By AndrewR
After two wet growing seasons, I probably have more slugs and snails in the garden than ever before. And I’m fed up with them eating my precious plants and vegetables. So I’m fighting back for next year.
Slug pubs to protect the vegetables
Copper bands to protect vulnerable plants
Slimebags – you have been warned!!!
18 Oct, 2008
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Keep us posted on your success rate, Andrew.
18 Oct, 2008
Good luck, with the slug pubs and copper, dont for get to
lets us all know how well it works.
18 Oct, 2008
Go Andrew! Destroy the little suckers!
18 Oct, 2008
I hope your plants have a better time of it next year, They should do with all your efforts.
18 Oct, 2008
go for it Andrew, im fed up with all the slugs and snails here
18 Oct, 2008
The pots I have planted by the back door, along with lots of slug pellets have attracted the entire slug population of England to call. I'm just at the point of moving the pots as I can't bear to see the dead and dying slugs round the doorway in a morning. Please someone, invent an all slugs must be banished from the garden potion.
18 Oct, 2008
I hate to be a wet blanket but slugs are useful...I realize that too many are a plague...looks like you're well armed and ready to punish with extreme prejudice, Andrewr. It is heartbreaking to find our beloved plants skeletonized by these creatures... besides drowning them is beer, or slitting their skin with diatoms, or deterring them with copper collars... I think the most direct and effective strategy is to don your wellies and take a flashlight, wear your latex gloves, and bring a pail of hot water (soapy)...pick the blighters while they are out and about... a kind of D-Day invasion...and You're the Invader!! Good luck!
18 Oct, 2008
Perhaps those who hate slugs can all move to Australia then!!!
19 Oct, 2008
Good luck Andew,
Iv'e tried beertraps, garlic sprays, copper bands, and eventually almost gave up. The frogs and toads do their best to help but they are getting rather obese! This year has been particularly bad with all the rain we have had.Now I pick them off by hand, and also use wildlife friendly slug and snail pellets!
19 Oct, 2008
So THAT was the strange smell in your garden, Grenville, I was far too polite to mention it! LOL.
19 Oct, 2008
Oh, Andrew, you sound so irate! Good Luck with your "war". I don't yet know what the situation is with slugs and snails in our new garden (it was never a problem in the old one), but hope that I don't need tips from GOY.
19 Oct, 2008 question for you can you be sure that the Cane Toads aren't eating your slugs?
19 Oct, 2008
Spritz I'm really offended...... the 'smell' you mentioned in our garden was my expensive 'designer' after - shave!
'Au de garlic .'
19 Oct, 2008
I have been going out regularly with salt - it is such a satisfying way of getting rid of the blighters. But having had all my cabbage seedlings eaten this year, and heleniums being devoured when I want a late display of colour, I decided I need to mobilise more 'troops'.
Grenville - my frogs are fat too and thrushes now have problems getting airborne!
19 Oct, 2008
I do the same Andrew, and the salt levels have become seriously depleted this year!
19 Oct, 2008
I had a terrible time last year with the slimy menace, i dont like to use pellets unless i really have to, and sorry but just don't do the torch light thing! eeeerrrrr!!!! lol so i waged my own war in the spring with Nemeslug - bio control, i must say very effective, dispite the wet weather this year, my hostas have been the best yet, plus they go under ground to die so you don't get the horrible mess everywhere, widelife and pet friendly too, the only down side is quite expensive if you need to treat a large area, my garden is approx 80-100ft x 30-40ft and it cost £30 for 3 treatments, that are sent at 6 week intervals throughout the spring. so maybe not pratical if you have loads of land, but for the smaller gardens, the most effective and hassle free method i have found! i did some blogs on this in the spring if anyone wants full details! look out for the 'slug wars' blogs.
21 Oct, 2008
Can you advise us on your opinion of copper band and beer cups. I have just spent £16 on gas pipe copper tubing hoping to use next spring. The beer never makes it to the garden for some reason!
23 Oct, 2008
I've used a few copper rings around plants and copper tape around plant pots in the past and found them quite effective.
I've not tried beer traps before but a friend swears by them (although she has the same problem as Ams!)
23 Oct, 2008
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Slug & Snail Shocka Fabric
£10.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
Slug & Snail Shocka Fabric
£31.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
Slug & Snail Shocka Fabric
£5.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
Slug And Snail Gizmo
£3.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
Slug & Snail Shocka Mats
£9.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
Nemaslug Nematodes: Slug Killer 100m2
£18.95 at Unwins -
Nemaslug Slug Killer
£13.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Nemaslug Slug Killer
£24.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer
£9.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer
£32.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Slug Trap Bait
£6.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Slug Trap
£8.99 at Crocus -
Brassica Collars
£2.99 at Crocus -
Slug Trap Bait
£4.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
Slug And Snail Catchers
£5.95 at Ferndale Lodge
Good luck.
I hope you are successful. :o)
18 Oct, 2008