Mike C's Blog (23) A very special rose...
By MikeC
Hello everyone,
This is a very special rose as it was my mother’s favorite.
The rose is " Comte De Chambord "
Today would have been my mother’s 90th birthday if she were still with us. She passed away in 1989. This rose is very special as it has quite a history to it. The bush was in my mother’s neighbor’s back yard for about five years or so. My mother always admired the roses as she could see the bush very well from her window over the kitchen sink. She would say that it always made washing dishes a pleasure when the roses were in bloom. About a couple years or so before my mother passed away, the neighbor’s retired, sold their home and moved to Florida. My mother asked if she could have the bush and the neighbor very gladly transplanted the bush into my mother’s back yard. It was placed so that she could still see it from her kitchen window.
In 2000 after my father passed away, my sister and I sold my parents home and before leaving I dug up the rose and planted in my sister’s garden as I was living in an apartment at that time. In 2003 when I bought my present home I dug up the rose bush again and planted it in my back garden. Despite being uprooted so many times the bush has always done very well. So as you can see the rose bush is very special to me as I think if my mother every time I see it.
I just now took notice to something… This is my blog number 23 and my parents house number was 23.
Happy 90th birthday mom…
8 Jun, 2009
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Lovely blog MikeC, and a gorgeous rose. So glad it holds fond memories for you.
8 Jun, 2009
That rose has done so well after being replanted so many times. You must have handled it with real tlc, Mike. Mookins is right, your Mum's smile is beautiful.
8 Jun, 2009
Ahh what lovely memories for you every time you see the rose blooming Mike , I,m so glad it survived all the moves .
Number 23 is lucky for you ,
The rose is very beautiful :o)
8 Jun, 2009
A lovely memory Mike. :o)
8 Jun, 2009
What a lovely rose to remember your mum.
8 Jun, 2009
ist it amazing how a single plant can cause so many happy memories.
8 Jun, 2009
What a lovely blog and a beautiful rose....so glad it flowered on your Mum's birthday Mike.
8 Jun, 2009
Gorgeous Rose for a great mum, lovely blog Mike
8 Jun, 2009
Rose petals soft as mothers touch …Happy birthday Mike’s Mum
8 Jun, 2009
Thats a special blog,a beautiful Rose for special thoughts......
8 Jun, 2009
A lovely blog and a wonderful tribute to your Mom! Glad the rose bush has done so well - perhaps it has it's own special guardian angel, Mike....
Happy Birthday Mike's Mom!
9 Jun, 2009
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Happy Birthday MikeC's mum
what a beautiful smile
and a beautiful rose
x x x
8 Jun, 2009