GOOD DAY TUESDAY Tuesday, 23 November 2010
By woodgreen
GOOD DAY TUESDAY Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Good Morning All. It looks like I put my comment in the wrong text Monday and I fully agree with you all. Sorry. It is just that if all the dates are mixed up and I cannot see my own blog in a clear list for the day how can others find me. I think I have it worked out now. Go to Blog Archive and there it is all in order,
So lets get on. We have seen the garden ‘before’ and we have seen the Iris border. The question is what do you do with a border of good Iris’s that have out grown themselves and you have no land that is free. Here you have the help of your neighbour. The plot next to mine is well worked by a elderly Frenchman but for sometime now
He has let me use the sloping end of it. He cannot understand why like him I do not grow Vegetables and only Flowers as I have used this end for Sweet Williams,
As you see in the Photo it is now full of Iris cuttings.
But I still have about 80 left even after giving some away.
This is where my Portuguese neighbour comes to the rescue. I would like to point out here that I do not speak French and they do not speak English yet we are good friends. They will often drop us fresh produce when they are harvesting, as a gift. My Portuguese neighbour even drops us the odd fresh dressed rabbit that he shot. To be honest. We have never had such nice neighbours.
I have shown before and after photos of the front of our house to give you some idea of the steepness of our friends very narrow garden that he is letting me use for my Iris cuttings.
I have your questions and will answer them as soon as I get a head on this. Next we start the new make over.
I do have one Question — How long do the blogs stay on the board? Thank you.
Hope you all have a good day, so go safe Stewart.
I had a slight problem with the photos
I do not seem to write in-between them But I think they explain themselves. I will work it out soon. Sorry
23 Nov, 2010
Previous post: GOOD DAY MONDAY 22 November 2010
Next post: Good Day Wednesday Wednesday, 24 November 2010
DIDO I am in the unusual position to give you an answer.
I am generally out by now but it is a cold morning here.
We collect all our water from the roofs, I have around 10,000litres stored under ground, 3,000 litres in a tank above ground and a standard garden water tank of about 50 litres for watering can use. I can also divert the bath water to the underground tank. It dose not cost us a Euro
Good yes? Must go now. Have a nice day. Stewart.
23 Nov, 2010
Yes very good Stewart, didn't realise you had so much rain LOL we will have to rename you the
"Water Wizard" :0) You have a nice day too matey
23 Nov, 2010
Good Day Stewart, The blogs move down the list as another blog is published, you can always save a blog to your own page, this is useful for looking back re. information or go to the archives to view previous blogs and questions.
Its good to see your garden, what good neighbours you have, sometimes the best way not understanding each other. LOL.
23 Nov, 2010
These latest pics give me a much better idea of the plot shapes you have for your gardening.
I notice the steep area alongside the house... It will be fascinating to see how the design of that slope develops over time...
23 Nov, 2010
As far as I know, any blogs you've written remain accessible via your profile page until you choose to take them down - my original ones are still present and available (from 3 years ago).
If you want to post pics throughout your blog, you need to stop text at the appropriate point, click on add photo, and when that's done, continue typing under the jpeg entry which appears when the photo's loaded (you won't be able to see it till the end, when you either save or publish). If you don't get the photos in the right place straightaway, you cannot move them around when editing later.
23 Nov, 2010
Sorry Bamboo, I'm going to contradict...You can move your pictures by highlighting the picture "code" and cutting and pasting it to the spot you want. I do that on my blogs all the time as I never seem to get them in the right spot. :o)
Woodgreen your garden is going to look fabulous when all those irises bloom. I wish I could pop over and take some of the "extras" off your hands. LOL
It is always nice when you get along with your neighbours. I'm glad you seem to have such nice ones.
23 Nov, 2010
Bamboo .. you can move photos in a blog ...
edit... then cut and paste ....
I hope this helps :o)
Posted same time as Gilli !
23 Nov, 2010
Thanks Gilli and TT, I never knew that, good to know.
23 Nov, 2010
Recent posts by woodgreen
- GOOD DAY THURSDAY 25 November 2010
24 Nov, 2010
- Good Day Wednesday Wednesday, 24 November 2010
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- GOOD DAY MONDAY 22 November 2010
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You are doing ok Stewart! The soil there looks very sandy, is it? If it is I bet watering is a nightmare in the Summer!
23 Nov, 2010