Nicky helps Nan Nan to prune the roses!
By tink
This is my grandson Nicky.
He loves being out in the garden and I suspect there will be quite a few photos of him helping me as he gets older.
Isn’t he gorgeous? I love him to bits.
29 Nov, 2009
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He is gorgeous and how he will treasure those photos when he is a man and a keen gardener too.
29 Nov, 2009
He looks lovely
29 Nov, 2009
Expecting my first grandson in early March. Hope he is as nice as yours.
29 Nov, 2009
Thank you all so much. I am so proud of him.
He was born on 18th March Lengie, it's a good time of year to have a baby.
Hope you have as much fun as a 1st time Nan as I do. Post piccies when he gets here. Good luck to the new mum.
29 Nov, 2009
rrrrrrr he is lovely, i have 11 grandchildren and now its greatgrandchildren that keep coming i now have 4 of them aswell. bit expensive at xmas.
29 Nov, 2009
Wow! I can't begin to imagine the Xmas bill, mine's bad enough. Oh but what fun! I hope I am as lucky.
29 Nov, 2009
You're starting him off on the right foot by introducing him to the garden. :o)
29 Nov, 2009
What a little cutie. :oD
29 Nov, 2009
what a lovely little chap. Good to get him started early.:o)
29 Nov, 2009
what a cute little chap, looks like he`s enjoying nan nan garden :o)
30 Nov, 2009
Awww what a sweetie. I love the second photo looks like he's thinking are you sure you should be doing that nan nan :0)
1 Dec, 2009
How come babies can look at you and make you question yourself? If I'm laughing too loud he looks at me as though I am bonkers!
1 Dec, 2009
lol they do dont they, like we are mad heheeh
1 Dec, 2009
My mum had 5 grandchildren. She was known as Nutty Nanna and my dad as Grumpy Gramps! Out of the mouths of babes eh?
1 Dec, 2009
my dad is grumpy grandad, and i mean he is lol the kids call him that to for a good reason
1 Dec, 2009
Oh yes. It seems that some grandads think it is compulsory to be grumpy.
11 Dec, 2009
Recent posts by tink
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29 Nov, 2009
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- My New Greenhouse.... Yaayyy!
29 Nov, 2009
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Aww Tink he's lovely and he looks really interested already. Start em early is what I say Lol
29 Nov, 2009