Flowers to welcome 2009
By AndrewR
Happy New Year to everyone on 2009, especially Peter and Ajay – without them you wouldn’t be reading this blog!
I have a tradition of going out at the start of each year to see what is in flower in the garden. This is what I found for 2009.
Jasminum nudiflorum is a winter stalwart, growing in sun (where it flowers better) or shade
I have two mahonias in flower. M.japonica foliage takes on red hues as well but M.x media ‘Charity’ carries denser flower spikes
I have three viburnums for winter flowers. V.x bodnantense and V.farreri nanum are both in bloom but V.tinus has decided it is too cold and only has a few unopened buds
The shrubby honeysuckle lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ carries scented blooms in winter but is not very attractive for the rest of the year
Coronilla glauca is a small shrub with yellow pea flowers in late winter to early spring and again in autumn. It needs a sunny spot but can still get quite leggy
Helleborus foetidus is a British native that self sows in my garden
Vinca difformis is not in bloom yet but the cultivar ‘Jenny Pym’ is (although the flowers have bleached from last week)
We don’t tend to think of rosemary as flowering in winter but both my shrubs are carrying blooms (one blue, the other pink)
Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snowflake’ flowers in a shady corner in the autumn – a couple of flowers have been sheltered from the frosts
Abutilon megapotanicum has been constantly in flower for almost three years! Even this cold winter doesn’t seem to have stopped it
Solanum jasminoides ‘Album’ still has a few flowers hanging on
From the state of these two, the slugs are still around. The primula is left from last spring’s bedding; the narcissus is ‘Cedric Morris’ which is usually in flower in early January but opened on 23rd December this winter
This wallflower is a bit precocious too
Finally, this is a plant you wouldn’t expect to see growing outside in Berkshire, let alone flowering. It is banksia marginata from Australia and is the hardiest of the family
That’s 18 different things in flower for the start of 2009, only two less than the most I have ever recorded.
1 Jan, 2009
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Next post: More Variegated Plants
That's wonderful !.
Happy New Year.
1 Jan, 2009
Thats great Andrew, & a very happy new year to you & every one on GOY especially Ajay & Peter.
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year Andrew. Nice to see your plants.
1 Jan, 2009
Great Blog! It was just what I needed to see, You have a lot of things still hanging on in your garden. Doesn't it just make you feel great!
1 Jan, 2009
What a wonderful walk around your's great to see things growing and even blooming in what we sometimes view as the "off-season" Thanks for the tour Andrew!
1 Jan, 2009
Great to see so much going on in your garden...just the tonic to brighten up an overcast New Years Day! Daffodils already! Be nearer Easter before we see ours!
1 Jan, 2009
Happy Newy Year Andrew... A great site to behold in your garden on January 1st. Quite a contrast to my garden which is presently under about 15 inches of snow. ENJOY !
1 Jan, 2009
Happy new year Andrew.
It's too cold here at the moment to go outside.
It's been minus one all day today with a cold easterly wind, but we have had temperatures of minus three over the last few days which is very unusual for Bristol as its normally so mild here in the South West. No signs of early growth at the moment as everything has been knocked by severe frosts.
1 Jan, 2009
Really enjoyed this walk round your garden Andrew....the Winter Beauty Honeysuckle looks to be the one I have done well to have so much in flower right now. My Polyanthus look like they have slug damage too... I keep finding flowerheads on the ground! :o(
1 Jan, 2009
It's been very cold here as well Grenville - two or three degrees below freezing most nights for the past week. Today was slightly less cold during the day than yesterday but I was very surprised to see 'Cedric Morris' in flower before Christmas after the chilly autumn weather
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year Andrew. What a great variety of flowering plants you have as at 1.1.09, truly amazing, thanks for sharing with us. Like BB, us up north will probably see our spring bulbs flowering at Easter, if we're lucky,
1 Jan, 2009
nice winter colour andrew. i will have to go and look in my garden to see what the frosts have left...
3 Jan, 2009
OOh, I did enjoy the wallflower! It's made me look forward to ours all the more.
