By Aleyna
Finally the fence was ready and we had the backyard cleaned.
This photo was taken from inside the garage area. We left only the main trees and took out all the weeds. On the left is the nursery where were preserved the seedlings I have been earning since we bought the land.
The yellow pile on the right is wood dust, which was removed from the floor of the house by the sander who did the lacquer treatment. The gardener suggested mixing it with the soil that will be used in the beds.
In this picture you can see the nursery and also the area around one of the tree where I made the bromeliads’ bed. To the right where the bird feeders are, we fixed the orchids of my mother-in-law, saved from the house that was sold, is over 40 years old. I hope it survives the winter. In this same tree, which has several branches sprouting almost close to the ground, I planted the seedling of a white flower vine that my daughter brought from Uruguay.
I posted a picture of this flower, ipomoea alba, while I was still on the balcony of the apartment.
After cleaning we measured the area to plan the garden and made a power point.
This is our planning, according to the trajectory of the sun in the summer, red curve line, and in winter, orange curve line. All the beds will have 2mX3m (6 square meters), including the greenhouse. The greenhouse is only planned to plant tomatoes in summer and lettuce and arugula in winter. We already planted the hibiscus.
Yesterday we installed a clothesline on the left. This morning a friend of the jacutinga found a pretty idea of the shade to watch the woods around. I was preparing the coffee and my husband said: Come and see your clothesline already in use.
Anyway, I’m open to suggestions from GOY friends. Feel free to suggest where to plant vegetables, make modifications: change of place, include, remove, position of flower beds, etc. Any suggestions will be welcome. I just can not change the clothesline because the poles were fixed with cement.
We cleared the outside area after the fence, which is part of our back sidewalk. Our land has two fronts, one for the central avenue and the other for the back street. The back sidewalk surrounds the “cul de sac”.
Hope you will enjoy reading.
Big hugs from south Brazil
5 Apr, 2019
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Thanks for the comment Thrupennybit,
I checked the plants and found that they are from different families, even so, it is a good idea to change the plant to the edge of the fence. So it can grow, without the risk of strangling the tree. :o)
5 Apr, 2019
Wow... you've done lots of work and planning, Aleyna... I'll look forward to progress reports.
5 Apr, 2019
That's good to know thanks for letting me know Aleyna yes it will look better trained across the fence.
5 Apr, 2019
Thank you TT.
I'll inspire myself in yours and GOY friends gardens.
All of you have lovely gardens.
5 Apr, 2019
Oh Aleyna, you have worked so hard! I would feel quite bewildered with such an open space to fill. It was grand to see all those young trees - you should have lots of lovely fruit in a few years. Love the view of the woodland over the fence!
5 Apr, 2019
Thank you for the comment Steragram. As soon as the frontyard be cleaned I'll start planning that too. Thinking about some "cleand garden" with a short collor palette.
5 Apr, 2019
I would make sure I include loads of tomatoes & peppers. They are so delicious fresh from the garden.
6 Apr, 2019
Also for the vegetable patch in your climate you could try 'The Three Sisters'. It's sweetcorn (maize?), beans & squash (zucchini) grown together & helping each other out.
If you're not familiar with it there's loads of information on how & why to do it online: just Google gardening & the three sisters.
Good luck & hoping for more photos☺
6 Apr, 2019
It's great to see the progress you have made, Aleyna! Your plan looks very good, too! :)
Some years ago I did the "Three Sisters" planting but I didn't have a great deal of success. I liked the idea though but I no longer have an allotment so I can no longer try it.
I just grow some tomato plants on our balcony.
7 Apr, 2019
Bathgate, yes! Loads of tomatoes, but, I have to wait for the summer. Even in a greenhouse the plant will suffer with the frost. Already have the seeds waiting for the nex december.
Darren, thank you for the comment and the suggestion, I'll look for more information, but sounds great, I like sweet corn, beans and zucchini. And I didnt have any idea about it.I bought a book many years ago where they have ideas on growing vegetables together and how to make crop rotattion. Even so, I don't remeber any comment about the three sisters. Maybe because the book was translated to portuguese.
Thank you Balcony, you are always an inspiration. Sorry you don't have the allotment anymore. I tried the idea here, but nobody accepted. The condominium owners preferred to keep a cement block for eventual football matches, tennis, etc.
Not everybody is addicted to gardens :) as us.
12 Apr, 2019
Hi Aleyna,
You might find this web page of interest if you are thinking of trying out the 3 Sisters method of planting:
Hope you find this of help. Though you will of course have to change the months of the year to suit your region! As you probably know Spring starts in the northern hemisphere in March & June is when Summer starts for us. Your seasons may be the opposite to ours. Right now we are a month into spring & for most of us frosts stop in May, sometime.
13 Apr, 2019
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It all looks great and what space you have now. I think your plan looks good can't say I would alter any thing except that white climbing flower I would have a honey suckle or clematis in stead as it reminds me of Bindweed that is very evasive which I have in my garden it strangles all my shrubs and I lost lots of plants from it if I recall right it's of the same family member of Bindweed.
5 Apr, 2019