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I was very disappointed to read so many adverse comments regarding the new updated GOY…….personally I think it went very well considering the size of the job, there are bugs with most new programs remember Vista (disaster)
I went on last night and sailed through, it only took a few minutes to get used to the new layout, and this morning it all looks clean and fresh.
I belong to a number of gardening sites and some you need an A-Z to find your way around, and I have to resize all my photographs.
The old GOY was quite outdated and needed an overhaul, sorry everyone……. and the boys have done a good job , I know a number of you find the colours too bright, but altering the screen is not the answer.
Stick with it, and remember not all sites are as friendly and helpful as this one.
So I say thanks to The Boys and let us get back to the garden………….

More blog posts by Dottydaisy2

Previous post: I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD COME TO THIS...........




Dd, I do appreciate what the guys have done and have stated so, I am one of the members who preferred the green background but explained my reason for that Bulbaholic gave me some advice on that.
I ,like you soon found my way around, we have had similar situations in the past and toys have been thrown, no doubt we will again..
I like my Goy and certainly thank all who make it what it is.........

15 Oct, 2010


I love the new updated Goy....Congrats to the boys on a splendid job....:>)

15 Oct, 2010


This is what I said in another post:
"What I dislike is the loss of something that had style and flair, vibrancy and individuality, in the favour of something mundane and mainstream, lacking in impact, that shouts like a clinician and leaves you feeling violated and exceedingly depressed."
Perhaps most of all, it is the "just like everyone else" aspect I most dislike. Why should we be just like everyone else? Lacking in character and individuality. This scripted grey is apalling and the blanket white a disgrace of creativity. Of all the skills us gardeners bring to the "party", very few have been adopted by our designers.
Newcomers will find themselves motivated away from our site, as any impact euphoria is completely absent. What good will bigger photos do after that, eh?

15 Oct, 2010


I agree with Dottydaisy, I'm afraid, Jason - the site previously had an old fashioned, amateurish look about it - my only beef so far is the colours, particularly this glary white and probably the point size of the text, its too big. Functionality is the same, no complaints there, other than PMs not being highlighted in one's outbox, all things I've done a Contact Us thing for...

15 Oct, 2010


I like the photos, Dd, but not the colour, I prefer the soft green, the white really does hurt the eyes and even toning it down on the screen sadly does not help. As the saying goes, 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' !

15 Oct, 2010


Thanks, Dotty, for the opportunity to comment again ...

As I've said elsewhere... the new design is okay... I like the large font etc. but the blue and white colours no .... would prefer two shades of light green...

and, Dotty... your heading of "credit" has inspired some "linked" ads. alongside...

... for financial credit reports etc..LOL.

15 Oct, 2010


lol Terra,....

15 Oct, 2010



15 Oct, 2010


I'm with you all the way Dotty.

15 Oct, 2010


I agree that the boys do a great job and appreciate the pleasure GoY gives me. A softer, warmer colour would still be appreciated though! I did dither around the site at first but soon found my way around - no problem :)

15 Oct, 2010


Check out the couple of blogs with photos posted today - the photos are absolutely fantastic, a huge improvement...

15 Oct, 2010


Yes, the photos are very clear aren't they :o)))

15 Oct, 2010


TT I do not have any of these credit etc, all I have is one small add...all you can eat etc

15 Oct, 2010


All you can eat? what on earth - I've just got an ad for turf and one at the top for Google Chrome - weird.

15 Oct, 2010


Interesting though isn't it?

15 Oct, 2010


I have an ad about starting your own website ....

[ top right ]

15 Oct, 2010


I have 'have you been denied credit?' advert for a loan!!!!

15 Oct, 2010


Well, all a mystery to me - I've still only got Chrome ads.

15 Oct, 2010


I found I didn't like this layout on the boys' other site "I spy a bird" so didn't log on as often as I might have done, which is a shame really as I like "twitching" and really wanted to share my pictures etc. on there.

Where you think "The old GOY was quite outdated and needed an overhaul" I think "individuality and a touch of class" but I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder (and certainly no offence meant!)

