An afternoon walk
By Arlene
~ for the last twelve months or so we have not had cattle roaming the local housing estate where we live~ and I can’t say we have missed having our walls knocked down and our plants eaten.Not to mention slipping on unmentionable substances in the dark.!with the prospect of banging your head!
~ plus every now and then someone runs into a black cow in the dark.
However although the National Trust who own the area don’t seem all that keen to have them there is a local who insists he has rights to let his cattle roam anywhere
and everywhere and they are back!
Nothing against the cows but do think they should be in a field~particularly the bull.
So today with the prospect of losing all our prairie like grasses we went out to have a look.
Here are a few pics.
19 Jun, 2009
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~they get on the roads about the place and there are no street lights in the narrow lanes~they also have the habit of walking off the verges at a drop of a hat.~we came round a corner to find a herd in the middle of the road late on~you need good brakes!
19 Jun, 2009
~driving past the airport you have sheep horses and cows to contend with plus the odd motorist ~ my son has this theory that if their head is down and they are eating you are okay even though they are virtually lying in the road.
My husband's theory is that they can jump in front of you anytime anywhere any place ...but you can't always drive down the middle of the road.....joking there BB!
19 Jun, 2009
sound dangerous Alene. we just have to avoid pheasants and badgers .
19 Jun, 2009
Sorry Arlene .. bit of a senior moment hadnt considered driving into them !
19 Jun, 2009
~all things considered we don't have that many serious bumps although if you hit a large cow square on you can write your car off!
19 Jun, 2009
~we have lots of foxes Sandra but few pheasants~maybe that's why!
19 Jun, 2009
It could be something to do with cattle grazing to keep the natural fauna of the area from being lost to shrubs or some-such.On 'Country File' on Sunday they were in Cornwall and had introduced grazing animals in the '70's.They have managed to save rare plants only found in Cornwall. Mind you I think this was mainly on coastal areas -ie cliffs where I don't think there are too many motorists ;)
The National trust should take more interest in their own land.
I would have thought there were by-laws for common land such as this. Can you find an MP who isn't busy with his/her expenses claims to ask lol ?
19 Jun, 2009
It amazes me how the owner of the cattle can sleep at night - knowing harm can come to the public along with harm to his animals.
19 Jun, 2009
Oh Aster ! Did you see the news tonight !!! The MP who claimed 1p to answer a mobile call ...what ?
This is worse than claiming thousands .. the one who claimed back a donation to the church collection please if they truly wish to be public servants then put them on minimum wage .. thats after the public flogging of course ..
19 Jun, 2009
If it is the same guy~he doesn't worry much about them at all! ~they have been short of food in the winter which is why they come into the houses~ and have had to give birth on their own out there with no vet for any complications.
These particular ones we saw today looked quite nice animals but there is always a chance of coming across them in a hollow late at night walking your dog~they make me a bit nervous when they have small calves.
19 Jun, 2009
~Aster~ I think it's to do with commoners rights~one occasion when health and safety appear not to matter!
19 Jun, 2009
It's crazy Arlene - may take a nasty accident before something is done.
19 Jun, 2009
That's all very well in places like the New Forest but not where they are so close to peoples homes.Sounds like its just a cheap way for him to feed them,not having to buy proper cattle fodder. As usual it will probably take someone to be injured before the council would do anything, I do hope not Arlene.
19 Jun, 2009
~as you go further on from the area where these were taken there is the local golf course running over the top of the cliffs. There is the castle and paths down to the beach~it is sometimes quite weird to see cows silhoutted against the skyline on top of the cliffs!
19 Jun, 2009
~I'm with you there Aster ~I do think that has a lot to do with it!
19 Jun, 2009
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Does look lovely Arlene and can understand your concern to keep the area as natural as possible .
Would have thought the National Trust would be able to exercise some control .. quite why though anyone would be bumping into black cows in the dead of night is beyond me ..
perhaps they ll take advantage of the summer solstice the extra light should help .
19 Jun, 2009