Wishes for a Merry Christmas (NEW PHOTO ADDED ON BOXING DAY)
By whistonlass
I know I’ve been MIA for a few months now and I wanted to reassure you all that I am well and I’m sure as things hot up in the garden in the Spring (if not before) I will be back in your midst, blogging and commenting. I’ve a broken camera at the moment so current photo taking has been suspended :(
I would wish for each of you a calm, happy and contented Christmas Day and good health and happy gardening in 2012. I consider so many of you as friends and I will soon be back in action and ready to participate in forum life once again.
Blessings to one and all.
This photo was taken some years ago of our lovely grandaughter Iona-Mae (she would have been about 3.5 yrs.) so that would be about 4 yrs. ago. I just love this photo….and she’s still as cute as a button, if a few inches taller and with a very much increased vocabulary! Her middle name should be “chatterbox”… lol
And I’ll now include a photo taken yesterday (Christmas Day)…Nana and the 4 grandchildren. Iona-Mae is in front of me….hasn’t she grown? lol
24 Dec, 2011
Previous post: Resting up....b-r-e-a-k t-i-m-e
Next post: Creeping back...spring is here :)
Merry Christmas...
Lovely to see you back on GoY.
Pretty pic of Iona-Mae .. what a cutie :o)
All the best to you for 2012.
Good health and happiness ... xxx
25 Dec, 2011
Happy Christmas wistonlass, I often wonder how you are getting on.
I love iona's name. She looks such a happy little girl.
25 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas Whistonlass....nice to hear from you again.
Linda x
25 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas Whistonlass..
25 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas :)))))))))))))))- sweet girl - :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
25 Dec, 2011
Hi,Jacquie..lovely to see you again,and a Happy Christmas to you and yours..Lovely photo and a lovely name..I have wondered how you were too..:o))x
25 Dec, 2011
Happy Christmas W.lass. lovely to hear from you and so glad you are back, have a wonderful time with that cute little poppsie, she is adorable. Looking forward to some good gardening in 2012. x
25 Dec, 2011
Thank you Whistonlass, it is so nice to hear from you. Iona-Mae is a little cutie there. Happy Christmas to you and yours. Can't wait for 2012...I have a very good feeling about it :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Best Wishes...
25 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas Whistonlass..what a cute little granddaughter you have..:o)))
25 Dec, 2011
Hi Whistonlass, Whot a lovely surprise to see you back on GOU we have missed you. your grandaught looks the perfect angel merry christmas to you and yours :))
25 Dec, 2011
Well, well, well, how lovely to see a blog from you Jacquie! ... I hope you had a lovely Christmas Day and I send best wishes for 2012! ... :o)
25 Dec, 2011
Nice to see you back, Happy Christmas :-))
26 Dec, 2011
Nice to see you whiston happy new year to you xxx
26 Dec, 2011
Hope you,ve enjoyed your Christmas Jacquie, and are feeling much better. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. So pleased to see you back on here, I kept looking to see if you had been about,mind you I haven't been on that often at times, what with christmas chores etc. Nice to see it so mild for this time of the Year. You have 4 lovely grandchildren there Jacquie, hope they enjoyed their christmas too. Stay well and looking forward to seeing new photos soon.
26 Dec, 2011
A lovely happy family photo,Jacquie..worth more than any presents,to have these four lovely Grandchildren,,glad you all had a lovely Christmas..:o))x
27 Dec, 2011
Love your new photo W.lass, its fab. What delightful grandchildren you have. Enjoy the fun. x
27 Dec, 2011
Great to see you Jacquie! :))) xx
27 Dec, 2011
Lovely new photo Jacquie..
grandchildren looking more grown up :o) xxx
27 Dec, 2011
Lovely to see you back and looking so well Whistonlass. Lovely happy grandchildren. Hope hubby and Lucy are well. Happy Gardening in 2012.
28 Dec, 2011
Lovely photos WL.
Hope you had a very happy Christmas. See you soon come spring!
28 Dec, 2011
You all look like you've had a wonderful time :o)
29 Dec, 2011
Hi Whistonlass \0/ Lovely to see you again, I too have not been on for a while and it's impossible to catch up with everyone. Lovely pics and doesn't Iona-Mae look like her Nana! Have a Happy New Year:-)
29 Dec, 2011
happy christmas hun , back on again .............laptop bin in pc. world as it crashed again ............................. urggg ................ have u heard from di at all !! she not bin around ages ..................... lovely pics hun , chat soon xx
29 Dec, 2011
Lovely photo of you and your grandchildren Whiston, will be looking out for pics to see how your garden is progressing.
Happy New Year to You All. XX.
29 Dec, 2011
hi jacquie so nice to see this blog when i came back after xmas, sorry i didnt see it on the day but still great, hope you all had a lovely xmas day and wishing you all the very best for newyear, so glad your ok and hope your garden is doing well to, will be so different next year, it soon fills out, look forward to some pics ;o))) xx
29 Dec, 2011
Cristina....I have not heard from Di for months and often wonder if all is ok with her. If you do manage to speak to her tell her "hi."
It's so nice to post my blog and have all the comments. I will soon be back in action...happy gardening and happy planning for 2012.
Things look bleak in the winter months in the garden so I am looking forward to spring to see how my garden has withstood all the wind and rain! And the summer house will be getting painted and sorted once the warmer days are here...too windy and wet just now :(
30 Dec, 2011
Hello Jacquie, it is wonderful to hear from you again. I have been very concerned about you and have missed our regular messages. I hope all goes well with your new garden this year and I look forward to seeing some photos of it when you have a camera again.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a fantastic New Year.
I look forward to hearing from you again.
Kind Regards, Fabrice xxxx.
1 Jan, 2012
Thank you for your kind words, Fabrice. Sorry if I've made you and others concerned for my welfare....just felt I needed to take a back seat for a short spell. I'm perking up again and looking forward to spring. For now we have to be content with making plans for the new garden (get out the gardening books and dream a bit).
We did have a nice Christmas (especially as our son returned back to the UK after being back in Canada for 2 yrs.). It's made Christmas just a bit more special.
My best wishes for a great year ahead, Fabrice. xx
2 Jan, 2012
Recent posts by whistonlass
- Creeping back...spring is here :)
11 Mar, 2012
- Resting up....b-r-e-a-k t-i-m-e
19 Aug, 2011
- New-to-us....SUMMER HOUSE
21 Jul, 2011
17 Jul, 2011
17 Jul, 2011
2 Jul, 2011
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Ohhh! It's my old friend, Whist! I've missed you! It's lovely to see a wee message from you, it's been ages! Isnt Iona-Mae a total angel! She's sooo cute!
Did you ask Santa for another camera? I hope you can get a hold of one, because we'll all be sitting here waiting with bated breath, to see how your garden has got on since it was finished! I'll look forward to seeing you very soon, Whist, and I hope you have been keeping better too!xx
25 Dec, 2011