I Have A Plan!
By Gillian
Having found it almost impossible to keep up with everyone’s beautiful photos, I have decided to work through my list of ‘favourites’ one a day and catch up on everyone’s gardens.
Today was ‘Chrispook Day’ and I’ve just enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the last couple of months of pictures.
I think this might work…………
22 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Need More Time!
Next post: Miss Gnomer 2008
Hi Gillian... I think that you will find that this works well. I started doing this myself about a month ago because it was very hard to keep up as this site grows.
22 Sep, 2008
Good luck Gillian if we dont hear from you in a while we know you re stuck out there somewhere in cyber space.If
you bump into Clueless he might need your help.
22 Sep, 2008
Will we all go bonkers on " Bonkers Day " ? :)
22 Sep, 2008
Let me know when you're having an Andrewr Day - I might be out on the Harley!
22 Sep, 2008
Mikec ~
You've hit on something here.
Gillian will hopefully reveal which day is to be known as BONKERS DAY, so that we can mark it in our diaries.
Please don't choose 7th Oct. as I have a dental appointment.
For obvious reasons, ANDREWR DAY will be celebrated in Jellystone Park . :o)
22 Sep, 2008
It can only be April 1st - is it the same in US Mike ? its our fools day here.Do I need to wear anything special TT ?
22 Sep, 2008
youl have 2 have a Jacque wk 2see all my Pics Gillian lol :D
22 Sep, 2008
She ll need a Jacque month to catch up ! x
22 Sep, 2008
LOL u mite b rite there Bonkers :D
22 Sep, 2008
Aye but time well spent as you have some great photos. Yes TT have taken medication notice how nice Im being .Anyone in need of a compliment answer quick before this wears off .
22 Sep, 2008
Awwwwwwwww thanx bonkers :)
22 Sep, 2008
You deserve it Jacque as always so complimentary to others . Least I can do . Aww quick turning to mush here.
22 Sep, 2008
lol thanx mush lol :)
22 Sep, 2008
Blonde BB :
You'll need special headgear to protect your new hairdo, with a dripfeed attachment for medication.
Jacque has already passed 2012 in pictures uploaded.
Reckon Jacque boots would be ideal to wade through so many photos. That ought to qualify Jacque for our Wellie Olympic team.
Bonkersblond: if you run out of things to compliment, there's probably a few new tats. on a blog somewhere. :o)
22 Sep, 2008
wellies ?did sum1mention me on a wellie team wwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooo whens it my turn TT:)
22 Sep, 2008
Mush Jacque ? thought my voice getting a little husky .
Gillian you there ? OMG gone into the void.
22 Sep, 2008
Yes,Jacque you're on the team with your Jacque boots.
I'll post an official announcement on my blog tomorrow.
Bonkers : It's tea-break across the pond ~
Gillian has her crocs set to a different time zone.
22 Sep, 2008
Of course its waffle and maple syrup time. No maple syrup but loads of waffle.
22 Sep, 2008
I came home from work yesterday feeling fairly organised (for once!) then discovered about thirty new emails since I left for work that morning, about twenty of which were re.GOY ! Since people here seemed to want dinner so I put off venturing onto here until now.
I actually cheated a little yesterday and ventured into Marksbegonias as well as Chrispook, but will finish looking at his pictures today. You could be right about it becoming Jacque week, I've got a lot to catch up on there!
Terratoonie I'm sorry to hear you have a dental appointment on my birthday, that's meant to be a happy day!
Right now I have to head onto facebook and catch up with my groups, dungeons & dragons etc. then start on some housework ( I'm home today!) but expect me back later!
23 Sep, 2008
I have a Greek dentist. She's lovely. She has a new baby.
So with luck, Gillian, your birthday will be happy ~
Just a quick check of my teeth and then looking at baby photos. I bet the baby girl has nice teeth. Lol. :o)
So, you ventured over to Marksbegonias. That's almost 900 pics. Chrispook has 1121 at the last count. Jacque has just joined the Wellie Olympics team and has in excess of 2012 amazing photos. Just how much housework do you hope to achieve? :o)
23 Sep, 2008
I have already seen a fair number of those pictures, just missing about the last couple of months.
