I can see grass..
By usernut
for the first time in about 4 weeks the weather has cleared up a bit, and it,s actualy above minus degrees at last.
my gardens dead…lol, mini greenhouse stuff..dead, coldframe stuff… dead.
i,m just getting ready to go out to see if there is anything I can resusitate or rescue.
Och well, i,ll know what to do better for next winter ..lol.
but I must say i,ll be glad just to get into the garden for a change and on the plus side, i,ve had a great variety of birds visiting my garden and a wee freindly Robin has been coming closer to me every day as i,ve fed it, it comes to within a couple of inches of my hand. when I go out in the morning it comes over straight away..lol. i,m trying to get it to go on my hand and i,m sure it will any day now.
anyway better go and get ready to rescue and recover.
16 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Recycling..
Next post: signs of spring..
i,m just back in from the garden and it,s not as bad as I first thought, there is still a good few plants that have survived.
it's raining just now so i,ve brought everything out of the greenhouse and coldframe and will keep doing this and hope the frost stays away for a wee while.
Thanks Mad, it was minus 14 here at times, so glad it,s up a bit now.
every time I go out to feed the Robin I get the kids or wife to get the camera ready to take a pic when it does come onto my hand..lol, think it's only a matter of time.
16 Jan, 2010
hi user sorry you lost your plants, same here but like you said we learn and do things differant next year, thats how i see it, no point in dwelling nothing we can do is there, glad to hear your little robin coming closer, wouldnt it be the best feeling to have them land on your hand ;o))
16 Jan, 2010
Have'nt been in my greenhouse yet as its so wrapped up, but will have a little peep tomorrow, dont wont to let any cold in it.
16 Jan, 2010
We've had 10 degrees here for the last two days! Such a difference. I'm not counting my chickens yet, though - it's still January and they are forecasting a drop down to zero again next week.
I do hope you can rescue some at least of your plants, user. They may not all be dead - hibernating? Don't throw anything away just yet.
16 Jan, 2010
Pleased to say our snow has gone completely this time but we`ve had 3 days nonstop rain instead,a lot warmer admittedly but not a lot one can do at the moment, very nice to see the garden tho and bulbs are showing, thinking it`s greenhouse work for a while. No housework getting done on Monday I`ve got big plans and I can`t wait !!!!!!!!.
16 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by usernut
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- Recycling..
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Same here u/s. Its a treat to be without snow now and the temperatures up a bit, although I don't think ours' have been as low as your's, specially night time ones.
The robin will probably continue to come and I hope you will be successful and end up with him coming onto your hand. What a privilege.
16 Jan, 2010