GOOD DAY MONDAY 22 November 2010
By woodgreen
GOOD DAY MONDAY Monday, 22 November 2010
Good Morning Friends.
Well it is Saturday morning and it is steadily raining again.
So I decided to write my Blog for Monday and prepare the photos. I know that all lades like to see flowers but flowers are only the paint that is put on a prepared canvases. I was once told by an old gardener that it is what you put in the base of your garden that will produce the end result.
I would like to show you the garden before I started the re make. Remember there was nothing here in 2004. So everything is the first makeover. But I will end with a flower. I have only just taken up digital photography.
My camera is a Cannon Power Shot SX20is It has every thing including the kitchen sink and I do not know how to use it all yet, so I just leave it on AUTO.
I am not finding this site as easy too use as the one I open for the Americans every Morning. There dose not seem to be a General Community Board. Where everybody talks It seams you have to have favourites and the Idea of separating birds from gardens is not good idea. I will figure it all out eventually.
LITTLELEGS. I live in a much nicer place than “GAY PARIEE.” When I have come up-to-date with the garden I will tell you about it.
TERRATOONIE. All my Irises have names But not being able to give them the attention they needed for 18 months some names have been lost and I am waiting for them to bloom again, The Blue is one of my favourites – Open Sky 30cm. If you want something a bit bigger Blue look for – Fathom 55cm Beautiful
You will find that I write your names at the bottom of the blog of the day this is away of saying thank you. I am not very good at chattering. Putting words to paper comes very hard for me, but I have ago. I like to tell a story and here the story is my garden, our home and wildlife. I hope you approve.
Dido, Spritzhenry, Littlelegs, Markiek, Clarice, Joanella, Michaella, Stickitoffee, Seaburngirl, Karensusan & Terratoonie.
Have a good day all and go safe. Stewart.
22 Nov, 2010
Previous post: GOOD DAY FRIDAY
Next post: GOOD DAY TUESDAY Tuesday, 23 November 2010
I'm pleased to know I'm not the only one who leaves his camera on Auto lol. I don't have much of a way with gadjets.
You don't have to have favourites. You can comment on anything, and anyone can comment on yours :o)
Birds are not excluded from this site, neither are insects, pets, the weather, or nature in general. You can write about them all.
22 Nov, 2010
those white iris are stunning ~ i love their name too, i shall remember that one
thats going to be quite a garden ~ could be competition for monet's??
my camera is a canon power shot G10 ~ so i think yours is somewhat more advanced, i started on auto but i now put it on SCN [scene?] and then turn the dial until it gets to a leaf sign ~ as i take mostly pictures of plants that does me nicely ~ i would like to learn about the light and timing but this will have to do for now
happy snapping!
22 Nov, 2010
Open Sky... what a lovely name for the blue iris !
Your garden seems to have some areas which slope a lot.
Can you please describe the general garden layout ?
Does it slope at the back ?
As Hywel says... you can comment on other blogs, photos, and questions, in addition to your own...
Enjoy GoY :o)
22 Nov, 2010
I agree the white Iris is a beauty, you do have quite a bit of land to care of Stewart, so these are the "before" pictures are they, would love to see the "after" ones covering the same area, another excuse to use the camera eh Stewart!
22 Nov, 2010
I still post bird pics on here, given my main interest is gardening and whats in the garden, rather than birds for their own sake, and I hope you will too, and of any other wildlife you may catch around and about.
I must be the exception to the rule on ladees liking flower pictures - not this lady! I like to see whole gardens, or a whole border or bed, preferably with a good arrangement of shrubs and perennials and plenty of leaf contrast and colour.
22 Nov, 2010
Great blog but re your "There dose not seem to be a General Community Board" The reason I use this site is because there isnt one. That inane chat from dominant, bored, aggressive, self opinionated people who just want to chat about anything for as long as possible its not what this sites is about and with the best will in the world that's what happens?
I want a site that restricts the chat (on the whole) to gardening subjects. To interact with members who like me are gardening driven when visiting this site. If I want to talk about cars this is not the site I would choose - horses for courses please!!!
22 Nov, 2010
Agree with previous two comments from Bamboo and Drc726.
I like to see flower photos, but whole gardens and borders too.
22 Nov, 2010
Yes I agree with Drc too, although I do love to see flowers as well as borders. And I love the way that clothes line goes under the arch!! lol :))
22 Nov, 2010
It looks like you have a lovely space to work with Woodgreen. I love the rock outcrop too. Are you going to going to plant some alpines in there?
I love the white iris too...going to remember the name. Are the gold and red iris called 'Supreme Sultan'?
22 Nov, 2010
Your garden is a nice size Stewart, lots of room for adventurous gardening.
By the way DRC - if there is a blog that is not "gardeny" enough for you, you don't have to read it !
23 Nov, 2010
Such comments are exactly what I mean Mariek!
23 Nov, 2010
Thankyou Stewart, lovely garden and all that space to work with also love the white Iris......
24 Nov, 2010
Recent posts by woodgreen
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- Good Day Wednesday Wednesday, 24 November 2010
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- GOOD DAY TUESDAY Tuesday, 23 November 2010
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