This new layout is very narrow to my eyes and seems very amateurish in design where the old version was open and gave me a feeling of space and, I don't know why but, the outdoors.

I love the fact it is going to be more adaptable than the previous version (I believe this was the driving force of the changes in the first place) but it's such a shame to lose that mellow, peaceful feel this great site once had.

As for making the site what it is, I believe that is down to the membership and has nothing to do with the layout, style sheet or the point size of the text but if the members aren't happy, and from reading Ajays blog I believe most of the comments were in the negative, then we will lose that indescribable feature that has made GoY such a good place to come and relax and have a chat!

I seriously hope we can get over this but so many of my friends on here have suggested they may not log on so often that I am beginning to doubt GoY will ever be the same again. :~((

15 Oct, 2010


Ian, that would be awful. :0(

15 Oct, 2010


I know G'mage and I've begged them to give it a week or so to see if the boys can make any changes so fingers crossed X.

15 Oct, 2010


I have written to them too on the 'contact us' ! I bet they are inundated !! x

15 Oct, 2010


Well Ian, my feeling is that if people like being on here, with people that they know, and are still interested in gardening, they won't leave, but if they do, that's their choice, surely.

15 Oct, 2010


People come and people go but Goy is still here ,my page has loads of names from when I first joined but the folk are not around or very quiet ,I do not in all honesty believe Goy itself as a forum will lose out and that is down to how one really feels about it , how much one enjoys being a member and chatting about our gardening experiences, gaining knowledge, both here and around the world, yes and even all the other parts that make it so enjoyable, holidays, days out, places to visit, even our grumpy days, they do not last long .
I for one am staying put.......

15 Oct, 2010


Ajay mine is definitely not so bright, many thanks.......

15 Oct, 2010


Sorry I still dislike the icy blue :o((
The rest is ok and I'll get used to it I suppose
But I DO dislike the icy blue :o(((

Why is green outdated anyway ??

15 Oct, 2010


I think, the people who say they won't log on so much are genuinely upset at the prospect of not being a regular part of GoY any more but just can not take the colour set and/or some of the other changes. I don't believe they are "throwing their dummies out of the pram" for one second and to be honest I feel GoY 'will' lose out if they don't come back.

It's such a shame that something the boys have worked so hard on has had such a negative effect. As Ajay said, they weren't trying to upset us with these changes but unfortunately this seems to have been the effect. To be honest I'm not spending as much time logged on as I used to simply because the colour scheme hurts my eyes if I look at it for to long.

I do hope the boys will do something about the colours, and soon.

15 Oct, 2010


It's a question of patience, really Ian - those who don't want to stick around for a couple of days or so to see what it ends up like have that choice, but hopefully it'll end up being tweaked so that the colours aren't a strain, though so far, despite the blue shading on the right, its still a strain for me to look at without sunglasses. So I for one hope it gets resolved, because I must admit, if it stayed bright white, I wouldn't chose to spend a lot of time on here.

15 Oct, 2010


I find I cannot use the site for very long now as the white is so bright it hurt my eyes, I think the new look is very modern and copycat of so many other sites that for me its appearance is now quite boring. I am disappointed in the use of this bright blue with startling whites that dazzle me so! I certainly dont want to log on and keep adjusting the brightness. Hopefully these teething problems will be put right and soon?

15 Oct, 2010


I'm glad you've written this blog DD. I agree with Ian Digs about the site being the members..not the layout or design. It's US that make the site so good, not Ajay and Peter, wonderful and clever though they are! I'm sorry that some of you are finding the white too glary but I really like the bigger font and the bigger pictures. I'm not keen on the blue either, but the new logo is lovely, modern but also very pretty. I really hope my friends don't leave as I will miss you all!

15 Oct, 2010


I too said this site is for members Ks. without us where would they be? So think they will listen, hopefully! I love the logo too.

