100 Free Alliums
Current Gardeners' World offer of 100 Alliums for the cost of the postage (£5.65)
Three Little Acers
Putting some food out for the birds this morning, I noticed how my three little acers...
Pebble pond complete
The pot plants at the back will change-I just put these two out of the way. And...
Another water feature
I've been collecting Staffordshire 'Blues' to re-pave my yard since moving in last...
Free lavender plants
My free* lavender plants from Gardeners' World arrived this morning.
Now I wasn't...
Tadpoles on the move
The last batch of tadpoles went back to the pond this evening.
Out of the fish tank...
Fran's blog about the ban on non-native invasive aquatic plants got me wondering...
Tadpoles 2
2-3 weeks old now. I put some back into the pond to take their chances (at least...
Tiny tadpoles
2 days on... Most have hatched and seem to be happy in the bucket (at least they're...