Summer 2019*
By Lori
The draft that I started for the spring of 2020…is on hold. Just realized that I hadn’t finished or published the story of Summer 2019.
The butterflies were back… and later in the summer with the blooming of the asclepias we had Monarch Butterflies once more!
Ligularias from seed lined the stream..and I found that my Desdemona was still living..just a little farther down stream! The yellow water iris came into it’s own in 2019 as well… My irises did not perform as well as I had hoped with smaller blooms. so I reformed the streamside beds and hoped it would make a difference… (jury’s still out on that one.)
have always believed that pictures are worth a thousand words… last summer it became evident that I had too many hostas in too little space… that the irises needed thinning and replanting… so much work that I started too late and I’m having to catch up this spring… From the forest (thinning) to the streams (silt filled and banks needing stones) to the meadow (dry as old bones) to the wildflower carpet in the woods… and not least my iris collection and conservation efforts of the woodland floor… it had me running like a mouse on a treadmill…
Last autumn I said: “Amen!” I gave it one long, last look and hoped for it all to come right this spring… as I said above… the jury’s still out. This was the summer that was 2019.
26 May, 2020
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Next post: *Spring 2020*
Some lovely things there Lori.I don't know how you manage to do all that!
26 May, 2020
Wonderfull snapshot of last summer on your land lori.
So nice to see how it's all doing.
Good to see bluebells there, and not the Spanish variety.
Looking at the pic of the hawkmoth, is it a bedstraw? Lucky you with all those beauties, hope you have a good summer this year and get a bit more done. Gardens are never sorted though are they.....thank goodness!
27 May, 2020
Oh last summer when the world was normal and life was actually less complicated.
thank you for the trip around your garden it is lovely.
27 May, 2020
Lovely to see your return Lori you cant beat those butterflies they are a welcome.
sight your garden and stream looks beautiful very colourful I hope your Iris does better next year for you.
27 May, 2020
Thanks for sharing, Lori! You’ve posted really beautiful pics.
The butterflies and bees have an abundance of flowers to choose from.
27 May, 2020
Beautiful Iris's and butterflies too Lori, of course. I particularly like the impressive Hawk moth, out in daylight too. The photo with the rock and round green leaves reminds me of the Butterburr (Petasites hybridus) which my OH brought a piece of home from a fishing trip. They (those people who do things and we don't know) had been clearing the bank and there laid this plant, so OH brought it home! Don't, is the only thing I can say. Planted by the side of the old pond it grew huge, massive tap roots spreading in all directions and throwing up yet more plants. Digging couldn't get rid and it was only when we had the pond re-done that it was gone (fingers crossed). I like wild flowers, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Your Hosta looks terrific, no holes and lovely flowers. Horribly dry here and I have to keep watering mine to keep them alive.
28 May, 2020
Thanks Bjs, and Stera2! The English Bluebells were a gift from a mutual goy friend, Resi. Planted roughly 6 yrs ago, they've had a hard run and the expansion of clump has been slow and they're budding now! The hawkmoth was on phlox. I have two large patches and the little guy stayed, and stayed. The Mallards have returned, just today, as well. Hawks, squirrels, chipmunks and this morning when I was starting my coffee I was astonished to see a gartersnake..on the counter... flicking his little red tongue at me. I thought for a minute that I was dreaming... but no! as cooly as I could I motioned him toward the door... between the cat and dog he slithered along. I stepped over our speedbump cat and opened the door in time for him to slither through... and gone! like magic. I'm puzzled as to how he got in... let alone up on my counter! Won't be having mouse problems.
28 May, 2020
Loved your snake story, little red tongue and all 😃
I do miss them. The ones I occasionally found in the house were always babies. Good thing too as ours grew up to 2m, I would have been very wary.
2 Jun, 2020
Since I've crossed the 60 yr. threshold, I've found that my dreams aren't as fully formed or coherent and last night I had a dilly... it was about my little snake...and a huge rat. apparently the rat was somebody's pet and my little snake was pursuing it throughout my house! I was running from room to room trying to stay between them, and couldn't capture either of them. (for protection of mr. rat ) lol... they hadn't heard about social distancing. time to go weed some flower beds. ;-)
6 Jun, 2020
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Beautiful catch up,look forward to the next part.
26 May, 2020