A trip to Spritzhenry's open day.
By Arlene
The day dawned fine which was not forecast,a good sign! and the trip along and over the Severn Bridge quicker than anticipated, got us to Shurton courtesy of the sat nav which never takes us the most direct route.I am sure there are gremlins in there…
Spritz her husband and Henry were on hand to welcome us and soon we were oohing and aahing over those Populus xJackii Aurora.
and then we did a tour of the garden
We had a pleasant meeting of fellow GOY members Andrea and family.David and Louise and of course Spritz and her husband and spent an hour chatting over champagne courtesy of Peter and Ajay~many thanks!
Thanks also to Spritz and her husband who were the perfect hosts and deserve a break after all their hard work!
Who looks after the gardens when you go away?
Could always get BB or me…
We hope to see you again next year!
15 Jun, 2009
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Good job Arlene...enjoyed your perspective..nice of Peter and Ajay to send champagne..I would like to think I may get to come some day too!
15 Jun, 2009
As ever on all the blog's on Spritzhenry's open day the pictures are stupendous, I absolutely love the stream and could sit for hour after hour on it's bank's maybe even dangling me old toes in the water ahhh bliss. :o))) O.K. Back to reality a great blog with lovely pictures thanks Arlene I was sorry I could'nt get there.
15 Jun, 2009
Ab fab set of pictures Arlene - it was good that you managed to avoid taking pictures of all those visitors especially those from a place called GOY but you should have asked the lady on the first photo to move!
15 Jun, 2009
~perhaps you and GF will be able to go next year~you would love the area here and on down into Devon and Cornwall to Lands End.The climate is milder too ~lovely!
15 Jun, 2009
Thanks Arlene for sharing with those of us that couldn,t be there,pleased some Goy members were able to visit,beautiful photo,s of what is obviously a fantastic garden,if I had been there I would probably have also been by the stream as well,after having a wander of course......
15 Jun, 2009
~Hmm ~that lady seems to feature a lot on our photos~ I shall have to have words with her!
Seriously we were first to arrive which is why we have no one else in the photos and then as we were happily snapping away the batteries on both camera went dead .. Having just put them in the night before I can only think we hadn't charged the replacement set we put in.
We had to charge everything overnight at the hotel when we arrived~ it was quite hair raising travelling along country lanes in the dark with a sat nav which could go dead at any minute on the way to the hotel but we made it!
15 Jun, 2009
Thanks for showing more photos Arlene. Spritzhenry has such a beautiful garden I never get tired of seeing it. I'm glad you had a wonderful time.
15 Jun, 2009
A lovely blog and some fantastic pics of Sprtz's garden. A good day all in all by the sounds of it!
15 Jun, 2009
Lovely blog Arlene seem so many ways to see something new in Spritzs garden no matter how many pics.
As for maintaining it .. its an awful long way to come to cut the grass but if youre ever planning a cruise Spritz ..
15 Jun, 2009
i'm so glad u had such a lovely time. Spritz garden is geogeous...nice photots too
16 Jun, 2009
LOL.....I can just see you racing against the batteries Arlene..glad you made it ok...and had a good time too...!
16 Jun, 2009
Thanks for showing us round Spritz's garden, i always like photos of her garden,glad you had a nice day.
16 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Arlene - a lovely blog and we had some good natters, didn't we! Love the photos - it's so interesting to see the garden through your eyes! :-) See you next year!!
16 Jun, 2009
~another couple of hours and we could have put the world to rights~sack the MP's and employ gardeners!Carol for PM!
~lovely to see you, Peter and Henry~here's to next year!
16 Jun, 2009
Hear, hear!!! :-)
17 Jun, 2009
Oh to have a garden like that! Its beautiful thanks for the blog Arlene lovely to see the garden.
17 Jun, 2009
How about a trip down here next year, Skilla?? :-)
17 Jun, 2009
Thank you for showing and sharing your photos
17 Jun, 2009
Defo Carol for PM, Arlene!
This blog is a fab souvenir of a fantastic break! :-)
18 Jun, 2009
~thanks David!
18 Jun, 2009
Great Blog Arlene!! Thanks for sharing your photos. Glad you got to meet with other GoY members too.
What a beautiful garden. I bet you had a lovely time.
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Arlene the pics are great....:>)
21 Jun, 2009
Very nice! I enjoyed the pictures - they are very vibrant!
26 Jun, 2009
What lovely pictures of a lovely garden - although it looks more like a Park! Somebody has done lots of work. Well done to all.
26 Jun, 2009
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18 Jun, 2009
Beautiful picures of a beautiful place. Hope to take my own next year!
15 Jun, 2009