I believe we also have one of those hellebores, and you've inspired me to put on warm boots, coat, gloves and hat (remember the awful bar of chocolate party game? pure frustration that was...) just to see if it's still there.
I'll be right back.
3 Jan, 2009
Fantasic Andrew, loved reading this, you have so much going on, i think i can count about 3 or 4 in flower at the moment in mine, so it's lovely to brouse through all of yours. I absolutel love that Hydranger! wow! The wallflower you have is it the hardy shrubby type? i have seen some of these growing locally, but flower during the summer, they look a bit like lavender bushes when not in flower. very nearly bought some, but changed my mind as the company suplying them was T & M - say no more lol.
3 Jan, 2009
Weeding - are you back indoors yet? I read your comment and Captain Oakes ("I'm just going outside, I may be some time") sprang to mind.
Majeeka - the wallflower was one of about a dozen plug plants purchased in autumn 2007. They flowered well last spring and some of the plants looked so strong, I left them to grow on and this is the result!
3 Jan, 2009
Hello Andrew,
Do you know, I never did finish my mission because I've had a bit of a weird upset day to be honest. I'm resolved to finish tomorrow though, and will report back. I only went properly down the garden in the dark in the end - not good for counting any possible blooms. As soon as I went though I noticed how much better it made me feel.
It's good tomorrow is Sunday.
See you later, I think I need sleep!
Yrs, Oates.
3 Jan, 2009
There lovely Andrew, at my last garden i had some that just appeared, and they were lovely, not as nice as yours though.
4 Jan, 2009
Well I made it, but only counted 1 and a 1/2! Winter Jasmine, and the hellebore isn't sure whether she is or not. Brass monkeys here today! xx
4 Jan, 2009
Nice to know that Weeding is safely returned !
This is a super blog. Great photos. :o)
I have hebe flowering profusely. Is that unusual at this time of year ? Also have some of the above, Viburnum, Winter Jasmine and Rosemary. There really is quite a lot in flower at this time of year. :o)
5 Jan, 2009
Hebes are a law unto themselves as to when they decide to flower. As they hail from New Zealand, I suspect they still have jet lag!
5 Jan, 2009
Yes, you're right there.
Mine definitely thinks it is summer, despite the snow.
5 Jan, 2009
Wow! what a Fab Blog so Many Flowers !! The Photos are Brill :)
5 Jan, 2009
I cannot believe you have so many plants in flower, you are only down the road, as the crow flies, and although we have many of the plants on your blog there is not a flower to be seen, it has been bitterly cold here for the last few days now, not sure some of the tender plants will survive. Nice to see yours are all doing well though.
6 Jan, 2009
Happy 2009 AndrewR!! I love your pictures, I have some grevillia rosmariflorus out at the moment, lovely orange lotus like flowers and my rosemary is also flowering away. I have just purchased 2 of the Abutilon and I definitely have the Banksia on my list. My Garrya has also started to open into catkins, gives me hope that the Spring will not be too far off
6 Jan, 2009
I'm hoping to grow a grevillea too Andrea. I purchasd one at the RHS Show in Vincent Square in December but it will stay in its pot in the greenhouse (where it's flowering like mad) until spring
6 Jan, 2009
Which one have you got, there are several varieties, I have Grevillea rosmarinifolia and Grevillea juniperina, the rosmarinifolia is flowering away , but the juniperina doesn't flower until Spring, all are planted outside
6 Jan, 2009
Lots of colour out there - spring is on it way - Happy New Year
6 Jan, 2009
I bought grevillea lanigera 'Mount Tamboritha' as it supposed to be reasonably hardy in an 'average' winter.
It was looking OK in the greenhouse (which is unheated) this morning
6 Jan, 2009
It was freeeeezing last night and then some!! My coprosmas were nearly black, but regained their reddy glow during the day, but my echiums were looking very droopy, hope they will be ok, it is supposed to be - 8 tonight on the iow.
6 Jan, 2009
and i always thought January was a boring month for flowers!! great photos Andrew and lots of ideas for winter flowering plants thanks!!
7 Jan, 2009
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~ a lovely selection Andrew! happy 2009!
1 Jan, 2009