By Arlene
~ and how to help them!
This appeal is from The Bumblebee Conservation Trust~
We are hoping to win funding for a fantastic project to restore bumblebee habitat along the Pembrokeshire coast. By creating flower-rich areas along a new path, BBCT hope to support populations of the very rare shrill carder bee and other bumblebees, as well as providing habitat for a wide range of other invertebrates and birds. But to get there we need YOUR HELP it will only take two clicks…Please help us, NOW!!! ~vote at
or www.livefortheoutdoors.com click on news and then most popular at the right hand side of screen!
None of this can happen without the votes of the public as the project is up against five others hoping to receive funding from the EOG Association for Conservation. The winner will be decided by the votes of visitors to the ‘Live For The Outdoors’ website and readers of Trail Magazine. To find out more and vote for this worthwhile project please visit the Live For The Outdoors website.
Voting starts from Wednesday 27th January and is open for only 10 days!
What we propose to do
We will create wildflower-rich habitat to support rare bumblebees along a new 10km path in the Pembrokeshire National Park. By connecting key sites, this attractive route through spectacular scenery will help prevent the national extinction of the shrill carder bee.
Why people should vote for us
This is a fantastic opportunity to help a really rare bumblebee and create a lovely place for a walk! Your vote will help us to introduce wildflowers along a new path through previously-restricted MoD land at Castlemartin and create wildflower-rich meadows nearby. This will provide essential bumblebee habitat and also create pretty places full of flowers, bees and butterflies for everyone to enjoy. We’ll be bringing extra colour and ‘buzz’ to beautiful Pembrokeshire! Bumblebees are vital to us as they pollinate many wildflowers and important crops, so it is imperative that we look after them. The project can make a real difference as Pembrokeshire supports many bumblebee species, including the very rare shrill carder bee (a handsome little bumblebee with a high-pitched buzz!). Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and the MoD have already offered to support this exciting project if we can find funding. So please vote for the bumbles -
© The Bumblebee Conservation Trust 2010 – www.bumblebeeconservation.org
GOY ers ~ get voting!
Website to vote! www.livefortheoutdoors.com/…/Choose-the-most-worthy-eco-project-Entry-two—-Bumblebee-Conservation-Trust/ **********
28 Jan, 2010
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~ thank you Piersdad!
28 Jan, 2010
just voted arlene,support this great cause ,
28 Jan, 2010
my cacti had a bumble visitor just minutes after it had opened
perhaps you could add it to your blog with an edit
28 Jan, 2010
~ hi Piersdad~ couldn't work out how to get that into my blog so added one of mine~thanks anyway!
29 Jan, 2010
Done :-)
29 Jan, 2010
Just voted for this very worthwhile project Arlene. After all without the plants and flowers there would be no life and without pollination there would be no flowers.
Who could imagine a summer without the soft drone of the bumble bees.
29 Jan, 2010
what a great project Arlene...i just added your plea to my facebook page....the bees are winning so far....;-))
29 Jan, 2010
piersdad thats a great story...;-))
29 Jan, 2010
Arlene, Do you know what the blue flowers are in that lovely pic? I though Bluebells at first but now I'm not sure.
29 Jan, 2010
I've voted, there were bees in one of my bird boxes last year ! I was told not to disturb them so haven't cleared box out yet. I hope you receive lots of votes.
29 Jan, 2010
Heron, think they are Chionodoxa, or Glory of the snow. Saw a stunning display at Kew Gardens last year.
29 Jan, 2010
~yes Megan I think you are right~ this was taken at Kew last March!
29 Jan, 2010
Thanks for this Arlene just voted so good luck a great project and hopefully raise awareness that we could all do a little bit in our gardens to help too.
Although not as rare we had some carder bees nest in our garden purely by chance I scarified the lawn and left moss seperate from garden waste .Apparently this ideal for them to nest in and our wide selection of weeds esp hedge woundwort one of their favourite food sources ..if you ever needed a reason to have a wild area of your garden lol
Read that although colonies die during winter queens hibernate Megan so you do right to leave suppose makes sense as queens must be born last year in order to raise colonies this year ? Is that right Arlene ?
29 Jan, 2010
~ I have just put a new blog with more info~ apparently the old queen bee dies off in the Autumn and the new queens who burrow into the ground for the winter, found new colonies~lets hope it hasn't been too cold and they have all perished!
29 Jan, 2010
Thanks Arlene.Suspected they must do as couldnt see how they could be raised breed and form their own colonies in one season . The bees constructed a wax chamber about the size of a melon not sure if last years queens hibernating in it but left safely just in case.
29 Jan, 2010
Thanks for this Arlene going to do my bit now .. :o)
29 Jan, 2010
Done ! :o))
And glad to see the bumblebees seem to have most votes so far.
29 Jan, 2010
~ yes I am pleased about that Hywel! fingers crossed!
29 Jan, 2010
Bonkersbon, I shall leave bird box alone, not just because queen may be in there , but also because screw attaching box to fence post has rusted solid !
29 Jan, 2010
Just voted for such a worthwhile cause. We depend on so many things in nature and as more and more are being lost we really do have to get serious about protecting them. Bees, all of them are so vital to everything.
Thank you Arlene for bringing this to us.
29 Jan, 2010
Done aswell.
29 Jan, 2010
Been there, done that. It's well in the lead at the moment, hope it stays that way!
29 Jan, 2010
Well done on publicising this, Arlene. :o)
29 Jan, 2010
catching up so sorry im late arlene, i found i had lots of bumbles in summer with having quite a few wild flowers growing and cottage garden flowers helped to, good blog thanx :o)))
29 Jan, 2010
~thank you for voting!
29 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by Arlene
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- river walk part two
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- Forest sell off.
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just voted and added it to the stumbleupon site they had over 550 references there
your project reminds me of a royal visit in 1953.new zealand
she was to travel to napier along a 3 mile stretch of very uninteresting road to get to the city so they planted some wild flowers there and it was in full bloom and fantastic show.
i visited my home town 60 years later and had to travel the same route to the city and well the entire area of the road side was still covered in flowers that had self sown from the queens visit.
28 Jan, 2010