Bordering on the ridiculous?
By urbanite
The local garden centre on Wednesday 02 September 2015 Christmas decorations are on sale!
6 Sep, 2015
Previous post: 100 Free Alliums
You see, here in the states at this time of year we can still call it Christmas. The closer to the real reason for this religious celebration gets, it is no longer politically correct to say Christmas so the word "Holiday" is used. That is why " Christmas" decorations are sold so early here and I guess this has caught on in the UK too.
6 Sep, 2015
No....I don't think we'll ever call it 'holiday' Loosestrife, although, I may be wrong as many 'Americanisms' have kept in. With respect, I hope not, to be honest as it is originally a Christian celebration and there is no reason therefore for the word Christ not to be in it so although I am not religious, I think this would be a regrettable move. Every religion should be entitled to respectfully name their festivals the original name.
6 Sep, 2015
6 Sep, 2015
For those who get paid monthly its only two paydays, I have already started my shopping, lol, yesterday I was even looking at xmas trees as we need a new one.
Loose strife I get very cross at all the politically correct nonsense bandied about, I will always say Merry Christmas, if people don't like it they don't have to greet me, why should we give up our traditions just because some of our neighbours have different ones, they like to keep and celebrate theirs and I don't stop them...
6 Sep, 2015
I say Ditto to you too Lincslass!!!
6 Sep, 2015
It was my understanding that Thansgiving is the bigger holiday than Christmas on the States - but 'Holiday' is a corruption of Holy Day so how do they get away with calling Thansgiving a holiday?
Living in what is bandied about as a multicultural city I get used to people hijacking whatsoever they want so that they can scam as many presents as possible.
6 Sep, 2015
Its the children I worry about , they hardly know a christmas carol
as for the nativity tiny children with tea towels on their heads singing away in a manger and not a dry eye in the house.......its a thing of the past it seems
I find it so very sad
7 Sep, 2015
Bah humbug. It's just a huge excuse to get money out of everyone and for idiots to strip supermarket shelves. Anyone would think there was a siege on.
3 Oct, 2015
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You'll notice I didn't put a like on this....ha ha...It's a pet hate for us gardeners. I have to go to the garden centre this morning to get some lawn top dressing soil and when I went over a week ago they had started Christ as displays so. No doubt it will feel like the middle of December in there today!!
6 Sep, 2015