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The state of my garden..


By usernut


I got a letter this morning from my housing assoc saying that inspectors passed my gardens and noticed that it is unkempt and overgrown and I have a duty to keep it tidy.
it does’nt say if its the back garden or the front garden where I had to lift all the plants and regrass it because all the local cats were using it as a toilet.
here is some pics of my gardens.

and the front, the strip next to the wall is were I regrassed it, only plants apart from the mini conifers and the laurel are in pots and baskets by my front door.

to say i am raging is an understatement..

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They must be confused! They need to use a dictionary and look up 'unkempt' and 'overgrown'!!! They obviously don't know the meaning of those words. Your garden areas look very neat and well-kept to me!

2 Oct, 2009


So - where exactly is the unkempt and overgrown bit??

I'd be raging, too! Get them round and give them a guided tour - then ask for a written apology!

2 Oct, 2009


In total agreement with the above comments, I`d be spitting feathers,there is absolutely nothing wrong with your garden and you definitely want a written apology and more besides. Pity they haven`t got anything better to do than harrass and upset people..........

2 Oct, 2009


Are you sure it hasn't gone to the wrong address? Are there any unkempt gardens round about that the letter might have been intended for?

From the photos it seems extremely unlikely that your gardens can be intended....

2 Oct, 2009


I agree with all the above......You give them an "ear full" pet....with bells on.......Grrrrrrr......:)

2 Oct, 2009


Ring em up and get them round asap the cheek of it.I would have steam coming out of my ears if i was you .What do they want?

2 Oct, 2009


It is my name and address on the letter so definetly meant for us. I asked the neighbours thinking it may be a circular but they never recieved any.
A lot of the gardens here are just grass and no plants( some are jungles) or just slab'd, its only a few neighbours who do their gardens.
My garden is not the greatest but it,s not unkempt or overgrown.
When we moved in there wasn't even a fence round it (never mind any plants) and I removed a car bonnet, 2 windscreens, a house window complete with broken glass and a full exhaust from under the "lawn" and that was only the bigger things that was there.
I don't know what their playing at but i,ll be round their office first thing monday.

2 Oct, 2009


Now my kids are noising me up saying " look at the state of this garden dad, when are you going to do something about it" and saying i,m rubbish at
thanks for all the comments..

2 Oct, 2009


Your gardens look lovely :o)

2 Oct, 2009


Well what a mess your garden looks .......... I don't think. It looks lovely to me. You should give the local paper a ring, they'd love it. That would teach these stupid office bound folk to be more careful. The press would take photo's of it and make real a.... of them.

2 Oct, 2009


Well, I still wouldn't rule out the letter having gone to the wrong address - inspectors walk past, see a garden not up to scratch, remember the number wrongly, go back to the office and say "Number 77 needs a garden letter", office staff look up who is at 77 and bang, letter goes off to you....

And all the time it was 79, or 67 or whatever. I guess all I am saying is that one often does better with "more in sorrow than in anger" approaches than "steam coming out of the ears"......

2 Oct, 2009


I can only think that's what happened Cestina, but this association sent everyone letters at the begining of the year saying that things like this would earn a strike against the tenent and 3 strikes and your out.
I don't want this to go as a strike against us.

2 Oct, 2009


You have lots of lovely GoY photos of your wonderful gardens and plants on your home page as EVIDENCE.

Maybe the Association would be kind enough to look at GoY and your excellent pictures before considering "awarding" you a strike....

2 Oct, 2009


Its the wrong Address Usernut, it happened to me a while back and i had the best garden in the street (cough :) it was explained to me, someone walks around inspecting the gardens, he/she writes down unkempt gardens and sometimes gets mixed up with street names, they go back to the office and match the name to the house, happened to my friend too, hers was a mess lol but only because the council hadn't been to collect the bagged up rubbish as promised!!

2 Oct, 2009


I live on a inner city estate in Newcastle.We were told the same thing and it is really annoying when your lovely well tended looked after garden gets this wrong kind of attention.Dont worry about the 3 strikes that should only happen in very extreme cases ,and then only very rarely. Do you have neighbourhood association or even your civic centre should be able to reassure you.(Our council takes photos of whats wrong)

2 Oct, 2009


Well I think your garden is lovely....very neat and tidy! Go give 'em "what for" on Monday....and then contact the press and local radio station! Good're a great gardener, with a great garden :) xx

2 Oct, 2009


????????? Where am i ment 2 be Looking User???? :/

2 Oct, 2009


Looks like they have made a mistake on the address but...... they simply shouldn't. They are being paid to walk the streets and create reports. The least they can do is get it right, how much does it then cost to rectify the situation? In time and money...I do get so fed up with these official bodies of people who get paid far too much for being incompetent at their jobs!

They are the ones who should be on a '3 strikes and you're out' policy!

PS ~ nice garden! :o)

2 Oct, 2009


It's surely got to be a mistake, there is absolutely nothing to complain about with your garden. As others have said, this might be a good one for the local newspaper. Good luck

2 Oct, 2009


Thanks for the kind words everyone.
i,ve calmed down a
I get on to them to make sure it does'nt happen again or to anyone else.

2 Oct, 2009


Well if your's is 'unkempt' mine is positively disgraceful! They MUST have got the wrong garden.

2 Oct, 2009


Usernut you have been a victim of the wrong house number on your address (it happens). Write to them (dont phone gets forgotten) with your pics and ask for a written apology and invite them to visit. I would not involve the local press unless you really want to upset them? Be polite but firm you want a written apology and confirmation that this will not happen again. You are in the right insist you are a good tenant and this situation is causing you distress.

2 Oct, 2009


Denise is right...We are HA too...& they would be mortified to think they had wrongly accused a dedicated gardener of having an 'unkempt' establishment!

2 Oct, 2009


i agree with Drc, let them know how you feel, i would be soooo angry, your gardens are lovely, some idiot not concentrating on his or her job i think

2 Oct, 2009


You're just a disgrace! LOL!
Unbelievable!! Shower of numpties!

2 Oct, 2009


I think they've sent that letter to the wrong address !

3 Oct, 2009


Hywel i thought that, and they should be made to come round to your house to give you an appoligy, i would be fumming with them. i know mistakes can be made, but it does not hurt to admit they got it wrong.

3 Oct, 2009

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