of you have had access to the programmes for many years.
This year, Chris Beardshaw is a member of the team …
I was amused that another presenter referred to him as ‘Young Christopher’ Lol.
The show is from BBC Scotland … helpful gardening techniques … flowers and vegetables …
There’s plenty of useful information.
I hope the BBC continues to broadcast the shows across the UK.
The Beechgrove gardeners have lots of laughs and are not afraid to chuckle at their own gardening mistakes
The final photos are of GoY’s Scotkat meeting Beechgrove Garden’s Carol Baxter …
… and of Fuchsia Megan which they chose together …
20 May, 2013
Previous post: MID MAY MADNESS
Next post: An English Village Fayre ... fun, flowers and sunshine ..
Hi Kath .. just added your pic :o)
20 May, 2013
:) I am famous eh:)
20 May, 2013
Yes.. :o)))
20 May, 2013
TT I had the pleasure of being there at the same time as Carol from the Beechgrove gardenon Sunday 5th May she was at Brechin Castle Garden Centre for the day and I happened to be buying my alpines for my new raised bed then looking at the Standard Fuchsia .
I was looking at them hard to choose I had them off the stand on the ground trying to make my mind up when she came over and started chatting to me.
She is very nice and a down to earth girl so she helped me decide on the fuchsia so we choose Megan.
Its a real pretty fuchsia.
I chatted to her about Karen and I doing volunteer garden work in the walled garden and said it would be nice if the Beechgrove team came to see us,so she wrote out an email contact to pass the information on to.
20 May, 2013
Exciting times!
20 May, 2013
ooh Kath! You are really a star now!! Speaking of the young Chris Beardshaw....did you see him on Chelsea....he has arthritis!! It's incredible isn't it? He is like Peter Pan..looks so well, and looks younger every year! I can't believe he suffers so much pain...inspiring and makes me feel so happy that so far I am healthy!
20 May, 2013
I am pleased to have The Beechgrove Garden now. Much better than Monty and Co.
20 May, 2013
And you never knew I have athritis in my foot.
20 May, 2013
No Kath, I didn't. It's interesting that you are all enjoying England...I don't watch it! Lol!
20 May, 2013
I too am watching it. It is very good and I like the gentle humour.
20 May, 2013
Never heard of this prog is it very old? and when is it on?
20 May, 2013
I must be the only one that doesn't know where Beechgrove is , but perhaps it's not down my neck of the woods. Interesting blog tho'. When is the programme on?
I'm busy watching Chelsea all this week.
20 May, 2013
I think it's on on Thursday eve.
20 May, 2013
We used to have it here, but not this year yet. Maybe it will come later on. I used to enjoy it.
20 May, 2013
Sundays BBC2 at 9.30 a.m. Long may it last !
21 May, 2013
The show is from BBC Scotland ... I've added more information and photos to my blog.
21 May, 2013
I have just found it on the bbci player (hurray) Guess thats what I,ll be doing the ironing to in future......
When I googled it the info said its been broadcast since 1978....
Why on earth hasn't it been shown to us before!!
21 May, 2013
The show has been on BBC Scotland for many years ...
let's hope BBC continues to broadcast the programmes all across Britain.
21 May, 2013
I agree, Pamg. I enjoy the gentle humour too. It reminds me of Gardeners' World when Percy Thrower presented it, a gardener to gardener approach rather than expert to amateur.
21 May, 2013
Hi Xela .. Good comment ...
21 May, 2013
I love this programme too TT, I made a comment about it on Petaltraceys pic of Hyacinths as they showed the same shade growing in Beechgrove. I really Carol Baxter she is so friendly, I used to watch this programme a while ago then it disappeared so pleased it is back on our tv. :o)
21 May, 2013
I just watched it and really felt connected, especially with the tomatoes, I,m doing a similar trial.
The comment when he was at those gardens "slow down young
fellow-me-lad". Such a happy friendly programme, like walking around a friends garden with the good and bad bits.....intead of being bored to bits!
22 May, 2013
Thanks for this TT, I've not watched it before but will now. I gave up on Gardeners World a long time ago and there are so few other good gardening programs. That's a great pic of Kath :o))
22 May, 2013
Thanks Neena, Pam and Annie ...
I've enjoyed all of the shows so far ...
the early programmes this year were filmed as the snow fell down around them ... Lol...
22 May, 2013
Have been lucky enough to have watched Beechgrove for a good many years, it is a really interesting little program, and I love all the team. Also A to Z of gardening is another great program.
22 May, 2013
Hi Dotty ..
Yes, I've been watching A - Z of Gardening ...
lots of interesting and useful footage ..
On BBC2 it is often broadcast just before Beechgrove.
23 May, 2013
That is how I rediscovered Beechgrove TT :o)
23 May, 2013
I have watched and enjoyed the Beechgrove since it began in1978 and love it . Jim has been on it since it began in a little garden attached to BBC Aberdeen ,and all the presenters humour and banter are so down to earth unlike some other gardening programmes
this year I have to say that much as I like Chris Beardshaw , he does not fit in to this programme and in my eyes the BBC have spoilt it by including visits by him to Kent to see the blossom etc , because the uniqueness of Beechrove was that all gardens visited were in Scotland.
28 May, 2013
Thanks, Helen, for the additional information ...
Interesting to know the history of the show ...
28 May, 2013
Hi J... yes... if we could see as many gardening shows as we are given cookery programmes .......
29 May, 2013
Thank-you So Much I Hope To Start Watching it Next Week Thanks Again.
6 Oct, 2013
Hi Lynda ..
It's an enjoyable programme :o)
6 Oct, 2013
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I so enjoy watching the Beechgrove garden TT.
20 May, 2013