My Epi has blooms!
By Lori
Have had this sad looking cactus for about six years and I’ve been waiting and waiting for it to flower… this summer I put it outdoors and let the rain water it and the sun make it healthy and it has given me two lovely flowers. The plants are not the prettiest things but their flowers are just spectacular. (that’s pretty much true of most cacti, right?)
A friend gifted me a lanky euphorbia in a 6 inch pot! no kidding, it was 3 ft tall and had to be propped…I repotted it in a large pot, in cactus soil, with some friends…(an epi, a beaucarnea, and a cutting from one of my schlumbergera) They weathered the summer out doors as well and all are looking green and healthy.
Also have a night blooming cereus but it’s not doing as well as I had hoped…no blooms, yet! The friend who gave it to me had pictures of his in bloom and they were as spectacular as the epis… it’s blossoms will be white. Maybe next summer?
25 Sep, 2014
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LOL... Hi M! it does make you feel a little guilty doesn't it? I felt like I should have a fanfare! Ta Da!
25 Sep, 2014
I felt like cheering when mine eventually flowered Lori, it turned out I hadn't been neglectful enough, well worth the wait as they are lovely flowers.....
26 Sep, 2014
They are worth waiting for aren't they? I fear mine might have been neglected to death this summer, left out in full sun with hardly any water - not what it wants at all. Not fair to it, as other years its had lovely flowers.
26 Sep, 2014
Thanks Lincs .. Oh that's too bad, Stera! You had a nice hot summer of 2014? Ours was pretty cool in spots but there was adequate rain and a little more heat than last summer.
26 Sep, 2014
I'm pleased your Epi has bloomed at last.
I think cacti are the most interesting plants on the planet :D
27 Sep, 2014
Yes Lori, we had an amazing summer, no rain for weeks and the ground powder dry. We have had a day's rain this last week but it has only penetrated a few inches. Sorry to hear yours was less than good, but your veg and flowers don't seem to have suffered!
27 Sep, 2014
So amusing, Hywel.... I'm not surprised at your comment. I have read your blogs about all your beautiful cacti and find them really helpful and informative. Thank you!
Hoping for rain for you Stera. It's such a stress on the poor plants, as well as the gardener!
27 Sep, 2014
Found it ! I'm glad your Epi bloomed for you Lori , we have had a wonderful summer but ! and there is a but ! we have been warned of hurricanes this week so its time to batten down the hatches and get ready for the inevitable changes of the seasons ...
20 Oct, 2014
Your hoping has worked Lori - we have had torrential rain several times this last week! Must bring my epi in and repot it , see if I can save it, its in a bad way.
21 Oct, 2014
Why does it have to be too much..or not at all? Our weather has been so schizzo. I'm sure the epi will bounce back, Stera. I had this silly thought about a serious subject, Amy...but I couldn't help myself. When I read your comment this jumped into my brain! "In Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire...hurricanes hardly happen?"
22 Oct, 2014
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Hi there, long time no see.
Yes those epis are pretty drab looking plants, i usually push them outside in spring and try to forget about them, and then i am made to feel guilty because they produce these little beauties after all that neglect. Some nice pics, showing how small they look but closer up are something else.
25 Sep, 2014