By wizzbang
Hello Everybody.
Another soggy day here in the north of England. I have just had a stroll round my garden to have a look how things are coping with the wet. I think I am going to miss a lot of seed collection because they are all rotting!! Some of my more tender blossoms are also rotting in the petals its so upsetting isnt it!
Parts of my lawn, which is only four months old and sown, not laid, is underwater! about three inches. It drains away eventually because I had extensive drainage put in when I moved into my house. I have only been here two years and the first year was spent completely gutting the house(bungalow) and then modernising it, then the first half of this year I spent on the garden, drainage, new walls, topsoil, lawn soil which turned out to be substandard and caused me endless problems! The solid clay, there is no soil at all, it is all real clay – the type you would pot with lol, was compacted even more by the builders so I have got my work cut out !!! Its not a small garden but its not massive either – one day I must measure it lol, but I do so love it and being in it. Its all my own work, apart from the drainage and walls so its like my baby and I’m not enjoying seeing it struggle with the rain!
My new hibiscus which I haven’t planted yet because of the rain is still in its pot and on its side, blown over by the wind!!
Will the weather ever turn!!!
I hope to do a more positive blog next time!!! I promise i’m not always this miserable lol.
Lynne x
19 Aug, 2008
Next post: Iv'e caught something nasty!!!
Hi Lynne & welcome
I'm only down the road from you near Rochdale so I know what you're going through (same throughout the country it seems)- another summer written off! I'm currently planning a mini Amazonian rain forest in my back garden! Chin up and best of luck!
19 Aug, 2008
hi Lynne, welcome to GOY.
weather is bad here too, pretty much the same as ye are all getting, i dont walk around my garden anymore , i squelch around it lol.
even the dogs wear swimming rings when they have to go out lol
19 Aug, 2008
When i went out first thing i thought i found a manhole uncovered.....did i have a shock when it turned out to be someones ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
19 Aug, 2008
Hi Lynne, Like you & Mike i live on the west coast in Blackpool, so no how you feel, there again its been the same all over Britain , so we are not on our own. I also have loads of green tomatoes, all we can do is hope next year is better than last year & this year.
19 Aug, 2008
Hi Wizzbang welcome to Goy you sound determined to master that garden of yours I do not envy the sounds of that heavy clay . Think Id be tempted to have a huge clay lined pond which would easily fill in this weather.Of course your biggest problem is living the wrong side of the Pennines but guess you feel the same about us in Yorkshire ! Best wishes
19 Aug, 2008
Hi Lynne, You're not miserable atall, just telling it like it is. I've also heard people from other countries complaining about too much rain this year, so we're all in the same boat. lol we'll probably need boats if this rain continues too. Hope you enjoy G.O.Y.
All the best, Hywel.
19 Aug, 2008
Hallo Lynne - we're all soggy down here in Somerset, too! I shall be asking for a recipe for green tomato chutney VERY soon as I have loads of green tomatoes, too - the dog ate the only red one so far, he is into 'pick your own'!
19 Aug, 2008
Recent posts by wizzbang
- Spotty
29 Aug, 2008
- Bad gardening weekend.
26 Aug, 2008
- I've been naughty..... again!!!
23 Aug, 2008
- It's happened!!!
23 Aug, 2008
- Iv'e caught something nasty!!!
20 Aug, 2008
Hi Lynne, I think we are all feeling the same at the moment, we could all get depressed if we thought about this dreadful weather for too long!!
My garden is also very `soggy` at the moment, my greenhouse is full of tomatoes that I doubt will ever ripen, and my grass is too wet to cut.
Never mind at least here in the UK we are all having to cope with the dreadful summer, roll on next summer....we live in hope, or I may start a bog garden!
19 Aug, 2008