15 Oct, 2010


How nice to find some level-headed comments about the changes on here. I agree that it is the people who make GOY what it is and why we all keep on coming back.
The changes in font size are easily sorted - just go to the bottom right hand corner of your screen and adjust it to what suits you...I quickly reduced mine to an acceptable size and it hasn't altered any other site.
The changes in lay-out were a real shock to me initially and this aged system of mine - but I am getting around OK now....LOL
The colour scheme,however is my only real complaint and it is very harsh and glaringly white... and the gray type does NOT help I may add !! The blue is cold and icy and I find - like so many others that it does make me "scowl" and reach for the sun-specs!!
However I would hope that our almost unanimous call for a return to nature's own shade of green will fall on receptive ears!!!
Indeed the Boys have done a very smooth job in the transition and I am sure they will listen to our comments and hopefully will adjust things....and if that is all that we have to complain about - then it isn't all bad!!!

16 Oct, 2010


I was pleased to read your balanced comments DD.
The good thing about all this is that I have discovered some very interesting members and their blogs whilst following this debate, but I do hope that we can put it behind us now.

I was intrigued by your Japanese experience. Nice to know somebody famous! Well done.

All the best

16 Oct, 2010


More like infamous........whereabouts in France did you live please? we as a family love the country and try and get over at least once a year.
This revamping has certainly showed some people in their true colours lol

17 Oct, 2010


What, you mean human, DD2, lol?

17 Oct, 2010


More like argumentative Bamboo and spoiling for a fight lol

17 Oct, 2010


We dont want a fight Dd really we dont, just our green screen back to save our eyesight, that's all! So we can enjoy our rambling jottings & our photo taking once again in comfort, without sunglasses on or bad headaches! Lol. Simple really.

17 Oct, 2010


Gm my dear this was not directed at you, they know who they are!!

17 Oct, 2010


I know that, did not mean that was aimed at me Dd, was trying to speak for us all, I suppose ! Maybe I should 'shut up' now, its a shame we have been upset though isn't it?

17 Oct, 2010


Well, everyone's allowed a bit of grumpiness and distress, surely - clearly, people get upset over different things, and to different degrees, but that's okay... well at least, I think it is. All I know is I'm cheesed off wearing my sunglasses... otherwise no complaints

17 Oct, 2010


That made me laugh Bamboo, for a change, you in your sunglasses!!!!! How about we all take photos of us wearing sunglasses just like Conker ! Lol

17 Oct, 2010


Not too bad in daylight, but a blasted nuisance at night - I keep forgetting I'm wearing them and stumbling about the house in the dark, wondering why its SO dark...

17 Oct, 2010


GM and Bamboo distress and grumpy yes but it has not stopped at that has it? I am cross that the site has been slated by certain members.

17 Oct, 2010


Yes I agree, but think we are all trying to be heard in different ways, it has upset/affected us all.

17 Oct, 2010


Well, speaking for myself only, I think the transition was fantastic. The boys, as usual, have done an admirable job of making everything go off without a hitch.

I have to agree about the colour scheme being a bit hard on the eyes. Especially in the evenings when your eyes are already tired (from a hard day in the garden of course). However, I'm willing to wait it out to see if any tweaking will occur and make things more comfortable.

This site has always been about the members and will continue to be so. GoY is unique in its friendliness and concern for others. Long live GoY.!!

17 Oct, 2010


Hear, Hear can we all remember that, I realize I am one of the lucky ones as the colours are fine for me.

17 Oct, 2010


I agree Gilli ...Long live GOY indeed - but preferably a GREEN GOY.....LOL. Everything else is fine and the boys DID indeed do a great job. If the changes were needed then I am sure we are all happy to go along with all of them.....just the horrid blue and stark white contrast - it is so harsh and uncomfortable.
Bring back the nice rural gardening green please - and all the fuss would instantly die down.... as somebody else said "SIMPLES" !!

17 Oct, 2010


I am getting on fine with the changed site except for the colours & size of print. When going to another website it takes awhile for my eyes to adjust to smaller font size. I do think Ajay and Peter have upgraded the site very looks up-to-date and most members are continuing to offer wit, informative comments/ideas/suggestions and just be nice :)

I'm fairly new here and feel already that I have many friends and also I have learned such a lot through the blogs and questions. My one complaint is I spend just too much time in front of my 'puter on GOY and I'm boring my family chatting about gardens and GOY all the But..only I can turn the 'puter off and I suppose in time I will get more disciplined and spend less time here....but no promises!

