Pics of garden today & Before and After pics
Some of you might remember hub building a new fence, He used a fence treatment in this colour!!
At the time i just wanted it finished, but I hated it, knew it didnt look right with the othere fences in dark brown..It didn’t flow lol..
As the weeks went by it started to get on my nerve’s, But he had moved the greenhouse back! This morning before i went to work I decided to make a start on it, 5 coats later it looks like this :) and i LOVE it.. I still need to get behind the greenhouse but for now, Im happy…
I also painted the messy part of the fence where i pulled the ivy off..
Its not to bad from a distance lol..
I also painted the willow fencing, it was looking a bit drab..
There’s still Colocasia and Colius to go into the beds, but its still not warm enough here, daliah’s are planted, just waiting for flowers, shouldn’t be be long now :)))
Happy Gardening Everyone.. Dee..
13 Jun, 2011
Previous post: just a trim, I thought!!
Next post: B&Q Offer and Purchases Today..
Owwww, I got a shiver right down to my ankles whebor, Poor BF, My hubs a joiner and he's allways bursting his thumbs brrrrrr...
Have you put pics up yet, of your front garden, ill go look :)
I agree, my fence does'e look a thousand per cent better :))
13 Jun, 2011
5 coats later you dont do things by halves do you lol I must agree it looks so much better shows the plants off, all your tropicals are looking splendid and I do like the raised planted did Hub make that for you? are you going to let your Eucalyptus go or will you pollard it ?
13 Jun, 2011
well DD, thet eucalyptus was a total random buy, it was reduced to £7.50 and i liked it, no label, so i didnt know anything about it, I brought it home and planted it where i had dug out a dying phormium, then i read up about it on the net, it gets big! so i dug it back up and back in its pot and placed it there for now. Ive since read about Pollarding Eucalyptus, apparantly to keep those lovely small bright silver new leave's, now i will have to read up on how to do that haha, In future i must stop impulse buying, will i ever learn.. yeah 5 coats but, i used the electric spray, probably 2 coats with a brush.. it looks really good, much better than my pics, i keep going out to look at it :)))
13 Jun, 2011
What a difference it makes - your garden is certainly looking better. You must be very pleased with it.
14 Jun, 2011
A very tidy job!! Bet you're pleased it's all done now!
14 Jun, 2011
Looking good DD! :o)
14 Jun, 2011
Oh i do prefer your colour DD, it shows off the plants really well i know what you mean about things getting on your nerves, you feel so much better when you do something about it don't you?
14 Jun, 2011
You garden design always amazes me Dee, I remember your front garden re-vamp, you certainly have the flair. I like the dark stain too. Its so annoying though cos the colour on the tin doesnt always come true, looks like you got it right. :-)
14 Jun, 2011
Well done Ydd ... it looks lovely in that darker shade now. Re. the Eucalyptus ... I planted one last year and then, like yourself, worried about how big it might grow! Bamboo gave me some really good advice on maintaining it. If you want to read up on it just go to my questions. : o )))
14 Jun, 2011
Thanks everyone, Im very pleased Mariek / Lulu, im still checking it out constantly :)))
Yes it Does'e SK, it was really bugging me, my eye was drawn to it, no matter where in the garden i was, Hub just laughs at me :))
Awww thanks dawnsaunt, what a lovely compliment, especially from a gardener like you. you know what i mean :)
Thanks Shirley, ill go look for that, Now.
Thanks Nariz...
14 Jun, 2011
I just love your garden Daisy and the fence five coats! Thought I was bad giving mine three lol!
14 Jun, 2011
much better darker Dee, shows the plants off alot better, garden is looking so pretty as usual, weather not what i call summer here either, fed up with it, great pics :o))
15 Jun, 2011
looks amazing :)
22 Jun, 2011
Thanks Nana d and Kate, Hi San, you ok now? Weather is rotten here to, ive pur the heating on for half an hour, trying to dry jeans, tut..Fed up as well...
22 Jun, 2011
Hi DD, as you probably remember i'm new to this, so i was just flicking through the pictures and come across yours, your garden is lovely and looks so interesting, it can be hard work, can't it? but so worth it. i must sort out some pics of my own, well done.
25 Jun, 2011
im alot better thanx Dee but being carefull not to do to much on the laptop lol, not easy when all these lovely blogs and pics, hope your well to :o))
25 Jun, 2011
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25 May, 2011
Hi Daisy,what a difference you made to the fence with your darker colour sooooo much better,your garden is looking very lush.we had been working as you might remember on my front garden and have gots some new bits done,but now its come to a stand still with the woodwork as my bf broke his thumb hammering ! and got blood poisoning from a splinter that got imbedded very deep in his finger ! his fine just in a bit of pain with it all bless him,soon have him woodworking again soon as everythings healed ! take care for now happy gardening :)
13 Jun, 2011