The Little Fence 3 years later
By tink
Unfortunately some of the little fence came down so, three years later, Becca and I got out there and redid it. (Yes, same girl… what a difference 3 years makes?) This time we backed it with strips of pallet wood as it was the plastic strips that let it down the first time and screwed them into place because the nails did not hold well last time.
The day turned into a photo shoot and we had great fun.
Becca decided to do a pattern with the screws. Very artistic I thought.
Not quick enough! We used my tiny tripod (it’s only 5 inches tall) and the self timer.
Missy Long Legs! She definitely gets them from her dad!
Becca is not one for getting out in the garden nowadays but I was having a bit of a rough time and she suggested doing this one weekend just to cheer me up. I’m a very lucky mum. It was a fantastic day.
29 Nov, 2009
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Previous post: Building the little fence in 2006
Here come the girls!! great pics :0)
29 Nov, 2009
Lovely pics.o)
29 Nov, 2009
Looks like you had a great time. Becca certainly looks a lot like her Mum. :o)
29 Nov, 2009
She certainly is a sweetie. She's planning to go to college next year and is very excited. Where does the time go?
29 Nov, 2009
what lovely photos...i like the nail decoration..whats Becca going to do in collage?
29 Nov, 2009
Nice blog, they grow up so quick (((-:
29 Nov, 2009
Thanks Annella, they certainly do.
Becca is planning on doing Business and Retail Sandra. Not sure what area she wants to work in but is quite adamant that she wants to work for herself. Even at 15 I can see that she is more than capable of doing it. Look out Dragon's Den!
29 Nov, 2009
My daughter Ella has just started doing Interior design (will she tidy her room now?!!)
29 Nov, 2009
Oh I very much doubt it lol. I have given up nagging them about their rooms, I figure they will eventually get fed up and tidy them up.... we live in hope! (-:
29 Nov, 2009
Ah-ha, Tink - that doesn't work! (well, it didn't with our two! lol)
Are they 'designer jeans' - 'cos mine are going like that - with constant kneeling down!
29 Nov, 2009
I know, you buy the most lovely jeans and they end up looking like that! Becca tends to make them look that way on purpose though. :-) Mind you to be honest, I think she looks quite funky.
29 Nov, 2009
I don't - the cheaper the better for gardening! LOL. I do get through quite a lot, what with dog-walking as well.
I keep the better ones to change into. And - no, I'm far too old to be funky! You're only allowed to be that up to a certain age, I suspect. ;-)))))
29 Nov, 2009
dont they grow up fast, thats why times like this we have to treasure tink, my son goes to uni next year all being well with Alevels, where do the years go :o)
30 Nov, 2009
Its lovely to see a mother and daughter relationship like your's. My own daughters are my very good friends and two of them are in their fifties, and one, not quite. I treasure our relationship, and my eldest daughter is also a keen gardener, so her help is invaluable now. There is an old saying "A sons a son until he gets a wife, a daughters a daughter all her life". In my own case, their wives are lovely and feel like extra daughters, so its gain gain.
It looks so nice to see your daughter helping you and looking interested too.
We are very lucky, aren't we Tink?
30 Nov, 2009
sounds like she got a good head on her eldest daighter just started second year at abberystwth uni...doing performance and cinography...she loves it....
Mad u are so right about 46 and we share a house with my mam.....its lovely to live with her...we help each other sooo much..
i have two daughters and two sons and i feel sooo lucky to have them...
30 Nov, 2009
Thank you so much Mad, I have been trying to remember that saying for at least two weeks! I do consider myself to be extremely lucky with my girls. We are great friends and spend a lot of time together because I've taught them at home so we've got a lot of good memories.
Spritzhenry.... NEVER to old to be funky!
Sanbaz... Yes my baby plans to go to uni. She will be the first all the generations (to my knowledge) to even be going to college yet alone uni. I am so proud of her.
Sandra.. my eldest, Katie, and I always say that Becca has more common sense than the both of us put together :-)
It's so nice to hear other mums saying how lucky they are and what lovely relationships they have with their offspring. It's so rare nowadays.
1 Dec, 2009
yes joe is the first in all our families to, he1s now going to aberdeen, 7 hours drive or more ;o( wont see much of him when he goes
1 Dec, 2009
Ouch! Poor you. We have a local uni that Becca plans to go to so I shall still have her living at home... even if it's only to sleep and dump washing ;o)
1 Dec, 2009
i wish that was happening here tinks, i will worry myself sick when he goes, thank god for msn and webcams lol i will be checking on him every evening lol
1 Dec, 2009
Hi Girls :)) Hope you don't mind me joining in with this blog...??
"Going to Uni" is harder on us Mums than it is for the kids! I broke my heart on the day we left our daughter at Uni...seems like only yesterday, but it was actually 8 years ago now....Her graduation day was the proudest day of my life (I think...) and she's now happily settled in her graduate career as a Bio-Medical Scientist :))) In September she returned to Uni, one day a week, to do her the future she hopes to do a PhD.....
It's so hard being "a Mum" and letting go....but to see them achieve their dream more than makes up for it :)) Very best wishes to Becca, and Joe....and to Tink and Sanbaz, believe me you will come through
1 Dec, 2009
lol. I generally hate modern technology but I make an exception to the msn and webcam. One of my best friends (nearly 30 years) lives in Australia and the last time we saw eachother was over 20 years ago. We've always kept in touch via post but to see her and her kids, who i've never met, and talk 'face to face' was fantastic.