17 Oct, 2010


Be warned Whistonlass.....GOY is VERY addictive. Every GOYer will agree - once hooked - you are here for HOURS a day.....LOL We all have the dusty furniture to prove it!!

17 Oct, 2010


LOL too bloomin true!! :))

17 Oct, 2010


Tell me about it !!!!!!!

17 Oct, 2010


I think there have been quite a few dinners burned on the stove due to GoY. I know I'm guilty!!

17 Oct, 2010


It's occurred to me that its addictive nature is the problem with the new colours - I have other sites I visit with a white background, and don't find them glary - but then I'm not on there long enough to notice it. This is a site I spend a lot of time on, and start to notice the glaring within about five minutes, so shades on for the next however many hours I'm on here for...

18 Oct, 2010


Hypromelloes for my eyes, new laptop with lovely new button, enabling me to turn my brightness down, thats my answer for now, oh nearly forgot, I`m still tilting it backwards.
Mind you!!!!!!! owing to keeping up on here, I`m once again behind on pics and blogs,LOL......

18 Oct, 2010


Hypromellose, ha ha, lincslass - remember to blink when you're staring at the screen, lol! I'm on Celluvisc now, 4 times a day, but that's just anyway, not cos of GoY. Much more effective than hypromellose, but only if you get a prescription, too expensive otherwise...

18 Oct, 2010


some colours soothe, some excite and others cause irritability--- interesting isn't it?

18 Oct, 2010


Indeed Pamg...and isn't it nice to be back in the green again much more restful on the
Top marks to the boys for taking notice of our protests and putting things right so quickly...three cheers I say!

18 Oct, 2010


agreed Alz, been a stressful weekend tho!!

19 Oct, 2010


just caught up dotty sorry, i totally agree with what you say, well said to ;o))

19 Oct, 2010


Thanks very much San, I was beginning to think I was banging my head against a brick door, I do hope those that wanted green are happy with

19 Oct, 2010


~~~~~ I'm H A P P Y

~~~~I'm H A P P Y ~~~~

~~~~~ I know I am, I'm sure I am!!

~~~~~ I am H A P P Y :)

19 Oct, 2010


So pleased Whistonlass next time we have an update I will go on holiday, not used to abuse on pms.....:*((

19 Oct, 2010


That is not nice, DD....sorry you've been on the receiving end of nasty pm's.

I was going to add to my above comment...."name that tune".....but thought I was being silly


19 Oct, 2010


No it was not, if the offending person had not left (been asked to leave) I would have posted her pm for all to see!!
I know that tune, it was used on a hospital farce years ago with James Bolam!!

19 Oct, 2010


ooh I like james bolam--, what was that one when he was young?---- I remember! 'when th booot cums in' ( sorry for the accent) and now 'new tricks' but then I've always liked whatshisname as well-- in the sweeney ??

19 Oct, 2010


Pam, my hubby used to sing that often to our kids when they were young and it was a family favourite at gatherings too.

19 Oct, 2010


so whats his name then -- its getting to me, --- plays Jerry in new tricks

19 Oct, 2010


thern France, miles from the railway station and airport. She is becoming a frequent visitor and loves the hilly remoteness of the place.

I still feel sad and miss everything, but family and other reasons mean that I do not regret coming home all that much.

Which parts of France have you been to DD?

19 Oct, 2010


Denis Waterman, Pamg.
I'm so sorry you received nasty PMs DD - obviously, you must have flagged them and the person has gone. Good, last thing we need on here, acid drops...

19 Oct, 2010


thankyou Bamboo.... phew thought I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!!
how can people be so horrible as to send nasty letters like that!,Dd Its sly and cowardly, if it was a paper letter you could tear it up! Chin up xxx

19 Oct, 2010


I did flag them Bamboo, but unfortunately their photographs and avatar are still there and butter would not melt, a right eye opener.
Only when I laugh the program was, anyone remember it?

19 Oct, 2010


I'm H A P P Y as Whiston said-- and the 'inmates' in the hospital were really miserable and in for weeeeks-- wouldn't happen today---they'd be lucky to get a bed!!

