New Heucheras for 2013
By vicky1
Hi to everyone who knows me and a big hello to new Goy-ers
As some of you know every year I try to add the new Heuchera varieties for 2013 and give you a few sneak peeks too
Just in case you didn’t know Richard and I ( hold the national collections for Heuchera, Heucherella & Tiarella.
I am late this year giving you these, as my work load with our business is even more than usual! (could that be possible lol!!)
A quick up date as who know when I will be able to get back
We have had a great 2012 gaining a gold medal at everyshow including Chelsea (dont think that will last forever! We will be trying to keep it up though)
We met lots of Goy-ers and we love to see you all, so do say hello :)
Anyway below are some new varieties for you to get your teeth into :)
Heuchera ‘Galaxy’ PBR enjoys full sun or light shade.
It is a sister to Heuchera ‘Midnight Rose’.
You can tell can’t you with those spots? :)
Heuchera ‘Sweet Tart’ PBR is one of the new ‘Little cutie’ series.
These are Heucheras that are smaller not quite alpine but much smaller than regular Heucheras.
This one needs shade as it has the bright lime green foliage.
Heuchera ‘Frost’ PBR another ‘Little cutie’ small in stature again.
These are great for sink gardens rockeries and smaller gardens.
‘Frost’ prefers full sun or light shade.
All the ‘Little cuties’ flower and flower from spring through to late autumn!
Wow! Thats some flower power!
I love this Heuchera ‘Coco’ PBR a ‘Little cutie’ so you guessed its smaller.
really neat to have one in this colour to set all the rest off!
Coco loves full sun or light shade great plant going to be so useful :)
Heuchera ‘Blondie’ PBR ‘Little cutie’ again.
Interesting colour combination likes light shade. Flowering through 3 seasons.
All the flowers on the ‘Little cuite’ series are on short stems and have large flowers so they should look stunning.
Heuchera ‘Ginger Snap’ PBR yes a ‘Little cutie’ again!
beautiful foliage changing colour throughout the seasons
Great flower power too.
Heuchera ‘Sugar Berry’ PBR A ‘Little cutie’ I love this one too.
Long flowering over three seasons, evergreen fabulous coloured foliage too
Wow! like a minature Heuchera ‘Sugar Plum’.
Too cute!
Heuchera ‘Paprika’ PBR A full sized this one this time.
A really eye chatching colour especially once matured.
Great in full sun or light shade.
It has foliage that is changing throughout the seasons.
We had a few of these early last spring as a trial but they sold in a few days, we have more for 2013 so still technically a new plant
Heuchera ‘Rio’ PBR great colour and of course this has a city name and was bred by Dan Heims so this means its grown for it flower as well as its fabulous foliage.
Full sun or light shade this heuchera loves
Heuchera ‘Picasso’ PBR bred by Thierry Delabroy from france.
This Heuchera is part of a series called ‘The Master Painters’
Beautiful all similar tones but in different combinations.
Beautiful bi-colour foliage, ever changing with beautiful bright pink flowers.
Loves partial shade.
This is the set of the ’Master painter series.
All similar colours but yet each one different.
Well thats it for now as time is ticking
Don’t think thats it as we have loads of other lovely new heucheras that I haven’t get mentioned
We will have to do a part 2 soon
13 Feb, 2013
More blog posts by vicky1
Previous post: New Heuchera heucherella for 2012 a sneak preview :D
Thanks Vicky .... very useful information :o)
13 Feb, 2013
Thanks Vicky1. Such lovely colours. Really tempting. My collection all look rather sorry for themselves at the moment. It will be lovely to see them in their summer dresses.....hopefully.
13 Feb, 2013
Gone into my favourites too. Will be looking out for some of those. But have to make some room somewhere,...........?:
13 Feb, 2013
Hi Vicky your talk at beverley back in Nov[ i think thats was when] is still talked about. the number of our members who keep saying if only I'd bought a few [more].....
I hope you are going to the harrogate spring fair as I will be going with purse:o)
I wished I'd bought some of the trailing ones now.
I do like the cutie series. Hope to get a few more of them.
13 Feb, 2013
'Sugar Berry', 'Blondie' & 'Rio'...Wow Vicky, amazing!!
13 Feb, 2013
They are all amazing! .....needless to say I want them all!! Hope you are going to the Spring Malvern show Vicky. Perhaps you would be good enough to post the details of the shows you are attending this year. Hope to see you there.
13 Feb, 2013
More to add to my evergrowing wishlist,.......
13 Feb, 2013
Love 'Blondie' - that would fit well in my yellow border. Are you going to be at any of the RHS Shows in Vincent Square Vicky?
13 Feb, 2013
Our order is in, love them all Vicky.