1 Dec, 2009
thanx Di i know your right just wish he was somewhere closer so i could see him a bit more, but im proud of the fact he has got to this stage, he will be doing archioligy, im very proud, hes been doing forensic science A levels and getting AA distinctions, im very proud Di :o)))
1 Dec, 2009
sorry we crossed then tink, it is great to see people who you miss and cant see in person, one of the good modern things in life :o))
1 Dec, 2009
I know just what you mean San...we want to keep them "close"....but they are young adults and just like the baby blackbirds in the garden, they must learn to fly the nest...
It's us Mums who suffer, not them....:)
PS. Just make sure you get on "Face Book", "Twitter", MSN et al....and keep an eye on xxx
1 Dec, 2009
yes im on msn and so is joe, we talk even when hes just at his dads at weekend lol, thanx Di xx
1 Dec, 2009 Rosies common sence is not her greatest
San i cried every time she went back the first year. but we are getting used to it now in her second. but she has blossomed into a confident woman that is having the time of her life Joe will love it. me and rosie talk more now than when she was home...;-))
you must be so proud Crazydi...
1 Dec, 2009
Lol...thank you Sandra, I am :)) But many a tear was shed....especially on a Sunday night when we'd take her to the train station, and say "Goodbye" for another week...or two...or three....
You are so right's lovely to see them "blossom"....(almost as good as nurturing a seedling, lol).....very best wishes to Rosie too:)) Isn't it great being "a proud Mum?" xxx
1 Dec, 2009
Rosie is comming home on the nineteenth so ive posted nineteen days of her advent calender for her count down. we will get her for six weeks this time it will be lovely. our youngest Lilly is looking into it now she is seventeen,
1 Dec, 2009
thanx sandra it all makes me feel better reading all your experiences :o))
1 Dec, 2009
Awww...enjoy the 6 weeks Sandra :) Don't envy you all that washing though, lol :))
PS. And yes, despite them being "young adults", how come they still want an Advent calendar (chocolate of course...), and expect to hang up a stocking on Xmas Eve....and have it filled by Santa? Honestly...I ask 'em all xxx
1 Dec, 2009
joe does his own washing at home Di, he was always saying where`s this and where`s that so i bourght him a trendy wash basket for his bedroom, and he now does his own washing lol, think its good for them for when they leave home ;o)
1 Dec, 2009
i sent her parcels with hat chocolate drinks and cuppa soups with the occasional bit of chocolate money...ho ho
San from the photos and the tales of uni life i'm soo jealous. i never knew anybody who went to body told me they had pubs
1 Dec, 2009
lol sandra, i never knew anyone who went either, im sure its alot of fun inbetween the hard work, pubs to ;o))
1 Dec, 2009
Lol...this is bringing it all back to me :))) I used to collect 20p pieces and send them up to her for the communal tumble dryer! And for 3 years I cooked "Christmas dinner" in a grotty student kitchen for her and her mates, before they finished term for Christmas. Ever tried going up the motorway with a turkey on your knee? Lol :))))
1 Dec, 2009
lol Di,, dont think i will be doing that, he can eat when he gets home heheh
1 Dec, 2009
Lol San...but they "bond" with their Uni mates and want to celebrate Christmas with them, as well as it's two lots of christmas dinners I'm afraid...;))
1 Dec, 2009
they can bond together and make their own dinner, im not traveling 7 hours with a turkey between my legs, not even for joe lol
1 Dec, 2009
Oh dear! I haven't been on since this conversation started, I really must get on here more often!
Nice to have you join the chat Di. It's good to know I'm not the only one finding the 'letting go' hard :-) You must be very proud of your daughter. It all sounds amazing. Becca's excitement is so contagious that I'm really looking forward to it all kicking off for her. She's like a little bird that is busting to take her first flight. I'll pass on your best wishes. I am answering the comments as I work my way through them and have just read your comment about blackbirds! Great minds think alike lol.
How true about the advent calendars! Mind you my mum always bought me one and when she died, I was 36, my babies started buying me one instead. They also do Jon and I stockings now so we are all big kids in bed on Xmas morning.They are so sweet. Of course, we have another advent calendar (white choc) on the wall this year for baby Nicky and there will be another stocking on the day. Very exciting.
Di, I have this crazy picture of you with a chicken on your lap in the car but I'm with Sanbaz on this one. I have enough hard work producing an edible meal at home let alone trying to do it in someone else's kitchen. Not my strong point, cooking. Constant source of jokes and mickey taking for my family. Apparently I am like Wendy Craig in Butterflies if anyone remembers that. :-)
Sandra, I love your idea of goodies parcels. I shall have to remember that.
Well I think I've caught up now. Sorry it was so long winded girls.
11 Dec, 2009
i use to love that show tink, she was so funny and so dizzy, lol
11 Dec, 2009
i have something in common with wendys coking
12 Dec, 2009
Oh good! I'm glad I'm not the only one lol. Still we can't be good at everything can we? lol
12 Dec, 2009
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29 Nov, 2009
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29 Nov, 2009