19 Oct, 2010


Thanks Pamg, i had sent her a pm as I did not want a full scale war......on our hands (just sticking up for the site etc) and that is what I got back, shall think twice before I back up any new ideas again lol
Any way enough of all that....gardening is the game from now on.

19 Oct, 2010


not worth the hassle Dd, say your piece in the open and leave it, as to gardening, went to the local market and bought 30 dwarf double pink tulips for £2 -- for my tubs, all bulbs, pansies, cyclamen etc. really good value, lovely day out with a friend I hadn't seen for ages

19 Oct, 2010


Hmm, well, if the person is still here, despite being asked to leave, I'd be inclined to publish the individual's name...

19 Oct, 2010


Sorry Dd, to hear whats happened, I have just got back from my daughter and found this 'mouldy' website, that is green for mouldy!! I am not sure I like it, when did it change? I still want the green screen back for restful eyes, not achy ones. Oh dear.

19 Oct, 2010


Pamg you got a bargain at the market, will look out for the photos next Spring.
GM I was one of the few that liked the blue, this is certainly not my favourite colour.
Bamboo I am waiting to see if they disappear!!

19 Oct, 2010


Sorry to hear of your troublesome PM's DD. I've been on the receiving end in the past and it's rotten. Just try and put them out of your mind.
Pamq....30 tulips for 2 pounds? What a deal!! You'd be lucky to find 3 bulbs for that price over here. We will expect pics in the spring!!

20 Oct, 2010


really! this was in Melton Mowbray ( bit far for you Gilli) but both the street market and cattle market ( yes its still going strong with many sheep quite a few cattle and a busy ' feather & fur shed) had stalls with lovely choices for £2-2.50 for 20-30 bulbs except some of the large alliums where you got less bulbs, its a nice day out

20 Oct, 2010


Sorry you were on the receiving end of nasty pm's, DD, and hope that it has been dealt with severely. There is really no need for that sort of thing - your blog expressed your opinion clearly, courteously and, all credit to you, reminded us of what Ajay and Peter do to keep the site up to date and functioning well.

20 Oct, 2010


well im with dotty on what she says and im ok with certain comments, i feel for grandmage and bamboo as i know they arent being aggressive over this, but i dont like people running the site down when the guys do their upmost to keep things going smoothly and in this day and age with so much competion unfortunatly things need to keep up with modern times or you end up on the scarp heap. but im sure Ajay and peter only do what they think is needed and always take our comments very seriously, im like dotty didnt have a problem with colour but i do appreciate others that do, hope we get back to happy thoughts now, im staying put with sue(lincs) i enjoy the site but want no part with nasty pm`s to lovely people like dotty, thats it from me ;o))

20 Oct, 2010


Thanks so much San for your continued support......thanks also Gilli and Gee.
Pamg Melton Mowbray a blast from the past used to live in Burton you know it?

20 Oct, 2010


just outside on the A606? wrong side for me but I met a friend who came through Oakham and would -- I think -- have passed it. Meltons still a busy town and I don't know if you can remember but you always need an extra layer when you visit as it always seems 2 deg. colder-- I think it must catch the wind

20 Oct, 2010


Just thought you would probably know Brooksby-- thats where I spent a brilliant year taking the national certificate horticulture ( hardy nursery stock) really great fun would reccomend it to anyone :o)))

20 Oct, 2010


Pam it is on the Oakham road.........and yes do know Brooksby.
Our two eldest daughters were born in Melton Mowbray, spent many happy years in Leicestershire, used to love the market, such good value. What can we do for you m'ee duck?

20 Oct, 2010


yw dotty, i just made shirleys plum cake to cheer me up and after two slices i feel much better lol

20 Oct, 2010


Good on you San, if you were nearer I would pop over lol

20 Oct, 2010


you would be more than welcome dotty and a good shot of something in our cuppa to lol

20 Oct, 2010


'ow mu chisit'--- thats another--- leading to the traders especially in skegness calling folk from here ' the chisits'!
Is it cold with you San, its freezing here today, bright in the sun but icy north wind goes straight through you .. Brrr, maybe a drop of somethings the answer-- this is cold for october.....