14 Feb, 2013
Happy Valentine days to you all <3<3 <3
Thanks for all your lovely comments
Pleased you like them
I still have some beauties to show you in part 2
I will see what I can do this weekend
We will be at the following shows
Wisley plant fair (23 & 24th March),cardiff, harrogate spring and autumn,Malvern pring & Autumn, gardeners world, Blenhiem palace, hampton, Tatton, Maybe Hayde Hall (rhs dont comfirm yet), Maybe shrewsbury TBC, Southport, Wisley (RHS not confirmed yet) Maybe RHS hall end of october.
All shows on website take a look at our facebook too.
I have been trying to spread the GoY word on there for you.
I will do a bit more as soon as I can
better go and get onas we have a talk tonight and lots of work to do today:)
If you want to share valentine love look on our face book and press the 'share' the heucherella love ..... feel free to add your own message :)
14 Feb, 2013
Ill see you at the harrogate fairs then :o) good luck with the talk tonight.
14 Feb, 2013
Could I ask please what PBR means at the side of the little cuties?
14 Feb, 2013
Pam - it's Plant Breeders Rights. It means no-one else is allowed to sell them. You can give them away, but are not allowed to take money for them. It means the breeder has exclusive rights to any money to be made from a new variety
14 Feb, 2013
Thanks Andrew, like copyright on books etc.
I do like those little cuties, very tempting.......
15 Feb, 2013
See you at Harrogate then Seaburngirl :)
We also have 5 open weekends this year on the
6th & 7th April sat-sun 10am - 4pm
6th october for the plant heritage celebrating 35 year of the (NCPCC) or Plant Heritage as it is now known
Then the following weekend 13th & 14th October sat & sun 10am - 4pm
Your all invited the will be Tea/coffee & homemade cake to buy on the day
The nursery will be open to all plants sales and the garden will also be open
All the medals will be out to look at etc.
Hope you can come
We will also be at lots of little plant fairs at the start of the season.
16 Feb, 2013
Thanks Andrew for that explaination
just one little bit to tweek
We don't have exclusive rights to ALL the money made from them! Oh I wish we did!
The breeder own the rights to the plants for a number of years.
The patent comes up after so long and you choose if you want to continue paying
You can also choose which countries you want it in too.
More countries more money!
The breeder says who is allowed produce the young plants during those years that they own the rights.
If we are the breeder we get paid a plant breeders fee which is usually around 1p- 2p per plant.
Then there are the other x's it takes to get it into production, costs others add on along the way. (testing, cleaning it up, making sure it is virus free, the patent, the agent - promotors across the world etc)
Which usually means for anyone to sell the plant, you have to pay anything from 5p to 10p extra per plant.
More often than not, you have to have had it produced at a place of the breeders choice.
This means that if it didnt come from that nursery then the royalties won't have been paid!
Then that person when found out will hae to pay a fine!!
These can be really high too.
The choosen production nursery of the small plugs, then sells it to people like us the grower.
We pay the royalities on all plants, even if they live or die at the time of purchase.
This seems like a of of faffing for a few pennies, but if you imagine it goes world wide and you sell millions year on year then its is all worth while. (lots of pennies make quite a few pounds)
If they dont sell lots then the costs of PBR is a loss for the breeder!
So the breeder has to weigh it up
Small breeders often loose out as the can't afford the costs (it can be £10,000 for each plant depending on what you have to do!)if none of the agents are prepared to take a risk.
Then it goes on the open market unprotected and a bigger fish likes it and produces millions they don't owe the breeder anything! :(
Occasionally if they are reputable and respect the breeders they will give them a token payment which is really very good of them as they dont have to pay anything.
That doesnt happen too often though
When you produce a new plant it can take years of testing, building up numbers etc before your ready to sell
For small breeders like us it a labour of love :)
I thought you might all be interested to know
I think I should have made this into a blog lol
Anyway I have a meeting so I had better get off here :)
speak to you all soon
16 Feb, 2013
Thanks Vicki, without the devoted breeders or growers we would not have such beautiful plants to choose from x
16 Feb, 2013
I would love to grow these plants, do they need a specific kind of soil though?Probably no room in the garden, would have to be in a trough or a tub.Also, how hardy are they?
17 Feb, 2013
Wow Vicky, I'm loving those cuties! Off to browse your catalogue...honestly, I knew I shouldn't have looked at this blog...but I do need some Tiarellas for my new shade garden.....(always an excuse)...
19 Feb, 2013
Recent posts by vicky1
- New Heuchera heucherella for 2012 a sneak preview :D
18 Jan, 2012
- Take a tour of our Spring garden Part1 - 14th March 2010
21 Mar, 2010
- Visiting the snowdrops at Rode Hall
20 Mar, 2010
- Heucheras for easy all year round colour inbaskets and containers.
15 Mar, 2010
- Heucheras not just a colourful leaf
26 Jan, 2010
- I love your site
28 Dec, 2009
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19 Feb, 2013
Thanks to Goy I am now a heuchera etc. addict, I am planning a new trough thanks to the success of thefirst...... standing up to the cold well too
So the little cuties are tempting me unmercifully!
I need to wait until the spring though as the trough needs work before planting......
Straight on to favorites and waiting for part two.......
13 Feb, 2013