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My New Greenhouse.... Yaayyy!


By tink


I have been saving for ages for a proper greenhouse and went all out to get a really nice one. My old greenhouse was given to me by a kind neighbour but after moving it three times it really was not going to move again, bless it. All the bolts had seized up and some of the frame had warped. So this was a really big thing for me to get a brand new one just as I wanted it. Having been without one for over 4 years I am now in seventh heaven.

First we had to level the ground and, as the garden is sloped, had to build a little wall to form the base.

Katie helping to chip old cement off the cement blocks.

Wot no beer! Our wonderful neighbour making us laugh!

I look like I know what I’m doing don’t I? Hmmmm!

I was like a kid on Xmas morning unwrapping it!

That’s the base done. Now to measure up.

Buffy and Muggy helping with the ground cover!

It was a bit like playing with huge Meccano!

And we’re off! With Nicky supervising!

I don’t like messing about with glass!

I’m so short!

My wonderfully patient man working out how to put the vent together. I even got a vent…very posh!

Could you hurry up dear, this is heavy! Or words to that effect!

“This is how it works!” I wanted to put the handle on myself because it was the last bit. Such a child lol.

A very hot Jon! :-)

Yippee! It’s done!

Becca having just crawled out of bed! I love my first thing in the morning cuddles – or with Becca, my first thing in the afternoon cuddles!

Happy Bunny!

Thanks to Katie for taking such great photos xxx

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Wow looked like alot of work hard work pays off in the end what a wonderful greenhouse,Im sure you going to enjoy it.

29 Nov, 2009


Wonderful pics and a great little blog - absolutely loved it! :0))

29 Nov, 2009


I really enjoyed your blog and it looks very good do enjoy it and a happy un -xmas to you!

29 Nov, 2009


We did have a lot of laughs but were quite pooped at the end of the day.

Thank you Bluespruce. This is only the 2nd ever blog I have done. The 1st being on here too. It's quite addictive once you get going lol.

29 Nov, 2009


Well done on getting the greenhouse up - I remember Mr MB and I struggling and arguing whilst assembling our latest one :-) We agreed any nasty words said would be forgotten once the greenhouse was actually built - and they were lol

29 Nov, 2009


Well done to you all.

29 Nov, 2009


Great team work well done !

29 Nov, 2009


Great blog......and a lovely family you have there...all pitching in to help. I'm positive you are going to have such fun in there! Enjoy o)))

29 Nov, 2009


I like your new green house. Are you going to show us what you grow in it next spring ?

29 Nov, 2009


Wow....that is an awsome greenhouse. I'm green with envy. LOL
Well done on a fantastic job.

29 Nov, 2009


Thank you all for your lovely comments. I shall definitely be posting pictures of new developments. :-)

29 Nov, 2009


love your greenhouse, you lucky devil, hope you have many happy days in there :o))

30 Nov, 2009


It'll be fun watching you fill your new toy with goodies. Remember to post pics as you go. Happy days!

30 Nov, 2009


Lovely blog - well done you I would love a greenhouse (only got a little plastic thing!) - look forward to seeing it full of plants!!

1 Dec, 2009


Since we've put it up we've had some serious problems, health etc, and I had kind of lost enthusiasm but listening to you all has rekindled it. Thank you. I shall definitely post piccies as I go. And yes, I can't wait to buy more goodies!

1 Dec, 2009


oh dear tink, hope all is getting better with you all, it does help when you come on here and chat about things, look forward to your pics :o)) take care

1 Dec, 2009


Thanks so much. Just coming out of a long tunnel but it seems to be brightening up now. I love this site as, since my mum died, I have had noone that is as keen as me in the gardenening department so this is perfect for me. People on here are so lovely.

1 Dec, 2009


sorry about your mum, it must be hard for you, i like it on here to as im the only one in family thats interested in gardening, i use to go with my grandad when he was alive, he did a few gardens in his area and i always went along in the summer hols, i miss all that, so here is great with lots of lovely members to :o) very addictive tink lol

1 Dec, 2009


I know the feeling. Although the girls and I have had some brilliant days in the garden, it is my hobby and making friends on here has given me the opportunity to share it. I have, or am about to, upload a picture of my mysterious plant in the hopes that you can tell my what it is.

11 Dec, 2009


Whoops! I have just talked about my mysterious plant to the wrong friend. Still maybe you can shed some light :-) I have been replying to so many messages, lucky me, that I got confused. Happens a lot, I think it's my age lol.

11 Dec, 2009


lol tink, ive done it before so dont worry and got names wrong to lol

11 Dec, 2009


Hi Sanbaz and Tink - I'm the only one in our family who's interested as well - you're defintely not alone.

Hope you're feeling a bit better now Tink.

17 Dec, 2009


hi keithsmum, hope your ok and ready for christmas :o)) have you snow where you are, we had a bit but nothing to write home about ;o(

17 Dec, 2009


Hi Keithsmum. Thank you. I was........ just yesterday went down with a stinking cold! Still, managed to hold off over Xmas when everyone else had it so can't complain.
Snow???? We had loads of it! We couldn't drive or even push the pram! Nightmare stuff. We were then left with loads of ice for ages. My poor plants. I didn't manage to get my Fuchsias into the greenhouse in time so very sad now.

30 Dec, 2009

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