20 Oct, 2010


yes pam very sunny day with beautifull blue skies but boy its cold, must be as the fish are staying at the bottom , only came up once for something to eat but getting less now ;o(

20 Oct, 2010


changed mine onto the wheatgerm pellets last week but havn't seen them for days now. Gave the bird feeders a good clean and stocked them, there's still lots of berries about but I do like watching them

20 Oct, 2010


Here too, Pamg - bloomin' freezing, and the blue tits are frantic on the bird table... which fortunately is up and loaded now.

20 Oct, 2010


what are wheatgerm pellets for pam, its my first year so didnt know you had to change food ;o(

20 Oct, 2010


Sorry folks, but I seem to have missed out on this blog since I posted on it on 15th.
DD2 - You have my full support. To be the recipient of not too pleasent pm's, is totally unacceptable. I didn't realise that this was going on, on such a lovely site.
To be honest, I would always prefer a "forgive and forget" approach, accepting that the best of us can always have some very off days, taking it out on people we are endeered to the most.
I remember once being the object of road rage. That is, a lot of finger pointing and verbal abuse. I rendered him powerless by shuddering and shaking, stuttering and spluttering, and pleading with him not to hurt me. About one minute later he drove off, and I grinned from ear to ear.
After all, there was very little his Dagenham Dustbin could do to my tractor, eh? Equally, if someone sent me a nasty pm, I am sure I would just ignore it, delighting in the fact that poor quality genes always tend to do that sort of thing.

20 Oct, 2010


lol jason, your so right and like your approach to the road rage beast to ;o)

20 Oct, 2010


Hi San, usually my fish-- i've 2 ponds one with goldfish and the other ghost koi ( the heron can't see them so well as the coloured ones!) normally by october don't come up to feed and I only ever feed when they 'ask' , the local pet shop suggested them rather than the normal floating sticks as they are better for the fishes digestion when its cold . On the bag it says use if water temp is 10c & below and do not feed at all below 5c.they came up and ate them for 3-4 days but now its cold I havn't seen them , the idea seems to be that normal food takes longer for them to digest and the with wheatgerm it doesn't matter if the temp drops a bit --- does that make any sense...

20 Oct, 2010


thanx pam yes it makes sense. cant get to pond place now till weekend umm, maybe i should crush the sticks a bit if they come up to feed till i can get there, i noticed one of my fish has started to go inside the plastic tubes iv put at the bottom, im also hoping it doesnt freeze to thick ,its not a deep pond, im a bit worried, but other members seem to think it will be ok, clarice has a pond the same depth and has no probs,

20 Oct, 2010


i wouldn't feed unless they come up looking hungry, although if the temp overnight is quite high it won't be a problem. Mine just dont want to eat when its cold anyway
talking about freezing have you any running water as that may not freeze, failing that put something like a rubber ball near the edge then if it stays frozen you can remove it to allow some oxygen in when the suns out, don't whatever you do try to break ice as it gives the fish an awful shock ( so I understand not having been a fish!-- altho my aunty married one and had three little fishes!!)

20 Oct, 2010


thanx mine getting that way to pam.

20 Oct, 2010


:o))) xxx

20 Oct, 2010


off now to relax with hubby, nite pam x

20 Oct, 2010


Melton Mowbray....Oooo, lovely pork pies!! Speaking of which, I've finally found a little British specialty shop over here that has real Melton Mowbray pies. It's 460 kms away in Langley but at least I can buy them by the caseful (frozen of course) when I go down to the coast and keep them in the deep freeze. They have proper British bangers too!!

21 Oct, 2010


Nice to know we're still exporting something Gilli, the EU has allowed that only pies made in melton can carry the name!--- Its a long way to go for a pie!!

21 Oct, 2010


We used to buy them at Woodward's food floor in Vancouver but alas Woodward's is no more, Gilli. Glad you can get ahold of your favourite pies and bangers.

21 Oct, 2010


I like my food - a lot, but one thing I've never been able to stand is pork pie...