Housework I have planned today is mainly laundry, baking, bathroom cleaning and grocery shopping - should be do-able!
Just got back from facebook where someone is picking on my dragon so I had to enlist help to deal with that. Apparently he went off fighting on his own last night too and managed to win that one!
Then I had to send Fuggle off on his new adventure and go on a quest in Elven Blood - luckily all these little distractions don't take long and fit in nicely when I'm waiting for laundry to be done etc.!
23 Sep, 2008
Oh, that's okay then.
All dragons safely in the den.
You seem very normal indeed.
Just for a moment I thought maybe the stress of it all had become too much for you, and BB and I would be prescribing a course of our medication. :o)
23 Sep, 2008
'Normal' is open to many interpretations!
Anyway, back to see how Fuggle is doing !
23 Sep, 2008
Hi gillian mine will be mega easy if and when get to me no photos no digi to take em as yet its still on the list which seems to keep getting longer think i need to cut back on disractions
23 Sep, 2008
Great idea Gillian! Will have to try it as well . Catching up is quite a chore now, although a very pleasant one! Where does all the time go in summer!!!
24 Sep, 2008
Gillian ~
Maybe I should have put my message on this blog and not your most recent blog :
Is today "David Day" or "Grenville Day" ?
24 Sep, 2008
Today turned out to be both David Day and Grenville Day!
Depends how many pictures I'm catching up with!
24 Sep, 2008
Good idea from me as well Gillian, will try it! And loonietoonie maybe you could just try cutting back on some other things here and post some pics for us, ya think?! hehe.. Lets see now when was it you joined and how many pics have we got to look at?
24 Sep, 2008
Pollyannaever :
My fourth, and most fantastic photo ~
Cow Watering Lane ~ is struggling badly from lack of comments and likes.:o(
This has severely affected my ability and confidence in uploading more photographs. :o(
How can I compete with amazing pictures of broken trowels, gnomes with bows, and special travel cages for cockatiels :o)
24 Sep, 2008
Good idea have adopted it already. Kudos to You!!
28 Sep, 2008
Excellent plan Gillian. Hi, I'm Harli and live in Washington State, the NW corner of America.
I look at peoples pictures when I'm stuck on hold on the phone, much more pleasant!
29 Sep, 2008
Good idea Harli!
29 Sep, 2008
Happy Birthday Gillian.
Bonkers Day.
and I've visited the dentist.
No treatment, just a polish-up!
7 Oct, 2008
Thanks Terratoonie, glad the trip to the dentist was not too bad!
7 Oct, 2008
Thanks Marguerite! Haven't seen you on here for a while, nice to have you back!
7 Oct, 2008
Marguerite ~
The insomniacs on the other side of the world appreciate that if they turn on their computers in the middle of the night, there's a good chance you've posted some more of your lovely photos! :o)
7 Oct, 2008
Aye and strangely they get more beautiful with each drink.
7 Oct, 2008
Recent posts by Gillian
- Trip To Warsaw Caves Conservation Area - see me on youtube!
5 Sep, 2009
- Tori Heads To Vancouver With Wellie!
17 May, 2009
- I'm Still Here! =)
3 Apr, 2009
- The Language of Flowers , Mo - Ya
14 Feb, 2009
- The Language of Flowers - Dai - Mi
14 Feb, 2009
- The Language of Flowers, A - Dah
13 Feb, 2009
Members who like this blog
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11 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
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4 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Jul, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Feb, 2008
I frequently go back to look at old photos from members. Some of you might be surprised when you get a comment on a photo from way back!
Good idea to have a plan, Gillian.
When you're busy, have a "Terratoonie Day" ~
I currently have only 4 photos. LOL
22 Sep, 2008