21 Oct, 2010


This blog is brilliant, I always check it out as soon as I log on, so far today I found what to do if ever I come up against road rage,( mind you I can`t drive so would be the innocent passenger) fed the fish, eaten cake, and am now enjoying pork pie, will say I think Melton Mowbray pies are very good but have to stay faithful to a Nelsons Pie, can be bought in Oakham, Uppingham, & Stamford, the sausages are delicious as well, and if my family had to eat any other sausage rolls at xmas they would never forgive me.. LOL. I am fading away now..........
Much too cold for actual gardening, I`m going soft in my old age....

21 Oct, 2010


It is cold Licns, althoug the wind changed to a southwesterly this afternoon so it isn't as bitter at the moment!
now sausages--- from the cattlemarket food hall,( open barn) made locally and the pork & stilton are The Best!, and the smell on a cold day of sausages , bacon & onions cooking and being put into big cobs (no not baps or rolls!) and sold to eat as you walk around is mouthwatering....., started-- i think-- for the farmers who start so early on market day but caught on with the crowds.
I havn't heard of Nelsons pies are they more a Rutland company? next time I go to Oakham where would I look for them please Lincs

21 Oct, 2010


Gilli, amazing to think you can get pork pies over there having lived a few miles from Melton we were spoilt for choice and real stilton cheese, do miss that, not the same here.

21 Oct, 2010


when i lived in Gaddeby nr Melton our milkman was from Long Clawson dairies-- he'd post the stilton through the letterbox, now that was good stilton.....

21 Oct, 2010


Oooh...I'm feeling hungry...all this talk of pies, sausages, cheese....(hubby is fond of pork pie...I'd choose cheese)...this page is turning out to be a font of all are so right Lincslass. :)

21 Oct, 2010


I take great pleasure in awarding you the 'Bornagain's Flowerpot' award for 100 comments on a blog, Dotty. LOL

21 Oct, 2010


And I take great pleasure in accepting it

21 Oct, 2010


Long Clawson, all these names from the's like memory lane all over again.Melton Had a smashing cafe where we used to buy cakes.....was it Dickinson and Morris or something like that?

21 Oct, 2010


Its not a cafe any more but is the home of the melon pork pie -- it has a shop/bakery that has been there since the 1850's---and is now a tourist attraction. It still sells cakes & bread and of course the Melton Hunt cake ( like a christmas cake without the icing) and a sausage shop next door
just to note in case you want a trip down memory lane Melton now hosts a food fair , ( only just gone) at Brooksby, they originally held it in the town but it got too big!-- I think I need breakfast now but it won't be a fryup!

22 Oct, 2010


Listen up girls, I am supposed to be on a diet! Fat lot of good all this talk of pies is doing :-))) Come and try real Lincoln sausages which everyone is hoping will have protected status before long.
Have never been to Melton Mowbray, but always seemed to manage to go round it unwittingly, on my way back from Welbeck when my grandson was at the sixth from college there. He has moved on to University of Solent now, so I shall not be able to see him so often.

I can't help wondering how many of us on here are actually living in Lincolnshire. So far I know about three: any more for anymore???
Photos soon Lincslass :-))))

22 Oct, 2010


Pam, Nelsons Butchers originated in Stamford in Red lion square where they still have one of the shops , another on Broad St. and the factory is on North st., the one in Oakham is on the High Street, I worked at the factory for over37 yrs....
Felin there are quite a few of us yeller-bellies,lol....

23 Oct, 2010


Thanks Links, don't go often to Stamford but did go in the summer, lovely town with interesting shops and a nice small market, I'll ask my friend from Wansford, she shops there a lot.
Thats a long time to work in one place, you must miss the friendships ( and the pies)!

24 Oct, 2010


I agree with you fully DD2. There is no other gardening site better than this one. It's very informative, and the members are very helpful with any questions that any of the members might have...............:-)
Hope you're doing well DD2........

24 Oct, 2010


Thanks very much Louis, doing ok, not liking this cold weather though, frost again tonight.

24 Oct, 2010


I am a new member so I only just got used to the site before it changed, but I must say it is really good. the colour scheme is just right and the photos seem to come out at just the right size.

27 Oct, 2010


GD so pleased you like it........

27 Oct, 2010

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